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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Just visited Tescos in Beccles and the car park was full. Folk certainly were not in Tescos itself which was very quiet, thank goodness, so they must all be shopping in the Town which is good.
  2. You cannot beat Seppings The Butchers, you have to queue to get in the front door sometimes. Always buzzing and busy. Proper butchers. Lady takes the money in a little room as you go out of the door. Just like the old days. Lovely kitchen shop with a coffee shop behind that is just through the alley way to Tescos.
  3. 7 , Peter where are they, that knowledge will be useful. I seem to recall, at one there was Cats Protection (that went) and the A charity shop.
  4. From what I gather most folk shop at the large supermarkets , of which there are many, from Lidl to Morrisons, Tescos, Sainsburys Asda you name it is there and all have free parking.
  5. Oh dear I feel I have to defend dear little Beccles. As a Market Town I think it is one of the best. I think I know of 2 charity shops. In fact when I had a lot of clothes to give to charity I could not find a charity shop in Beccles. If you went to Sittingbourne in Kent you would be hard pressed to find any actual retail. It is all charity shops or empty shops - gross. In Beccles we have lots of little shops tucked away here there and everywhere.
  6. Gosh Jean you are modern. I would not know where to start with that and doubt very much my Windows iphone would even manage to achieve an app for it. Never mind soon be Christmas. So if you are going out anywhere in the UK you can pay by phone. Now that is a good idea. Nothing worse than rocking up to a National Trust Car Park to find that it has gone up another pound. Ok if you carry a load of change around but I dont.
  7. My initial thoughts are , if this even goes ahead , I suppose it wont be so busy to park there. I have to pay in Beccles to park so why not there. I agree about the odd amounts and the fact they give no change. If it was all rounded up or down to the £1 it would be much easier than having to root around for a 10p which 9 times out of 10 you have not got and have to pop in another 50p or a £1.
  8. Absolutely they are a disgrace. Other half tells me that some time ago an old chap who has his boat at the harbour mentioned that years ago there was a facility at the harbour for pump outs, if true be good if that was resurrected for busy times.
  9. Not sure where you mean Jean? The car park (well rough ground) is a large area for parking adjacent to the harbour. Not the short stay part , 30 mins I believe that is.
  10. According to the local rag , changes in the future could be afoot. If they are as is mooted proposing to charge for us to use the car park , then may I as someone who uses this car park on a regular basis , ask that it is resurfaced because at the moment there is more puddles than car park.
  11. If only!!!! At least they would be looking somewhere other than the windscreen.
  12. They certainly do not ever look before reversing out of a spot. They just get in and bung it in to reverse and expect the rest of us to react.
  13. I just love the cricket but alas not having Sky Sports at the moment have missed out on this seasons cricket. The one thing I will agree with you is that our Joe (Root) should not be Captain. Needs someone with more experience. You dont mention Moeen Ali (see ball hit ball) he has some brilliant moments. Not forgetting Adil Rashid and Stuart Broad. Both have their moments of brilliance.
  14. Good luck Robin, I am sure the day will go well. I personally hate driving in Norwich so goodness only knows what I would be like in London now, I used to drive in London regularly and think nothing of it. It does seem a shame not to have a 3 point turn in the test or reversing around the corner, however, assume they are still taught as we live in a very quiet area where most of the Learners are brought to start with when they start to learn to drive. They are definitely taught to reverse around the corner in front of our place. Mind you I have never seen anyone doing a 3 point turn. Someone gave me some advice years ago and that was not only drive your car but anticipate what everyone else on the road is going to do with theirs. We have the same 'Nellies' up here as everywhere else at times. All the best.
  15. And this year has been a 'bumper' year. Loads more happy holiday makers able to see the upper parts of the Broads.
  16. Some parts of Poole Harbour of so shallow you can stand up there and the water comes to about your knees. We were on a day boat years ago and suddenly realised that the Wind Surfers were standing beside their windsurfers and we were close to running aground.
  17. Fab pics - the water looks unreal. Not often you see it like that and a blue sky to boot. Would have made in times gone past a really good post card to send home.
  18. We often stay there Jean. Excellent mooring with excellent mooring posts , nice and high no fear of overtipping at all. More important - peaceful.
  19. I have very good reasons for not having anything to do with it. Lets leave it there. A very touchy subject - sorry but it is.
  20. This time I will try and remember to look at the web cam at the right time. Have a safe trip back.
  21. That's a tad unfair we do not and will never do Facebook - our money is as good as the next person. Sorry I feel miffed.
  22. Shall we start a Broom Captain Section? We are on a Captain in October and really looking forward to it. We have also booked for next May. I booked with Hoseasons but I am given to understand that you can now book direct with the yard, is that true? Like others I take a sharp knife and sharpener (thank you Geoffrey) . One thing to remember is there is not a 12v cigar type fitting for your charging it is a USB. By the way that is hidden beside the helm facing the window from what I recall. Took us hours to find it. The person taking us round was new and really didnt know where it was or whether such a thing existed. Dont get too excited about the bottle of wine, we got a picnic bottle of red and white , I bought those home. Brooms do a wonderful job and that is why they are so popular. I must remember to turn the fridge right up as I need to keep frozen food - uh!! - frozen. Loads of storage space.
  23. Dont think for one moment it is just The Broads, my son and his wife encounter many nationalities on the French canal/river system who are equally as bad as our lot.
  24. The problem is these 'gits' do not have a conscious , the world is there for the taking and nowadays there is no law and order so they get away with it.
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