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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Now dont blink otherwise you will miss it. Just pray it works. Tried to keep as short as possible. WP_20180808_10_01_22_Pro.mp4
  2. Thank you David. Daughter in law in the South of France is going to do it for me but it wont let me put in her email address on my phone. Will do everything else but why wont it type the email address. Most weird.
  3. No , no smart phone Howard. Only a Microsoft phone. So I will take it again. Hope for the best.
  4. I have done just that Howard recorded it on my phone , of course when I went to attach it to the email it is far too large. Now do I re-video it and hope it will be enough or can you reduce the video manually. Any ideas.
  5. Goodness only knows how but I have managed to get on to a Sky Forum who have given me a viewers email address to write to, this I have done and we will see what becomes of my enquiry. Thank you so much for trying. Kron if you watch Lifetime at all, it is often featured on there as an up and coming programme. It would be good if you could Shazam it for me. You would have laughed I went into the wonders of the internet, found a search thing for Sky programmes and wrote to them, imagine my surprise when I had an email back from New Zealand saying sorry they could not help with programmes being shown in the UK. Felt a right plum I can tell you and wrote back and apologised to them.
  6. Shame the ice compartment does not cover the entire top part. Not much room for a load of frozen stuff. Just my opinion.
  7. Can anyone help please? I was quite taken by the track that is being played on a trailer for a programme on Lifetime called So Sharp Dance , it is about the cheer leading group named Ladybirds. All I could make out was at one part is saying 'stop and listen'. Have looked high and lo for it but no luck. Hoping someone on hear may have a clue. Thank you.
  8. Good to see folk making the most of this Summer weather. Bet the Pilots office has never been so busy since the 70s.
  9. All I get is log into Facebook. Like that is going to happen. Any chance we can see it without going to such lengths please?
  10. Hylander

    Thanks Tbmc

    Now that is good to know. In that case we will consider the other holiday bungalows that are for rental. Thank you for all of the information above.
  11. I have recently purchased a new pressure cooker after having one of the Prestige ones for about 40 years. Darn thing used to frighten me to death with its hissing and steam. Plumped this time for a Lakeland's own , absolutely brilliant it is, no noise, no steam, no fuss. About a third of the weight. Cannot praise it enough. Would have been ideal on the boat as only two of us. https://www.lakeland.co.uk/18435/Lakeland-3L-Pressure-Cooker-
  12. Was just reading through the posts and came across this post from Iain, it has made me feel so sad that he is no longer with us. Strange how things hit you all of a sudden. I never met him personally but he was such a huge help on here.
  13. Hylander

    Thanks Tbmc

    Just spent a fortnight at Watersedge which is managed by Riverside Rentals. Excellent property and excellent service from Riverside Rentals. Nothing is too much trouble. That property is on main drainage. I have always been wary of the ones with cesspits because I was under the wrong impression that Louise (Loo Ease) came only once a week to empty the cesspit , if need be. It is good to know that they can attend more often, especially in the main holiday season.
  14. Hylander

    Thanks Tbmc

    Sounds good. Glad you could find some grass, ours is non existent at the moment. As you say though, somewhere safe for the children providing you keep your eyes peeled the entire time.
  15. Pity it was so cloudy here but saying that so thankful for the rain we have had. What good photos. He must have a steady hand.
  16. I totally agree but in saying that , it does strike me as 'double standards' to allow the NBN to even think about attaching itself to Facebook in whatever form it takes. We all know what a cess pit it is at the best of times. Why have we (NBN) a need for it in the first place. Like many others I would not touch it with a barge pole.
  17. Many a true words and all that .....
  18. May be out of all of this will come some good and as you suggest better signage or lights may be the answer.
  19. Mind you , had you , it may have knocked some sense into him.
  20. I reckon here in NR34 it comes a close second to Kent for hard water. Me and the descaling sachets are on good terms at least once a month otherwise the kettle is horrible.
  21. Well done you have certainly got it sussed Jean. When I was at work I can recall sitting in a sweaty office all day long , just a fan provided (big deal) and coming out to my car which had sat in the sun all day long, the inside being about 100 degrees , you couldn't even put your hand on the steering wheel for a while. No such thing as air con. How times have changed and thank God for that.
  22. Personally I will be glad when it rains and cools this weather down and then tempers and moods may be a little brighter. It is such a huge shame that members are leaving because they feel their opinions are not of the many. I wish all that those that have left would return and make this forum all the more richer for it. By the way talking of meetings - hows the Gazebo and Tug of War fund coming on?
  23. I would be more worried if you had not got out which you obviously did and thank goodness for that. Have a Brandy , cures most things.
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