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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Not now but later - can it be several please Howard. I shouldn't let folk wind me up so easily , I know that. Mind you it is another excuse to pour a glass of red.
  2. Excuse me but when I posted about the boat I was concerned about the boat and its owner. At no time did I and I quote " gloat" about it and I certainly never post on Face book. I usually post in the members only but this time so to reach a wider audience I decided to post in Broads matters. So shall we get this clear from the start. I was doing what any decent person would do who is not on the river at the moment and try to help. It is quite obvious as I certainly did not mention it when I posted that this was posted on Miles' web site , all of you who have mentioned him quite clearly go on to the forum to look through the posts. I make no secret that I look at other forums, Some I post on and some I dont. This OP was about a boat in trouble and that is how it should have been left not another chance to have a dig at other folk. I am of the opinion of live and let live. Rant over.
  3. Have you a tide table ? Have a word with your neighbour if necessary. I am sure someone will reply on here before long.
  4. Well if that is a fault then next time I read of someone's boat in trouble I will ignore it.
  5. I think you will find that he was passing. What is the matter with people so quick to judge and put down, not a nice trait at all on here from time to time. Would you rather he ignored the boat as it was. Folk do not like people touching their pride and joy without permission and best not to go to the boat but report as he did. We moored at Broadsedge for donkey's years and have often seen strangers even down by the pump out station and even having a pump out. As for Facebook well you know what I think of that evil place.
  6. Yes sorry I should have said it is Broadsedge.
  7. Probably that dreadful weather yesterday but saw this elsewhere , just in case it is someone pride and joy. I didnt add the Urgent bit by the way.
  8. It does give the Spirit of Breydon crew something to do.......
  9. I dont mean to say this is what is meant above this is just an observation. So dont take offence. I think it would be the death knell of the Broads quite frankly. May be it is just me but there is nothing worse than someone looking down the end of their nose at you and pronouncing we dont drink alcohol. I live an area where I have heard on several occasions that saying - oh we dont drink - well all I can say is , you trying getting your empties into the bottle bank after a Bank Holiday weekend or trying to buy a bottle of Scotch when it is on offer in the Supermarkets. The shelves are cleared but - nobody drinks the stuff. Each to his own.
  10. I think I ought to clarify, I did not mean Gracie or Jean' s posts I meant the previous posts. Sorry for the confusion.
  11. Wow as I read these posts I began to wonder if a social drink was forbidden. Half the pleasure of going on a boat is you can have a glass or two (not the bottle) of your favourite tipple and still cruise along, saying that I am with Jean here , that it is best if you wait until you are safely moored up. Lets face it , we can alls it up sober let alone after a tipple, especially when strong winds and tides are in the mix, safer all round. Saw the piccy below some time ago and kept it. It rather sums things up really.
  12. Do tell me why is it that I am shrinking. I used to be 5 foot 6 1/2 and now I am 5 foot 5 inches on a good day. Reading the posts here I am not alone. No wonder our midrifts are getting more round , we are being squashed.
  13. I too about 3 years ago was also very poorly , didnt eat for a month , lost a lot of weght , at the same time lost all of my strength. Now I am back to normal and eat sensibly, no definitely not salads , cant think of anything worse than being doomed to eat salads, I dont dont have floppy ears and a bobby tail (behave before you comment). I am happy as I am. Mother lived to be 96 but had Alzheimers/dementia , knew nobody for her last 10 years, was violent at times. What is the point. Yes live long but only if you have all of your faculties. By the way she smoked most of her life and liked an occasional drink (of course didnt drink when you asked her but Lord help you if you opened a bottle) she snacked on crisps etc. Chocolate bars in her late days she could annihilate a large bar of chocolate, no problems. . By the way I joined a gym , they didnt say you had to go.
  14. Now that is good to hear, I am sure the Captain will be lovely.
  15. Not so good then having to run an extractor fan (more wastage on the battery). This would have been a very big minus before booking. What about Co2 concerns. I like to open my windows wide throughout the boat and house.
  16. There is only one real concern I have and that is the lack of windows in the boat even in the galley by a gas cooker and no window to open!!! Also how about the head or bathroom does that window open (for obvious reasons).
  17. Sound system - sounds as if you are running a night club - we go for the peace and quiet.
  18. That is good to know as I take the kitchen sink as well as everything else (hubby goes ballistic every time we go away) car groans as we pull away. I am a 'well you never know you might need this or that gal'. You would think when you packed the car to come home there would be less but there never seems to be.
  19. Is there space in the galley for tins of food etc please?
  20. With my f12 all it did was give me aeroplane mode and I clicked it again and it came back off. Have clicked now into the emojis and it did come up but I could not find the tongue in cheek one , is it still there?
  21. I just tried to use an emoji on here and what a battle that was. I kept clicking on the little face and absolutely nowt happened and when it did, it flashed up on the screen and went in a heart beat. Has somebody been fiddling with it.?
  22. Exactly, if you keep them informed then all is well.
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