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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Yes I spoke to the BA. I would rather speak to the horses mouth. I often email them about things on the Broads and they are always but always polite and kind with their replies. Dont lose any sleep about it which is exactly what Clive said. Whatever the reason the BA were aware of the situation and were dealing with it. They have procedures to follow like everyone else. Can we go back to discussing choices of music far more interesting. Thank goodness the ship has sailed as far as the OP question. Sorry for the pun.
  2. If it was a genuine reason for stayed the BA would not have slapped a notice on his boat.
  3. Sorry but if you have not a genuine reason for staying then prepare for some flack. Sorry if that offends certain folk. This is not Trial by Forum , far from it, so EastCoastPA just calm down.
  4. At the end of the day - yes I know night comes - I bet whoever the skipper is , his ears will be burning and he is probably wondering why.
  5. I asked if it were possible that he might have Genuinely thought that BA signs applied only to hire craft. I did have a chuckle to myself when I read this. You would have to live in La La Land to think you could get away with that one. So all of the 24hr moorings are to be used by private craft for as long as they wish and the poor old hirer can only stay for 24hrs. For one the hirer would never get on a 24hr mooring if that were the case, they would be clogged up with privateers. No dont think that one would wash. As a bit of fun may be we can think up a list of excuses that we can all use as to why we are overstaying - only joking.
  6. Pity someone at the mooring had not got into conversation with the boat owner then he/she would have been put straight.
  7. Seasoned boater or a complete novice, unless you cannot read, how can anyone not be aware of the rules.
  8. Having read that he resides in the Wet Shed at Rchardsons he can hardly plead ignorance of the 24hr rule.
  9. Horses for course really, I have a broad shoulders.
  10. It is good when you are hooked up to be able to watch TV and have lights on without having to worry about batteries.
  11. I agree with you Howard but saying that we are not as mobile as you and your wife and do not go out and about as you do , thus keeping yourselves warm, we tend to sit about and need the heating (in the winter months) on. We also never eat out so another reason to keep the boat warm. So in the winter months if we can get on a leccy point we do make the most of it. Not always possible and we survive. When we had our own boat we had the old gas heaters on the there and they were brilliant at keeping the boat cosy. I personally am not that keen on listening to these Eberspacher heaters click clicking all of the time and bellowing out warm air.
  12. At my age that will be a first.
  13. Boil a kettle if you want hot water - done that many times.
  14. Tell me what is wrong with a wash up and down from a basin in the bathroom on the boat. You dont have to shower everyday. I can have a wash up and down using my shower gel on a flannel. Like with the fruit and veg today people are far too fussy.
  15. Not the least bit interested in the immersion heater or the microwave and the kettle unless in one of these gin palaces you should have a gas hob to boil your kettle on. Cannot be without a cuppa.
  16. Prepared for a slapped wrist but here goes anyway - just read else where a post which was a copy of an email I would think, from JP of the BA. We recognise that the Burgh Castle moorings are very important and it is only because of our concerns about the safety of boaters that we have had to take the action set out in the report to the Navigation Committee. The good news is that we have recently been able to reach a verbal agreement with colleagues in the Environment Agency for their contractors BESL to re-pile the moorings. On the back of this we are looking to negotiate a longer term agreement with the landowner so that the free 24 hour moorings can be reinstated and secured for the future. So that is better news.
  17. Sorry if already been said but you can download the Broadcaster on line now.
  18. I have just read that these have been completely closed, all signs removed and the agreement with the landowner revoked , electric post obviously gone as well. Well thanks BA well done pat on the back, another good and safe mooring that was needed. I can recall when these were brand spanking new , all paid for by the EU monetary fund at the time. There was a sign up for some time. Now they have taken that one away will they put an electric post on the pub side?
  19. Thank you for sharing. Paul really does take good films of the Broads. He really is considerate too. If your boat is involved and you are about he always asks if you mind being filmed first. One question speaking of South Walsham, can you still get a pump out and water down there.
  20. I get a bit concerned that there is an assumption that everyone is on Twitter or Facebook and I am afraid it just is not so. I think word of mouth would be the only way anyone would find out if they were not glued to these sites all day long.
  21. Thank you for the link, I was beginning to wonder how this was going to go. It is not good to be stuck thanks to the fog. Not doing Facebook or twitter and I am sure others would also not be doing Facebook or twitter how would you know , may be only by word of mouth. I have looked at the Broads Authority Latest News on their web site and not a mention of any of this. Not good enough. Just wondering.
  22. Where do you find series 1 please?
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