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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. When we sold through St Olaves Marina (biggest con of all time) we were told that as soon as the money was in their account the boat would be winging its way to Sussex.
  2. According to my son who has with the aid of technology warned me of the last two snow sessions Easter is well on the cards for more snow so just be prepared. Not that unusual for it to snow at Easter.
  3. I agree, beyond awful it really is.
  4. Our first hire boat was a 2 berth Connoisseur, hubby thought it was the bees knees , I thought it was anything but. Darn thing the heating did not work and this was April and it snowed, the hot water packed up, it had a slot in the woodwork which was about 4 inches wide that was apparently the 'wardrobe'. We spent more time moored up on our 4 night stay waiting for a mechanic than we did cruising. All they offered us was our fuel deposit back less what we had used. Which as you know is the norm anyway. Must have seen us coming a mile off but we did not know the ropes then. I got back to work and moaned and moaned about this holiday swore blind that it was the last boating holiday we would every take but as you know we hired many more and in the end bought our own boat.
  5. Of course Broadsedge has shore power. Just got to be able to get on one of the moorings that has it from what I recall.
  6. That is good to hear. All in all she looks a real gem of a boat. Thank you so much for all of your help.
  7. Thank you so much for the photos, well done. Especially thank you for the photo of the fridge. You mention about the back canopy , can that side part be rolled up as well as the back?
  8. Lord only knows what it was titled before but it is a cracking (sorry) good video. Well done and they look really good. No comparison to the ones you buy , these look really tasty and just love the soft egg centre.
  9. I have got to ask, how is your Mum please. That is a nasty gash, bless her.
  10. Thank you Alan, pity they don't show more internal photos and not just of people. Think it would be a tad crowded with four adults. .
  11. Markw. Sorry sent that last post on my silly phone with a small keyboard. I meant to say, on the Brooms Captain boat, is it a gas hob and oven? Also although it doesn't look like it , is there room to store food at all. I would love to see any photos that you have of the inside of the boat. It does look very smart. We are seriously thinking of booking. Thank you your help is much appreciated.
  12. Is it a gas cooker both hob and oven on Captain.
  13. All is not lost Saisburys have finally got round to doing their food deliveries. I gather Waitrose are also delivering but not dear old Tesco. Sainsburys have the right idea , two man team with each van , getting it all it all done in double time.
  14. Well we are knee deep in snow this morning that fell overnight to nicely top up what we had already. I guess that was Storm Emma, well Emma as much as we like snow could you take yourself off to somewhere else please? Anyone planning to come to the Broads that doesn't have to my advice would be to stay put in the warm. Just imagine trying to moor up at The Wherry Hotel as photo or elsewhere on the Broads that if not frozen over are as bad. These boat yards that have released boats are giving their customers a very limited choice of where to go. I cannot imagine that water points are not frozen up.
  15. Richardsons are not going to put their staff or customers at risk. Have you seen the weather tonight on the Broads.
  16. Think I'll stay on dry land thank you after watching that. Oh boy did they have a hard life. Shame some of them dont have the same experience today, well lets face it they wouldnt last a day, be off to the solicitors to shout ' I ve been abused'. What do they call these people ' snowflakes' speaking of which I hope you have your shovels ready.
  17. The best of it is, not just two days ago on the local television news Anglia, there was a special report all about Great Yarmouth applying for a grant from the Heritage Lottery. All this flies in the face of some poor souls in Great Yarmouth that are desperately trying to promote tourism to the area. I feel they are going two steps forward and three back at times , despite their best efforts. Visiting pleasure craft should be made more than welcome.
  18. Can you give us a link please Siddy as I get all kinds of things from copying and pasting Drama etc but nowt about Drama on the Norfolk Broads.
  19. Thank you Paul what a fantastic piece for the guys to keep as a momento.
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