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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. Like it or not, what happens over there is of great importance to us over here. Probably more so on this occasion than ever before - certainly in my lifetime anyhow.
  2. I believe that to be the case under Scottish law - if there is evidence that the shooting/ trapping or poisoning took place on his land. Chance of that happening in England ? A fat one !
  3. Meanwhile, my Ma in Law (97) has regular hospital visits to monitor her Glaucoma. She has just heard that her next will be by a 'phone call. Please advise (anyone) how the pressure in the eyeball can be measured over the phone !
  4. I do have an appointment for an eye test a week on Monday. I'm sure it will be cancelled, so Im investigating a trip to Barnard Castle.
  5. Can't you pop bywhen you go out to the shops ?
  6. The insistence that school children and University students must continue to attend their teaching establishments staggers me. Whitty this evening showed a side wich clearly indicated an increase in incidence from the middle of September around the time that students and chidren returned. Coincidence ? Only a fool would say so !
  7. Hold the presses . Dominic Cummings seen filling up his car.
  8. On that basis so is the Swallow, the Swift, the Martin family , Terns and the Cuckoo, along with many other migrant species. The pheasant is basically Chinese , as I understand it
  9. Couldn't access the boat for the usual maintenance, and late in the water . We have a lift booked for 14th November, now it seems that may not be possible ! What a cr*p year !
  10. But too cold to have the windows open
  11. The recent popularity of 'fire pits' has caused some irritation locally for us. Wood smoke can be pleasant, but the burning of old pallets is anything but ! Thank goodness the weather has curtailed such anti social activity for a few months !
  12. Re the Marsh harrier - it's migratory, always has been. Does that qualify as 'not native' ? There are now a good number of pairs that are resident the year round. I know of no schemes that have introduced them, perhaps you know differently? The Peregrin falcon is one of the WORLD'S most common raptors. the ony continent where it is not found, either resident or as a migratory breeder is Antarctica ! The Red legged partidge however is an introduced species, which came from France for shooting in the 17 century ! The pheasant too is not native to Britain, but has a long history of residence here, Like the rabbit, it's thought that they were introduced by the Romans but had become almost resident by the Norman times. As for Cris Packham, perhaps 'Dick' would be a better given name
  13. Just compare the cost for a week in a 2/3 berth boat for that in a 10/12 berth. That should tell you !
  14. Seen on a forum elsewhere ; "So we have been out on the river for half term and trying to dodge the sections on the Thames that have been going on red board over the last few days. It has amazed us how many hire boats seem to ignore such rules! One lock keeper said that the hire companies have a duty of care for thier customers and should pick them up and send a pilot out navigate the boat However we subsequently learned the at least one hire firm told thier customers if they felt they could handle it then they could go out. Seems a little crazy under powered and under qualified boaters are allowed out on the river in such conditions!" Red boards mean users of all boats are advised not to navigate because the strong flows make it difficult and dangerous.
  15. My insurance allows me to permit others to use the boat. My sone takes it out - but he's a better helm than me I sometimes wonder if the owner is driving - or even on board when I see some private boats. It's easy to jump to conclusions when mistakes are made.
  16. The Parkinsons charity have a great shop in Chedgrave . Langley Road, just up from the White Horse.
  17. Had a pleasant few moments this afternoon browsing through this. Although the show finished on 10th October, still a pleasant way to discover some lovely marine art. https://www.mallgalleries.org.uk/whats-on/exhibitions/royal-society-marine-artists-annual-exhibition-2020?gclid=CjwKCAjwoc_8BRAcEiwAzJevtVpEDy9KVKSYgvlZcP5Vp40TMWaluU6PLEOnCS_nbyJk7wSBE7ZEjxoCchIQAvD_BwE
  18. So what will you be drinking come Monday ?
  19. Most do. My toll is not due until the boat is launched . That's when I pay .
  20. Like Tim Martin perhaps?
  21. Nope. Fitted prfectly well above her nose when she put it there. She was clearly chosing NOT to cover hr nose !
  22. https://www.edp24.co.uk/business/booking-increase-for-summer-2021-on-norfolk-broads-1-6890520 "Boat operators are swimming against the trading tide and predicting a tremendous year in 2021, as Covid fears force people to look closer to home for their holidays." Unlike this year's round, there can be no case for treating hire boat operators differntly than private owners with respect to the tolls increase.
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