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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. Iain, surely you know by now that some people won't be told....
  2. We will have to replace our cooker before next spring. Guess what I won't be buying.......
  3. Lynsey, don't worry girl, they're bloody nutcases
  4. I thought she was now a full member - sorry.
  5. I don't know if this will work - http://thenorfolkbroads.net/forum/forum/51-jokes/
  6. Q. What's black and blue and brown and laying in a ditch? A. A brunette who's told too many blonde jokes Q. What's the real reason a brunette keeps her figure? A. No one else wants it Q. What do you call a brunette in a room full of blondes? A. Invisible Q. What's a brunette's mating call? A. "Has the blonde left yet?" Q. What do brunettes miss most about a great party? A. The invitation There are more......
  7. Poppy

    Berney Arms

    Indeed - easily found, just 'Google' bylaw 72.
  8. You'll soon learn Lynsey - and probably wish you hadn't . Ask Gracie
  9. It's not a consequence - this and more to come is the whole purpose of the NDR!
  10. I think I've just lost it again..... having seen Ray's latest.
  11. Well done Lynsey - you've got access to the jokes now
  12. Ohhhhh, Roast sucking pig. YUM YUM
  13. Have you ever noticed that Rolls-Royce having any commercials. Answer: No Why?? Reason: They know the value of their product and that brings the customers to them. Lesson: When you know your value you don't have to beg people to be in your life, to be friends with you, to spend time with you or to Love you. Be confident in who you are. Just remember not everyone can handle Luxury.....Have a good day guys
  14. I've decided on a 'new me ' as well. For a start, I plan to grow as much of my own food as possible. Does anybody know where I can get bacon seeds?
  15. This was the A11 Elvedon bypass yesterday afternoon.
  16. Here's the report from the Hemsby life boat Thursday 14th April 2016 HEMSBY BROADS LIFEBOAT - callout Paged by Humber Coastguard at 17:01hrs after reports of an injured person on a boat at St. Benet’s Abbey Hemsby Broads Lifeboat’s initial report was to give assistance to an injured person. On arrival at St. Benet’s Abbey a couple on board were found to be in a distressed state due to one of their two dogs entering the water and not surviving, also one of the adults has sustained an injury to their hip during a fall and that the boat had lost steerage from its rudder. The couple had consumed alcohol and were hampering the rescue. It was requested that a Police presence was required and the Broads Lifeboat returned to Thurne Dyke to pick the officers up and take them to the stricken boat which in turn was escorted back to Thurne Dyke with Lifeboat crewmen commanding the boat, with Coastguard and Police on board along with the distressed couple. The Broads Lifeboat and Fire and Rescue boat were in escort. Also on scene were Winterton CRT, Norfolk Police, Ambulance Service and the Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service Carrow Broads Lifeboat returned to station and were back on service at 21:10hrs
  17. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/man_jumped_into_water_to_try_and_rescue_dog_on_norfolk_broads_1_4496080 "The man was taken to hospital by ambulance to be treated for his injuries. A spokesman for Humber Coastguard said the dog “didn’t make it”. " DOGS NEED LIFE JACKETS TOO!
  18. https://youtu.be/OazFiIhwAEs
  19. Somebody here for the week end in his second home no doubt....
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