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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. Interesting comments on this thread. Some prove the view that there will always be support for poor businesses regardless of professional judgements and the experience of others. It's the same with boat yards........
  2. From the EDP, May 31st 2026 NCC still have concerns about the new Postwick road system....
  3. Poppy

    New Game

    Gracie's the best there is at that game !
  4. Superb post which says it all perfectly IMHO. I get utterly cheesed off by the defence of establishments which continually fall short of their obligations - for that's what they are - to their customers, because they like, and feel a fondness for a particular establishment or the people who run it. Sort of 'he's my mate, he's a good bloke, but I love that place'. I agree with Robin, that it should be made law that establishments had to post their hygiene rating on their premises. That way a prospective customer can be under no doubt if they are taking a risk with their health or not if they choose to eat there!
  5. Doesn't do it for me....
  6. And they still flock there . Perhaps they don't know - or do they just not care ? Here's another highly rated by many - http://ratings.food.gov.uk/business/en-GB/42212/Maltsters-Public-House-Ranworth Scrapes a '3'.
  7. 48a. VISITORS who insist that they know more about the area than do the locals.......
  8. ...... or reading one of London Rascal's posts
  9. Shame on you Gracie - that as a self confessed Broadsophile you should need to ask ! Hasn't Mr Google told you ? http://www.information-britain.co.uk/customdetail.php?id=45 And this here's a Shantyman - NO it's NOT ME!
  10. It remains in public ownership ! Its the contract for collecting payment which is held by a French company.
  11. 1. People being unable to pronounce Norfolk correctly – no, it’s not “Norr-folk”. 2. The constant references to being a farmer. 3. Complete with the presumption that you drive a tractor. 4. Getting stuck behind a farm vehicle while driving. 5. And never being able to overtake because of bendy roads. 6. When someone does an impression of your accent and it sounds like someone from the West Country. 7. Or Australia. 8. Non-Norfolk people thinking all references to Alan Partridge are funny. 9. People who have the audacity to claim you don’t speak properly. 10. When someone thinks you’re somehow missing out because you don’t live in London or Manchester. 11. Getting asked where Norfolk is and having to explain it in relation to London. 12. And then resorting to describing it as the sticky-out-bum bit of Britain. 13. Any reference to Delia Smith and the “let’s be having you” speech. 14. Non-local crabs being sold off as Cromer crabs. 15. People thinking the most famous person from Norfolk is Stephen Fry. 16. Then realising that he probably is. 17. Great Yarmouth’s bad reputation lingering like a bad whiff. 18. Someone describing Norfolk as flat – have you seen Beeston Bump? 19. The mispronunciation of place names like Happisburgh and Wymondham. 20. The rain. 21. The constant rain. 22. And always on a bank holiday. 23. The fact that everyone’s a flipping Norwich City fan when the Canaries are in the premiership. 24. Meaning you can be sure to find a supporter no matter what city in the world you are in. 25. And the yellow-and-green kit: It’s not a sexy look on anyone. 26. Ipswich supporters. 27. Explaining who Jack Valentine is without sounding like a complete nutter. 28. Having to visually explain what a shantyman is. 29. Abellio Greater Anglia. 30. Trains being delayed because of stray cows. 31. Having just one bus a week if you live in a village. 32. Or two a day if you live in a town. 33. Getting asked if you live near, have seen, or have been invited to tea with the royals. 34. But secretly wishing you were BFFs with Kate and Wills. 35. Going to Holt and wanting to do something that isn’t going to an art gallery or sitting in a cafe. 36. Not that you can actually park anyway. 37. Prince of Wales Road in Norwich on a Friday or Saturday night. 38. Summer appearing for just two days in May. If you’re lucky. 39. The fact the beautiful coast is always too flipping cold ever to warrant a beach day. 40. Stuck-up tourists. 41. Houses being bought as holiday homes and remaining empty all year round. 42. The serious lack of 4G. 43. And 3G. 44. Everyone seeming to know your business, including Margaret in the local shop. 45. Potholes. Everywhere. 45. Waiting for the Acle Straight to be dualled. 47. Everything being “bootiful”.
  12. Without wishing to compare the health effects of diesel vs petrol, I find the smell of petrol exhaust unpleasant as well. In addition, in the event of a fire, I damned well know which I would rather be along side
  13. More a case of six and two threes IMHO.!
  14. One of my all time favourite Arthur Ransome tales is being performed 'reasonably locally '. I've just booked! http://www.easternangles.co.uk/show/WDMrt/description.html
  15. I've decided against aiming to get back to my original weight. 6lb 3oz is unrealistic - apparently
  16. On a more serious not folks - beware! SWMBO received a very 'plausible looking' email yesterday from her aged mother's bank ( Wifey is a joint A/C holder). She showed it to me - it was addressed to ( like the one to Mowjo) 'Dear Sir/Madam'. Any genuine business will ALWAYS use a personal form of address if you do business with them. If in doubt, check DIRECTLY with them before doing anything.
  17. They should offer to conversion courses!
  18. A new gym has opened in Norwich, next door to Asda in Hall Road. I have joined.........
  19. And therein lies the problem! Many now don't even possess a map - let alone know how to use one. Perhaps the time has come for hire craft all to be fitted with satnavs .
  20. Couldn't agree more Broadsword ! How on earth do they know where the next pub is? That must spoil their holiday
  21. Really - you couldn't make it up...... http://www.edp24.co.uk/motoring/postwick_hub_junction_trial_abandoned_after_40_minutes_as_traffic_lights_test_causes_queues_1_4539270
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