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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. Don't look at the post then. It's not compulsory.
  2. Still missing 'Unread' content in Jokes as well as others. I am logged in....
  3. You miss the entire point - again! - which is that the Authority Members are the employers, whilst the officers and the CEO are the employees! I guess you knew that though.....
  4. How interesting that JP is now accepting the fact that silting in the Lower Bure is causing problems ! Some 17 - 18 years ago, in the course of a conversation with someone who was well placed to know such things, he told me that English Nature (the predecessor to Natural England) said that no dredging of the Lower Bure would be approved by them, since this would lead to a drop in water levels - and this would be regarded as an 'adverse environmental impact', and that the BA should not waste any money on the legally required pre work environmental impact study. There is a lot wrong with the Broads Authority, but the unelected QANGO that is Natural England should be highlighted for its undemocratic actions which fly in the face of the law in such cases as this!
  5. http://www.thebroadsblog.co.uk/2016/08/accountability-deficit-fuelling.html
  6. Since the regatta finishes on Friday..... probably little more than a usual August Saturday morning.
  7. And I pointed out that the study and thus the map dated from mid June, and what a miserable period of weather that ended! The weed growth since then has been prolific! On Barton the margins of Limekiln Dyke and Turkey Broad have shown a huge surge since the warm weather earlier in July. Are you about to tell me that weather has no impact on weed growth ?
  8. Isn't that precisely what the NWT along wit Natural England are wanting to happen?
  9. Still waiting for you aboard my big flappy thing Gracie
  10. Mid June is the date of the study! ! Many Hickling sailors have given up now, since sailing outside the channel is all but impossible now - and has been since mid July or earlier. I understand as well that dredging may only take place whilst the water temperature remains below 8c. There are other constraints put in place by Natural England which makes dredging all but impossible !
  11. You could reverse in.... that's what I was taught to do on a defensive driving course - it's safer.
  12. And just how many bother to read that these days? They should be sat in front of a screen with a video presentation before being allowed to their boat IMHO !
  13. Any old doughnuts knocking about.....? Probably not, I suppose.
  14. .... or the ultimate idiot ?
  15. Three months to my 70th - then I can join you in the league of DOM
  16. Me too JM. It's a winter recreation and a bit of a 'Social Club' too.
  17. Well, that's interesting https://www.gov.uk/guidance/permission-to-trap-crayfish-eels-elvers-salmon-and-sea-trout#crayfish-trap-authorisation
  18. a bit like Himalayan Balsam, then. Oh, and the European beaver, the Eurasian wolf etc..... I'm not too fond of some of the more extreme activities of the widlife and conservation organisations either.
  19. Often seen in the area, it's thought to be from Thrigby Wildlife Park. Still nice to see, though I doubt the Norfolk Wildlife Trust are so welcoming. Invasive species you know
  20. Nope. I have no 'ignore' filters of any type - especially not 'Jokes '
  21. I usually look in to NBN via the 'Unread content' button on the top R.H corner of the page, since that for me is the most convenient and speedy short cut. However I have noticed that there are 'new' topics which I have missed that are not appearing for some reason in 'unread'. Is it me?
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