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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. Funny you should raise that JM. Whenever I've seen dyke and river clearance in N. France, Flanders, The Netherlands and Flemish Belgium the spoil goes on the banks - just as it always has done . I believe this claim to be another 'Euromyth' , like 'straight bananas'. Perhaps you can point us in the direction of the appropriate EU directive??
  2. Poppy

    Thurne Lion

    https://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/Restaurant_Review-g190788-d1828551-Reviews-Lion_Inn-Great_Yarmouth_Norfolk_East_Anglia_England.html#REVIEWS There's a theme there which would seem to support the rumors locally that a very substantial amount of work is required - in the order of £300-400 k. That's why it's closed.
  3. Poppy

    Thurne Lion

    I heard that too. It was apparently on a 'repairs' lease and they had just not been carried out.
  4. Poppy

    Winter Lay Up

    Poppy is now safely tucked away in a cosy shed until next April. I'm about to take the sails in to Jeckells for valeting and inspection, where they will stay safely until needed next year. Engine oil and filter changed, anode ordered. That's the easy work done .......
  5. Poppy

    Thurne Lion

    That's why I'm reserving judgement - I think
  6. Poppy

    Thurne Lion

    That could be good news.
  7. I wonder how many people got up at six this morning to loudly knock on the doors of their neighbours who had late fireworks displays, to tell them how much they & their pets enjoyed them?!
  8. Poppy

    Winter Lay Up

    Poppy has a fibreglass hull and deck moulding. Every thing else is wood, and requires rubbing back and varnishing . Keeps me out of trouble over the winter .
  9. Yes, but do they have mains electric, satellite telly, whirlpool spa bath etc... ?
  10. I was thinking of the ******mas thing.
  11. The first time we ever encountered the Halloween thing was on a visit north of the border in 1970. It wasn't for a few more years that we saw it emerge in Essex where we then lived. Clearly it IS an 'American import' - the shops in Scotland all those years ago carried none of the 'tat' seen today. God forbid that 'Thanksgiving' should be thrust upon us.....
  12. Oh dear http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-37799235
  13. The Lowestoft road needs FOUR lanes , one in.......
  14. A moribund group - past help even from those little blue tablets I fear. Those who think themselves to be 'The Great and the Good' would appear to have long since driven away the support of many who could actually be active. Why, they even closed their members forum because they didn't like its content!
  15. I keep getting this message.... "A username and password are being requested by http://nbntest.co.uk. The site says: “NBN Test” "
  16. This month's edition contains a really good and informative article on Eastwood Whelpton of Upton. Well worth the cover price.
  17. Moderation in all things people
  18. Overheard today in the library in Great Yarmouth . A young man was one of those using a computer when it 'crashed'. Upon complaining to a staff member he was heard to say, " any normal person would just punch the machine, innit".
  19. Straight from the lexicon of the East End 'white boy gangsta'!
  20. There's another word that I have been mispronouncing for my years - apparently. All these years it should have been VIDJOW
  21. Nooooooo ! Not more ! I couldn't stand it !
  22. Now where could that be seen ? Somewhere along Thorpe Road perhaps ?
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