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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. The NOT used to have one of these, and brilliant fun it was. I was out in it myself one day ( a Saturday afternoon) towards th top of the broad when I became aware of one of Clive's heading in my direction. I headed away, and it turned further towards me. It was then apparent that I ( or the boat ) was the subject of interest and that I was 'under observation'. " Eeee, f***in' 'ell, there's a bloke in it" I heard, shouted loudly. They thought somebody somewhere was controlling a large model yacht via radio.
  2. A bit moist this morning, but lovely this afternoon, with a great steady breeze. Most enjoyable.
  3. Who wishes they could join me ?
  4. As far as the N.O.T. is concerned - we endeavour to 'enable' activities for all, by whatever means are acceptable to the client. Many wheel chair users are well used to hoisting - it goes with the territory. As for Whitlingham - I was amused, and not a little pleased to hear him refer to it as a 'lake' - and not a Broad
  5. OK - I know it's not a National Park,( any complaints direct to the BA please) but this is a particulary informative video made by the BA for disabled folk.
  6. Some of his speculation 'elsewhere' on the topic of moorings are way off the mark.
  7. The Hemsby Inshore Rescue Service ( Lifeboat) are independent, and not, as described by a Coastguard spokesperson on Radio Norfolk this morning an 'RNLI' lifeboat !!! Still, being based up there in Bridlington they can't know everything about their patch, can they ?
  8. Having learned a little more about the incident, there was no jammer or stopper knot - just a novice on the helm, who in the panic of the moment did absolutely the opposite to what his very experienced crew instructed. As for releasing the halliard.... has anyone ever tried ducking down about 3 - 4 feet under water whilst wearing a fully inflated life jacket?
  9. Sadly one dead, another resuscitated. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/sea_palling_rescue_one_man_dies_and_another_airlifted_to_hospital_after_being_caught_in_rip_tide_1_4629480
  10. It was the mainsheet. Either there was a jamming cleat on the main (MADNESS IMHO! ) or a stopper knot in the end . Again on a 'gaffer' stupid and p**s poor seamanship! I understand another White Boat went down on Barton last week end - in precisely the same circumstances!
  11. Indeed it was - here is my picture from Wednesday, posted just after 5.15 pm ! (Copy of my post as well) Perhaps 'The Q's' thread on 'Horning Regatta' wasn't the best place for it - since many will think - bl***y sail boats - and ignore the entire thread! Posted Wednesday at 05:18 PM · Report post
  12. What was I saying about knots and mainsheets ? This afternoon on Barton Broad ( NOT a Nancy Oldfield boat) The crew and associated bits of flotsam were rescued by the Trust safety boat.
  13. No - apart from the Boat's name.
  14. Acting under orders......
  15. I'm often asked 'why don't you have a stopper knot on your mainsheet ?' I am always untying the one on the end of the NOT's White boat as well. Something magical about that one - it keeps retying itself almost every time I'm out with it
  16. Special attention required to the first one !!!
  17. Me? Sailing? No, taking SWMBO and Ma in law to Cromer. It'll be HELL, I tell you !
  18. ..... whilst the other half comes directly from the public purse !
  19. Are you sure it's 'his' ?
  20. Apparently the Parish wish to use it as an information kiosk for the village. NO change in appearance - just use.
  21. Nothing - nothing at all , except to 'change its use ' .
  22. Oooooo. Miss NBN Wet T shirt 2016
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