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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. Isn't it strange how some seem to take it as a personal affront when ever their favorite watering hole or eating place is with good reason found wanting and seem to seek a defense for the indefensible? I've noticed this in all sorts of areas, not just on this forum.
  2. Well said Iain. However I do expect them to do the decent thing, rather than sail off into the sunset.
  3. ME ? How very dare you Gracie !
  4. If there's anything I dislike more than lager - it's 'American Style' craft ale. Reminds me of man buns and silly persons drinking out of jam jars!
  5. And therein lies the root of the problem! They are just not interested.
  6. I think not! Handover procedures by some of the bigger yards are a disgrace! There are requirements attached to the licence (to hire out boats) but it appears they are not subject to inspection or enforcement.
  7. Poppy


    Surely the fish are 'wildlife' and entitled to a little peace too ?
  8. Poppy


    Disagree strongly ! This is a time of year when birds and wildlife are breeding and the natural vegetation is growing again. Everything needs a chance to recover. The closed season allows for that.
  9. I've heard she likes doing it backwards
  10. Poppy

    Windy Tonight

    Mudweight - middle of Barton ?
  11. If you can hang on until Friday, Rhyadcrew will join you there
  12. Poppy


    Just seen posted on a Broads Facebook group, " What's the fishing like?" 'Muppet' doesn't start to describe it! The Coarse fishing season ended OVER TWO WEEKS AGO - on 14th March to be precise, and opens again at midnight on 15th June lest anyone is unsure. No - there isn't a break for Easter and Whitsun, that 'concession' ended many years ago!
  13. We're not great fans of Harry's in Great Yarmouth either ! Lims in Loddon, just a short walk from the moorings is very good!
  14. In my view, it's not necessarily the unacceptability or otherwise of a job, it's the entire issue of the iniquitous 'damage waiver' system. It leaves some hirers under the impression that bumping into other boats doesn't much matter - to them, anyhow ! And some yards expect to (and undoubtedly do) make money out of the payments.
  15. The Peregrine certainly is indigenous to the Norfolk Broads. The UK population were hit hard , along with may birds and mammals at the top of the food chain by the use of DDT. When it was banned in the 60s they slowly recovered. http://www.rspb.org.uk/discoverandenjoynature/discoverandlearn/birdguide/name/p/peregrine/population.aspx Their 'normal' habitat is rocky cliff faces. There being a shortage of such in Norfolk they have, as elsewhere adopted tall buildings. Locally,as well as the Anglican Cathedral there are nesting pairs in Kings Lynn, The Cantly Sugar works and St Nicholas Minster in Gt Yarmouth and a number of other sites. Their favorite prey is the feral pigeon, of which Norwich has a large population ! Whether our fine city is a suitable habitat for them,, well, I think the birds have decided that for themselves. http://www.rspb.org.uk/discoverandenjoynature/discoverandlearn/birdguide/name/p/peregrine/habitat_food.aspx The Peregrine Falcon is one of the World's most widely distributed species, in fact the only continent where hey are not resident and breeding is the Antarctic. The peregrine is afforded the highest degree of legal protection under Schedule 1 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981as is the Bittern. Should a young bittern be preyed by a Peregrine, that as they say is 'nature, red in tooth and claw'.
  16. Vaugan The Peregrines , contrary to the belief of some, are not 'introduced' but are wild birds that have taken a liking to the habitat around the Cathedral. It's believed that they are the same pair who have occupied this territory since 2011. Regarding the collared dove taken from the air in your garden, unless this was at a considerable height, it is more likely that the 'culprit' was a sparrow hawk. I have in previous years volunteered at the Hawk and Owl watch point in The Close , and often people report having seen 'one of your birds' in their garden, behaving as you describe. When shown a picture of a sparrow hawk in every case they identify that it was the bird in question. The recovery of the peregrine population in the UK is not a case of 'messing about with nature, rather the opposite. As A protected species it is now unlawful to kill them . Keepers beware!
  17. Such establishments need 'a kicking' IMHO. If the boss is 'your mate' or it's a favorite watering hole that's absolutely NO excuse!
  18. .... whist Wayford Bridge is a 3 .....
  19. Agreed. When such an establishment fails to do so I always wonder why !
  20. It doesn't seem to matter with my inboard. Lubricate the housing - a water based 'personal' lubricant beginning with 'K' works well - before fitting the impellor, then turn the engine over with the sparl plug out and it will set itself.
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