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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. I love it here! However, I'm concerned to see, over the last couple of months a small degree of 'confrontational' posting on certain threads, involving in a number of cases an element of personal attack. Now, I'm not an admin or a mod ( and have no desire to be either) but I really hope that people could stand back, think about what they have typed and consider how appropriate it is to click on 'submit'. In almost every case, it's not what is being expressed (IMHO) that's the problem rather than the way it's being put. I'd hate to see this place go the same way as many others (not) just 'Broads' Fora have.
  2. They, as well as the Hunter fleet are objectors to the plan, along with the Hire Boat federation and a number of others.
  3. Precisely Iain ! 'Setting back' the banks encourages reed growth, which in turn encroaches on the channel. Also silt etc slides into the waterway, requiring more dredging to maintain adequate depth. In addition, I understand that the banks are to be 'stabilised ' with some form of netting or mesh... hook your stern gear in that (as HAS happened elsewhere........
  4. Just as it did when the scheme was first tested by a tidal surge following completion of the Chet work. A spokesman for the Environment Agency was quoted as saying that it performed just as the 'model' predicted...... This is not about 'flood defence' - it's about conservation and creation of wildlife habitat.
  5. NN, It's exactly like what was done on the Chet !
  6. This is concerning to anybody who moors in or visits Upton. Despite considerable well based objections from many sources, the Broads Authority planners are minded to approve the removal of piling! http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0019/703117/BA20150364FUL-Comp-37-South-side-of-Upton-Boat-Dyke-Upton-with-Fishley-pc050216.pdf
  7. ......microchipped BY LAW ! This new law comes in to force on 6th April 2016. https://www.dogstrust.org.uk/help-advice/microchipping/microchipping-changes-in-the-law
  8. Champagne? No really , not for me All right then, just a tiny wee You see, when sad, I find champagne Puts bubbles into me again Or if, when feeling full of fun I might just find the room for one With friends, champagne (what else?) we drink And golden are the thoughts we think Or when alone, companionship Comes with each lovely, bubbly sip My hunger pangs, champagne will stifle If full it makes a tasty trifle So though I hardly touch the stuff When thirsty, I can't get enough........
  9. Why are hurricanes named after women? Because when they arrive, they're wet and wild, and when they leave they take your house and your car.
  10. This is important . Guys, bring it to the attention of your 'gals' as well.
  11. If not there, they had 'Old' on at the Cantley Cock last Friday.
  12. We've got enough fools already
  13. I think that those trying to make a point about bridge height now and then may be forgetting one important fact - The Thurne was tidal in the 1920s ( as it has been for centuries), and it still is today. We have no means of telling at what state of the tide these various shots were taken. What has undoubtedly changed is that the Lower Bure is no longer regularly dredged, then there is the design of hire boats' of course...
  14. Food for Thought? A boat docked in a tiny Mexican village. An American tourist, Tony, complimented the Mexican fisherman on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took him to catch them. 'Not very long,' answered Gener, the fisherman. 'Then why didn't you stay out longer and catch more?' asked Tony. Gener explained that his small catch was sufficient to meet his needs and those of his family. Tony inquired, 'But what do you do with the rest of your time?' 'I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, and take a siesta with my wife. In the evenings I go into the village to see my friends, dance a little, play the guitar, and sing a few songs. I have a full life.' Tony interrupted rather rudely, 'I have a Business Studies degree and I can help you. You should start by fishing longer every day. You can sell the extra fish you catch. With the revenue, you can buy a bigger boat, catch even more fish. With the extra money you will soon be able to buy a second one and a third one and so on until you have an entire fleet of trawlers. Instead of selling your fish to a middleman, you can negotiate directly with the processing plants and maybe even open your own plant. You can then leave this little village and move to Cancun, Acapulco, Los Angeles, or even New York City. From there you can direct your huge enterprise.' 'How long would that take?' wondered Gener, the Mexican fisherman. 'Twenty, perhaps twenty-five years,' replied Tony condescendingly. 'And after that?' Gener asked. 'After that you'll be able to retire, live in a tiny village near the sea, sleep late, fish a little, play with your grandchildren, take a siesta with your wife, and spend your evenings in the village, dancing, playing the guitar, and singing with your friends.'
  15. What a good idea MM. Yes, come back to the civilized side of boating However - seriously a word of warning, If you intend to take up sailing (again) a bilge keel yacht will dissapoint! They are OK in open water like a broad such as Barton or Hickling (although I'm not sure that about a Westerly and 'that' bridge), however on the rivers people tend to find that too much speed is lost on each tack to make meaningful progress to windward. Gobbledegook to most here I know, but worthy of consideration. Don't ask how I know.....
  16. "Broads Authority rangers had reported that during 2015 there were no significant complaints or issues of fly tipping at any of the sites. " In the light of this , (from Mr Matrin's email) I have picked up bags of discarded rubbish from various spots on the Broads for appropriate disposal on a number of occasions last summer, and I know that other private boat owners have done also. I for one will no longer be doing this, as it may have been disguising the true impact of these changes. Others may wish to do the same !
  17. They don't have flippin' man buns though
  18. Ah, Babysham ! I recall that having a tendency to 'rot' elastic......
  19. No snowballs in bed, but the odd ice cube or two has been known to fall unnoticed from her G&T beneath the duvet
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