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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. Love it! - but only the soft roes - 'herring milts' You can still get these at the fishmonger in Northgate Street in Great Yarmouth. Their kippers are something special, along with a range of fresh fish, much of it 'longshore' caught.
  2. There's some right evil gits about I heard a cat screeching went to the door to find four guys in Man Utd shirts in the street playing football with a cat! I was just about to phone the RSPCA when the cat went 1-0 up !
  3. Me too! Is there a charity more 'up' itself? Judge by this http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-norfolk-34936729
  4. Paying tax isn't for the rich in this Country, only for the likes of us!
  5. Because if everybody did it - they'd tax it the same as petrol !
  6. For those partial to Doom Bar - beware, the bottled version is NOT brewed in Cornwall now http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cornwall-33175395 !
  7. Oi! I make the crap jokes round here
  8. Mardlers! Now there's a pint! Rarely found outside the Fur and Feathers. However it can occasionally be found at the Buck in Flixton.
  9. Woodfords have always had a beer to suit most tastes in their extensive range, however they aren't often found on tap - just the ubiquitous 'Wherry'. Nothing wrong with that for my palate, but there are more interesting ales from Woodbastwick.
  10. I wouldn't risk that, for fear of having my bottle 'throtched' by an errant 'stinky'.
  11. FFS Queenie, give the bloke the 'Honour' he craves! Then he can **** off to a quiet retirement. Until then......
  12. On one occasion, while serving as prime minister during the Second World War, ( Churchill) was to take his first high-altitude airplane flight in an unpressurized cabin. According to his biographer , when (he) went to the airfield on the evening before a flight to be fitted for a flight suit and an oxygen mask, he conferred with the flight expert who was to accompany him on the journey and requested that a special oxygen mask be devised so that he could smoke his cigars while airborne. The request was granted, and the next day Churchill was happily puffing away at 15,000 feet through a special hole in his oxygen mask.
  13. I don't think I've ever seen the Bure at Potter. There must be a very high tide
  14. And the properties in Loddon? I've no doubt that they are happy to let the Bure Marshes flood - its about the environment. Were it not, a tidal barrier would have been built at an appropriate site in Great Yarmouth - and at a considerably lower cost. A side benefit would have been very little loss of 'wild' moorings......
  15. Are there any posh houses overlooking WRC ? Thought not
  16. I thought that the Broadland Flood alleviation project was supposed to put an end to those sort of problems..... However there were never any plans to protect housing or businesses . When the first compartment ( River Chet) to be completed came under challenge from a surge tide, properties at the head of the navigation in Loddon were under significant amounts of water. Meanwhile, the Water meadows downstream, towards the river mouth remained dry........ Commentt from the Environment Agency was that the 'defenses ' had performed exactly as the computer model predicted
  17. You'll have to guess... there's only one 'handsome devil' there
  18. .... here, drinking large libations of 'Broadside' whilst having the first 'Christmas lunch' of 2015. There were copious quantities of vegetables , including the obligatory sprouts and roast parsnip. By heck it was windy... Christmas pud and brandy sauce was followed by Coffee and mince pies, washed down with ( in my case) an English Whisky co 'Chapter 9'. The Surlingham Ferry Inn is without doubt the best pub on the Broads - North or South.
  19. ..... been out on the Broads - this morning from Neatishead i took a run down to How Hill, back up to Barton Turf and returned to Neatishead. After lunch I was out on a saily thing in a splendid and warm ( unseasonably so!) breeze on Barton Broad. The sky was an incredible shade of blue whilst the reeds carried a beautiful golden hue from the sun which was low in the sky. It was beautiful - Norfolk Broads at their best - and not another boat in sight - apart from the other couple of Nancy Oldfield Trust cruisers. Where were you all??
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