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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. Waste of time Alan. They would be ignored! Only on Saturday, at the end of a pleasant sail I was nosed into the reeds dropping sail. I was standing on the fore deck, my wife on the stern when not one bur TWO MoBos passed within a foot of my transom - at significantly above the speed limit , 6mph at that point. Fortunately I saw them coming, and was able to warn SWMBO and thus avoided an early bath for her! The wash from these two idiots tossed our 28' 2.8 tonne craft all over the place - and they were traveling with the tide! Oh, and one was a privateer, with, by the sound of it a considerable number of horses under his sole! Please slow down when passing moored/ stationary boats. It's a safety issue, as well as a matter of courtesy.
  2. Cantley? A lovely spot? ....and as for the Reedcutters ...... But of course, moorings there are cheap. Probably because of all those bloody saileys :naughty:
  3. .... but he probably has more of an idea than MoBo hirers :naughty:
  4. Senator, having been 'clouted twice on my moorings this year so far by hire craft, I am feeling a little sensitive! Diesel Falcon, there are reasons why a yacht would be 'sailing up the right bank' mostly related to the direction of the wind, and the fact that the direction can change close to the bank. Sometimes that's to the yachtsman's advantage - other times not. If the helmsman ha not given any signal, that will almost certainly be because he is unaware when that 'lift' will turn into a 'header'. The appropriate action for a mobo helm in that situation (I i am both) is to clearly and obviously turn away from the course of the yacht as early as possible when safe to do so. Waiting until you are 'close to him being run over' is not the right course of action I would suggest. Of course, you may have wished to make a point....... As for 300 horsepower - this is the Norfolk Broads............
  5. Liberty - you are correct. It's trolling under power that is illegal.
  6. This is how it's done in those circumstances, using the mooring lines. Practice somewhere quiet and you will then do it like an expert! http://www.powerboat-training.co.uk/Downloads/Leaving&ComingAlongside-RIBInt%27l.pdf
  7. " Is it crabs or lobsters that walk sideways? " " It's crabs" " Must have caught lobsters then " :naughty:
  8. This is what cause me to move my boat from EW. http://www.noonsite.com/General/GlobalYachtingServices/Insurance/research-your-insurance-company-to-avoid-a-refused-claim http://www.classicboat.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?s=0844deec287267eab458c6fe03fadc03&t=70836
  9. The England Lions are doing well. So well in fact that it is rumored that the Aussies are looking for an American dentist
  10. Poppy

    Big Oops!

    How often is it a private boat that gets stuck? The only answer? Do away with CDW - that will solve a number of other problems at the same time!
  11. Poppy

    Big Oops!

    Not quite how I'd put it I take it that they are now on their way home.....
  12. Poppy

    Big Oops!

    Total silly personS!
  13. I have just posted the petition link to the Radio Norfolk FB page.
  14. I have sent an enquiry to the Broads Authority, bringing their attention to this issue. I will post their reply in due course. Far from being a 'campaign to discredit them', my concern is that I may be the innocent third party to a claim with no satisfactory outcome party !
  15. Is he also referring to Whitlingham Broad as a gravel pit?
  16. But you and I both know Peter that this Government is FAR from cash strapped - even less so if it were to earnestly pursue the tax evaders and to close the avoidance loopholes!
  17. How many times does it have to be pointed out that colregs do not apply to the Broads??!! The Navigation bylaws specifically point this out, and it has been posted before on this forum and others.
  18. I paid £1.07 for red yesterday at Brooms.
  19. Try this one. No Idea why the original doesn't work. http://www.bfi.org.uk/britain-on-film
  20. ...... on a gloomy Sunday. Here http://http://www.bfi.org.uk/britain-on-film Lots of time to be wasted on that. Interesting though Especially from E. Anglia http://player.bfi.org.uk/britain-on-film/map/#/52.68403529/1.338660500/10/England//
  21. I've heard a rumour that this unloved establishment is to be converted into a Mosque.....
  22. Poppy

    Ratchet blocks

    This is what I have on Poppy, 28' gaff rig, with a 10mm mainsheet. Switchable rachet which is handy. I also have the final link at the end of the boom on a snap hook. This allows when unclipped for a 3:1in stead of 4:1 in reaLLY LIGHT STUFF. http://www.talamexleisure.com/partnumber.asp?pnid=406707&source=googlebase&utm_source=googlebase&utm_medium=cpc&gclid=Cj0KEQjw2v2sBRCazKGu3tSFz64BEiQAKIE1hnPFa9J8kp5rQ0iU8Fw3svFdOv69lq4i0kbtmJdt4sQaAiZu8P8HAQ
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