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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. Are they to boycott 'Pedros', the popular Tex-Mex place in the City? Often plenty of students in there.....
  2. https://retrorambling.wordpress.com/2010/08/02/fiasco-no-3-the-magical-floating-sidecar/
  3. Poppy

    Hickling news

    Simply replied to Marshy's question, to which I'm sure he knew the answer..... Others may not have been so aware.
  4. Poppy

    Hickling news

    Because FULL National park status would introduce the threat - by law! Wouldn't? Well, I'm afraid The National Parks web site disagrees with you. http://www.nationalparks.gov.uk/learningabout/whatisanationalpark/aimsandpurposesofnationalparks/sandfordprinciple That's clear enough for anyone I would have thought!!
  5. This will **ss off the anglers - although on what basis I'm not sure...... http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/environment/joy_as_vital_broads_dredging_project_gets_go_ahead_1_4248739
  6. This action is a classic example of someone with a 'single interest' pursuing it at great personal expense ( or is it at their own cost? ), causing great expense to the majority. Of course, had the Authority not pursued this ridiculous BNP re-branding exercise in the outset there could have been no case to answer.......
  7. Try Adblocker - free add on https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/adblock-plus/. It works!
  8. Poppy


    A big congratulations to the NASA team that sent a probe past Pluto and successfully sent back images. Now if they could just liaise with EE and get me a ******* phone signal on the Broads, and lots of places elsewhere!
  9. Breakdown this time. I guess that the conditions on Breydon yesterday would have been more than a bit 'lumpy', stirring up any cr*p in the bottom of the tank.
  10. Forgot to say - Thanks team!
  11. How about Broads operators producing something like this...... https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/boating/navigating-the-waterways/boaters-handbook Seems it may be a little more complicated to operate elsewhere too https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/boating/boating-businesses/application-process-and-fees
  12. The red/ green system has been in use without problems for many, many years - without difficulties. If it ain't broke, don't fix it - especially for numpties!!
  13. So many wouldn't know a 'Skipper's Manual' if tit bit 'em on the bum! Do they read it? My question is often more like 'Can they read?'
  14. I haven't got my upgrade yet, but there seem to be three useful actions here http://www.techsupportalert.com/content/newly-upgraded-windows-10-three-things-look-out.htm
  15. ...... and they'd alert Natural England, who would order vast areas of the Broads to be closed.
  16. So true Maxwellian. However there are many who aren't looking or are simply all intent on getting past as soon as possible. The ever reducing amount of moorings may be contribution to their apparent stress. A Broads yacht under sail is very much part of the environment locally and enjoyed by many, judging by the number of photographs taken of my boat and others, as well as the numerous compliments paid to me about the boat.
  17. Today's top scoring Australian batsman is some bloke called "Extras"! Who's he?
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgwsaUnZa8g ....... again? :naughty:
  19. I don't think a Harvester can be described as anything LIKE a 'gastro pub'
  20. I only went there once. I was disgusted to find that there was nowhere to wipe my feet as I came out
  21. Sally, I was in the Reedcutters recently, very recently....... I'll say no more
  22. Losing Norton is no bad thing.....
  23. If I've posted this here before I apologise, but this is a good thread for it :naughty: Sailing for Non Sailors First we need some basic rules: 1. Sailing is more fun than motoring, but only when there's some wind (then it's called 'motoring' or 'drifting' or 'stopped') 2. The main purpose of sailing is to obstruct as many other boats as possible, except when you're tacking (or beating, same thing) which is that zigzag thing we do from one bank to another - then the object is to catch as many fishermen's floats as possible under the boat and break the line. Sometimes you'll see us tacking even when there's no other boats or fishermen. We do that a) 'cos it's fun, 'cos it gives the crew something to do,pulling all those rope things, and c) c)'cos it takes MUCH longer to go anywhere that way, so the sailing lasts longer - good, innit? 3. Sorry if we're on the wrong side of the river, especially on blind corners, but a) we do put up a really big stick thing (mast) with a sheet thing (sail) on it, so you can see where we are, and for us there is no wrong side, 'cos we're allowed to go wherever we like - if we have to stay on one side there's usually no wind, so we're allowed to go and find some! (look in the rule book if you don't believe me) 'Course, if you're in a saily boat yourself, it depends if you're on port or starboard, and if you're going the same way as him or the other way, but that's a different story... Racing But how do you tell, I hear you ask, who is racing and who is not? There's another convention: racing boats should be flying a square burgee (flag to stop birds sitting on top of the mast) and non-racing sailing boats should be flying a triangular burgee (ditto). On the Broads however, this tends to break down because A.) Most Broads sailors are too mean to buy two burgees B.) Even if they own two, they are too lazy to swap them over and generally hoist a burgee at the start of the year and lower it at the end of the season. General observations Most sailors are a) hungover drunk c) about to get drunk. When waving back to a yachtsman, count the number off fingers he's holding up when he waves back. If you see a yacht half buried in the reeds the yachtsman would not be offended if you offered them a tow out - it's probably me. All yachtsmen are masochists and enjoy being cold, wet and uncomfortable. Yachtsmen really enjoy the sound that the long wooden thing at the front of a yacht makes when it meets fibreglass Yachtsmen sail because they can't work out how to drive a cruiser Yachtsmen are fluent in Anglo Saxon, when racing they forget the English language and only use Anglo Saxon yachtsmen love nature, this is why we spend so much time in the reeds, stuck on the mud etc As the heads on most yachts are impossible to use underway yacht crews will usually use the river, also know as testing the temperature/depth of the river, checking the moorings. On the other hand it can be viewed as just marking their territory. :Sailing :hardhat:
  24. I'll be kind and put it down to lack of experience. Being a little harsher, they are probably otherwise engaged - looking for the handbrake
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