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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. Thanks - I try to keep 'on top' of the varnishing each year. Coming out for the Winter helps greatly in that respect.
  2. Yes Labrador, she came out first thing yesterday morning - before the rain started
  3. "Poppy, please read my post correctly before you comment. Where did I mention Potter Bridge. There are other restrictions on the broads apart from Potter - some cannot get under Ludham, some cannot get under Wroxham, some cannot get under Wayford...etc, etc. " Soundings, Where did I quote you in particular? No , I didn't, did I ? My views are just as valid as yours, surely?
  4. No JM, still got access to a sail on BARTON
  5. I do find it tiresome when people whine about ( or make reference to the fact that ) not all of the Broads Navigation being available 'to all'. Potter Bridge was there LONG before the Broads Authority - and it was there before they bought/ booked their boat
  6. If anybody would like to give me a hand scraping my bottom........
  7. The boat's now round in Thurne dyke, mast down and all stripped. Coming out for the winter tomorrow Never mind, I still get to sail on BARTON broad
  8. I was wondering that this morning Iain, as I strolled down Upton dyke to my boat.
  9. Most of you are just JEALOUS. I've been out on BARTON broad - and YOU haven't
  10. Nope, can't come up with that plan then. Sorry.
  11. What are you lifting - where from and where is it going? I may have a cunning plan !
  12. These crisps ARE NOT FUNNY Some people http://news.sky.com/story/1581314/cops-gin-and-tonic-crisp-gripe-stirs-up-storm
  13. Poppy


    So sue me! http://findlaw.co.uk/law/property/other_property_law_topics/500447.html
  14. Thereby replacing one **** with another ****
  15. Poppy


    Prejudice, Jealousy? I'm convinced that a few mistake banter for both from time to time. Sadly, it's usually the same people... I know that when we 'raggies' encounter prejudice, it's based on jealousy - because they don't know how to sail
  16. Suddenly I feel a little more kindly towards ISIS http://newsthump.com/2015/11/02/islamic-state-claim-responsibility-for-devastating-start-to-chelseas-season/
  17. You may have forgotten that JM hails from Lowestoft ( OK, Oulton Broad, same as ), and therefore hears little else...
  18. ........ has gone up again! I went to my local shop as usual to buy my daily copy, which I have done for almost 30 years to find that as from today the price has risen to 85p. SEVENTEEN SHILLINGS FOR A NEWSPAPER?? And one who's journalism has declined significantly of late! I have joined the increasing throng who have deserted the title, and I will get my local news from regional radio/ TV and the internet, thank you very much. The girls in the shop tell me that I am not alone, and that the numbers buying lottery tickets has fallen since the numbers increased, something which didn't bother me, having never played.
  19. I have always considered AA Gill as a noxious and objectionable ****! The author of this piece seems to share my view - but is perhaps not quite so outspoken! He's obviously not one of the North Norfolk 'Chelsea set'. http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2011/mar/02/aa-gill-spittle-flecked-indignation-norfolk?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=facebook
  20. A college student in the pub challenged a senior citizen sitting next to him, saying it was impossible for their generation to understand his. "You grew up in a different world," the student said, loud enough for the whole bar to hear. "Today we have television, jet planes, space travel, man has walked on the Moon, our spaceships have visited Mars, we even have nuclear energy, electric and hydrogen cars, computers with light-speed processing ... and uh.." Taking advantage of a pause in the student's litany, the geezer said, "You're right. We didn't have those things when we were young; so we invented them, you prat!"
  21. Blame it on Senior Citizens Senior citizens are constantly being criticized for every conceivable deficiency of the modern world, real or imaginary. We know we take responsibility for all we have done and do not blame others. HOWEVER, upon reflection, we would like to point out that it was NOT the senior citizens who took: The melody out of music, The pride out of appearance, The courtesy out of driving, The romance out of love, The commitment out of marriage, The responsibility out of parenthood, The togetherness out of the family, The learning out of education, The service out of patriotism, The Golden Rule from rulers, The civility out of behaviour, The refinement out of language, The dedication out of employment, The prudence out of spending, The ambition out of achievement, or, God out of government and school. And we certainly are NOT the ones who eliminated patience and tolerance from personal relationships and interactions with others!!
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