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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. ChrisB, they'll never do that. Not in a NATIONAL PARK
  2. If we had a legal and regulated drugs trade ( similar to tobacco and alcohol ) we would see a virtual end to crime such as this. I do accept that it's far from 'petty' to the victim !
  3. How many drams did that take Iain ?
  4. How many different ways are there to pronounce the title of Shirley Bassy's song, ' What now my love ' . If you think about it there are dozens if not hundreds of ways of saying it. I'll start off - What ? NOW my love ?
  5. They could do very well indeed by franchising the very necessary tree clearance. Just imagine, three or four blokes with a lighter and chain saws, they keep the wood for sale, and share the profits. Think about it,with the price of firewood now we could have the true Broads environment back, and make some money for JP's admin costs. Every one's a winner!
  6. The ferry is usually closed whist it has its annual service. Not aware that there is a 'spare'.
  7. And this is what tha 'EU directive' is about! " The EU Waste Framework Directive provides the legislative framework for the collection, transport, recovery and disposal of waste, and includes a common definition of waste (PDF, 81.3KB, 11 pages) . The directive requires all member states to take the necessary measures to ensure waste is recovered or disposed of without endangering human health or causing harm to the environment and includes permitting, registration and inspection requirements. The directive also requires member states to take appropriate measures to encourage firstly, the prevention or reduction of waste production and its harmfulness and secondly the recovery of waste by means of recycling, re-use or reclamation or any other process with a view to extracting secondary raw materials, or the use of waste as a source of energy. The directive’s requirements are supplemented by other directives for specific waste streams." https://www.gov.uk/guidance/waste-legislation-and-regulations The bunch in Government voted for by just 24.9% of the electorate have chosen to apply certain 'add on ' clauses - as is often the case !!
  8. 'Bat bridges' had been tried elsewhere well before the A11 works planning had been finished, and their effectiveness had been extensively researched. The results found them not to work! Environment agency again - the biggest waste of all! The problem with it is its overpopulation by environmentalists.....
  9. Islander. Not sure exactly what your point is about EU membership. Could you give chapter and verse showing how they are involved please?
  10. I in no way condone the dumping of rubbish on the river bank - however it is happening already, and will now get worse. Reporting any sightings to the Environmental Health department of the appropriate Council will cause them considerable nuisance , since once reported they have an obligation to deal with it ! http://www.environmentlaw.org.uk/rte.asp?id=29
  11. You are getting what you voted for - or at least what 24.9% of the electorate voted for.......
  12. This is my other grandson, whose chosen sport is sadly not sailing - but he enjoys fencing, and is doing very well at it!
  13. He's the third - and almost certainly the last. A girl - and now a boy for my son, another boy from my daughter. All the apple of Granddad's eye.
  14. Just home from my son's home where we have spent a few days helping out around the time of the birth of my new grandson and hopefully crewman eventually. Dylan John was born on Tuesday, at a very healthy 7lb 9oz, mother and baby doing well. I'm ecstatic!
  15. The law is an ass as they say. Taking your point about being drunk in charge even if you`re asleep in the back, going on that, even if you were at home, and you are over the limit, if you have your car keys in your pocket, you can be found drunk in charge?. I think the fact you will be able to start the vehical is the point, and you can still be in that position, be it sitting in the back seat, or sitting in the loung, you will still have to open the drivers door, and get in and start the ignition. You can do that whether in the back seat, or your back garden. And i bet yet again, people wonder why i`m so synical about authority?. Indeed there have been Speedtriple. Not only is the Law an ass, but it would appear that some coppers are too! There was a case some years ago ( in the 80s I recall) when a car and caravan were parked up in a layby in the West Country, intending to move on to their booked camp site the following morning. The couple concerned had dinner, accompanied by wine and then retired to bed in the said caravan. Some time later they were rudely awakened by a loud knock on their door, to find a police officer outside. "Have you been drinking? " he asked, to which the reply was yes. Driving documents were demanded, and it transpired from this that the wife didn't drive. The Husband was then required to 'blow into this 'ere device' and was then whipped off to the local station, the normal proceedures followed and he was then charged. Because the car was still hooked up to the caravan he was convicted, although there was no intention to drive - he was found in his night attire. The Caravan Club took up the case and he was given an absolute discharge on appeal. Nothing is known about the future career prospects of the copper!
  16. If you want to go above the bridge, be careful in your choice of boat. That is all !!
  17. It would be most interesting to see if their application was accepted. Somehow......
  18. Odd! Sorry, no other ideas. I'll leave it ti a real 'Geek'
  19. What browser are you using? I use firefox, which offers the option to 'save' passwords for various sites. Most useful I find.
  20. Love to, but I'm usually to be found in the kitchen at home helping Mrs Poppy. Eight of us sitting down to lunch - that's some work.
  21. http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/general/lib/defining.html "3. Hurricane - An intense tropical weather system with a well defined circulation and maximum sustained winds of 74 mph (64 knots) or higher."
  22. Watch this without at least a little tear coming to your eye! Eva Goeb of Franklin, IN wasn't expecting her son and daughter-in-law for Christmas. On Sunday, she was surprised to greet Donny and Miranda when they flew in from Hawaii, where they've both been stationed with the Air Force. The couple decided they were ready to start a family and heard about a baby that would soon be up for adoption through a friend. The adoption process started in October, but they managed to keep everything secret, even after the birth of little Melissa "Lily" Faith on December 8th. And man, it was worth the subterfuge, because Eva Goeb's reaction to meeting her granddaughter will actually make you excited about a stranger's kid: https://youtu.be/n0s73Z71mKA
  23. Their country, their rules. Perhaps we should follow the same policy?
  24. I'll go along with Tripe ! In France I once mistakenly ordered 'Andouillette', never having tried them before. I shall never order them again, either......
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