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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. This brought tears to my eyes..... http://www.independent.ie/videos/entertainment/video-this-late-but-beautiful-entry-to-the-christmas-ad-race-will-warm-your-heart-34245154.html
  2. Thanks for all the help guys. I've finished up with this http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/1148246.htm
  3. Second homers stopped the Blakeney mast recently. What chance for a mast in Horning? None, anybody?
  4. 'EE' stands for 'Everything Everywhere' - apparently. Don't get your hopes up. My experience is NN - Nothing Nowhere - especially on The Broads
  5. Poppy


    They'll not buy many bombs from my couple of gallons each year
  6. It was in 1966... no hot water and as a callow youth trying to wet shave on a camping holiday in Austria. After 3 days I could stand it no more. By the time I got back to the UK the 'scruffy' stage was over. Never looked back - extra ten minutes in the morning - LUXURY. Furthermore, SWMBO says she'll divorce me if I ever shave it off. Handy to keep one's options open
  7. Being a pogonophile of many years duration, I would be grateful for some advice. My son has indicated that a new electric razor would be much appreciated from Santa this year. Clearly, I have NO experience of these things. Could ant forumite help ? - Gracie, I don't think that one of those epilator things will do
  8. Mind you, I've seen this a few times on the Broads https://youtu.be/xXmPCVPa1qs
  9. Wee - Red Barrel . A very appropriate juxtaposition
  10. Iain, I know which side my bread is buttered.....
  11. SWMBO is from Kent....... Just sayin. DAREN'T say anything else
  12. Warning - never let Essex girls take coffee breaks. It takes too long to retrain them.
  13. What's the difference between a Walrus and an Essex Girl? One is wet, has a moustache and smells of fish - the other is a walrus.
  14. What does an Essex girl use for protection when she has sex? Any convenient bus shelter ......
  15. A couple of 'Essex' donkeys...
  16. I'll refrain from comment at this time
  17. The White is amazing ! If you see it, try it!
  18. Yes Iain. Did you manage to catch the 'special' in Lidle a couple of weeks ago? I got a 2011 red for £11.39 and a white ( rare as rocking horse poop - even in France) at £12.99
  19. But ALL my sailing students bring it for a lunchtime tipple....
  20. I too have been pleased that I changed to W10, and had no problems with the update either. I have however spoken to a number of people who have been vociferous in their condemnation of it. On probing deeper NONE have apparently seen it or used it - or used ANY Microsoft product for a goo number of years, being themselves confirmed 'Apple' users !
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