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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. This will be due to wind direction - nothing more. as a I understand this :naughty:
  2. Iain, Frequent and regular testing was certainly part of the process when the dredging was taking place in Heigham sound . No evidence of prymnesium parva bloom was found. The fact seems to be that PP flourishes in brackish water. Prolonged periods of low rainfall will lead to increased salinity...... Q.E.D.!
  3. Doh! THERE HASN'T BEEN ANY DREDGING ! (Well, there has, on the Ant around Irsted, )
  4. "John Currie, of the Norwich Pike Anglers Club, said that the 
algae could also be disturbed by dredging." But it hasn't been,, has it - not on this occasion, nor the last time in March. It's time the anglers looked elsewhere.
  5. And that's another thing
  6. God forbid. There's already too many of those iron pipes they call boats on the Broads as it is
  7. Poppy

    Upton Dyke

    I understand that the sign on the river end of Upton dyke has had some modifications, the advisory "Narrow Dyke, difficult to turn " has been blanked out. Be advised that nothing else has changed. Upton dyke is still narrow, and it remains difficult to turn!
  8. Not Crocs. Definitely NOT Crocs, And NEVER,NEVER, NEVER Crocs with SOCKS of ANY colour :O
  9. We also have lots of names for 'Stinkies', and use them a lot...... Especially when hot tea/ coffee spills all over the crown jewels as one passes.......
  10. They are being removed. http://horning.norfolkparishes.gov.uk/ "To summarise, the planters are an illegal obstruction in the public highway and the highway authority may not be able to licence them as there also exist private vehicular rights over the route which may be adversely affected by such obstructions, they will therefore need to be removed. Private vehicular rights along the route likely exist for adjacent landowners although parking may only be possible on land in their ownership and as long as it does not obstruct use of the route, this is a private issue and not one for the highway authority. The land adjacent to the village green on the route where the planters have been erected is likely to belong to the parish council as owner of the village green, any parking by the public on this part of the route can be referred by the parish council to the police if the parish council is minded to do so as it would likely constitute an offence under the RTA 1988 as set out above. The parish council cannot take any action on the land which would obstruct the restricted byway" Bunch of amateurs!
  11. There is now a petition https://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.change.org%2Fp%2Fhorning-parish-council-remove-the-planters-from-the-staithe&h=8AQGW4gWg
  12. You're not trying hard enough JM
  13. In view of this, I wonder if The Broads Authority is aware that Toll payers insured with Edward William / Northern Reef are not fully in compliance with these requirements?
  14. There appears to be no report of this burglary which was the subject of the OP in the EDP, on the BBC Eats web site or on the web.
  15. ..... was this anyone we know? http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/mystery-mobility-scooter-man-tows-5404360 BroadScot, bet it was YOU :naughty: :party:
  16. http://www.thpmobility.org.uk/rental/ No Idea about them , but only in Hoveton.
  17. You may even be able to get under that bridge
  18. Rumours abound that the Broads Authority are now about to call for a cull of ALL pike residing in the Broads National Park DON'T PANIC
  19. Interestingly, when I did a 'Google' search for 'Clive Lewis Edward William', there were as pointed out by Strowager some worrying links, but at the bottom of the first page, I saw this "Some results may have been removed under data protection law in Europe." I've never seen that before........
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