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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. Hi Speedtriple. The WHOLE of the Suffolk stretch of the A140 is subject to a 50mph limit - except where it passes through villages - when a 30 MPH or in a couple, 40mph limit applies. Once you reach 'civilisation' (the Norfolk border ) yes, generally there is a 60 mph limit - but evemn then there ars some bits where 50 applies, and of course there's Long Stratton.....
  2. Lorries will slow down the A140, due to their 40mph speed limit. This is due to change however to 50mph "with implementation scheduled for early 2015." https://www.gov.uk/government/speeches/national-speed-limits-for-heavy-goods-vehicles Caravans have always been limited to 50 mph on single carriageways like the A140, and since that is the limit for ALL vehicles (other than HGVs) on most of that road, caravans will not cause a problem
  3. Kings Lynn ferry not running for the next three days. We've dancelled sailing today at the Nancy Oldfield Trust, However I believe the cruisers are still operating at the moment.
  4. Seen a Freeman on the Thurne called 'String of Pearls, which made mi wife snigger
  5. .... so how does it get back up the hill Clive - and thatr's for every boat? (unless sharing, when the water per boat is obviously less.) It has to be pumped in most cases, which costs, and then there's maintenance .....
  6. IOO plus locks - that's an awful lot of water lost, which must be replaced somehow, usually by pumps. Pums don't run for free..... https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/about-us/water/water-management-faqs That's another cost which the Broads Authority doesn't face.
  7. Oh dear! once again someone has to point out that the Inland Waterways system has many, many locks, bridges and sluices etc, all of which require maintenance in order for the system to keep running. Now here I'm aware of Mutford Lock, what else may I have overlooked. Moorings ? They have them on the canals too.
  8. Very fair. Roughly reflects the C.P.I., as it should!
  9. I was in court today and the judge asked, "How do you plead?" I replied, "Usually on my knees when I want a leg over with my wife. But I'm here for speeding so just ******* fine me , all right?."
  10. Poppy


    Yes Please Frank! Either will do!
  11. Couldn't agree more. The Archant 'Glossies' - at least the ones I'm familiar with appear to be written increasingly for their avertisers than their subscribers/ readers. What has apparently escaped the notice of their management is that without readers...... well, go figure!
  12. So where's the Rover, flat cap ..... and Whippet ?
  13. Before we leave the subject of caravans, any Rover drivers here? Couldn't count the numer of times someone has attempted to overtake me , then s**T themselves to find a little old man wearing a flat cap and driving a Rover 214 at the head of the queue in front of ME ! Then there's the horse box brigade. Don't get me started on horse boxes.......
  14. I felt it not worthy of comment, since I have a policy of not feeding trolls
  15. There are other routes than the A17....
  16. Long may it remain so! It's what makes Norfolk 'special'. It's not on the way to anywhere, the best things always take a bit of effort to achieve IMHO.
  17. A Limo? I'd have a Lear jet - at least
  18. I too am lucky enough to live here and have my own boat on the Broads. Howeve, now being retired, we love to get away for some assured sunshine a couple of times each year. Any good weather we get in The Broads is counted as a bonus. I too can't see the point of just sitting on the beach/beside the pool reading a book. For me, travel is about seeing different things, experiencing different foods, cultures and wildlife. Looking forward to Sri Lanka in a couple of months, and (probably) France in the Summer. Life is like a cigarette - to be burned right down to the but!
  19. What went wrong IMHO was a prolonged period of editorship by somebody who appeared to be interested in 'Bling Boats' and the County set. It never seemed to recover. Other titles from the Archant stable also have canged for the worse. Trouble at top!
  20. Not for a long time JM. Well I'll own up to synthetic sails and anti foul, but a wooden mast and spars. Oh, and a tupperware hull as well
  21. Found this documentary film on YouTube about coasting ,made in the 1980's . Fascinating insight into to life at sea then, and well worth a watch.
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