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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. It was so windy yesterday, a Ryanair flight landed in the city it was supposed to.
  2. Guess they'll just have to increase the hire boat multiplier.........
  3. I would suggest tolls based on the measurement of light reflectance. 'Bling boats' would get stung with all the chrome, stainless and polish, whilst most hire boats would probably pay nothing at all
  4. Here is the full story http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/south_broad ... _1_1126426 "South Broads was an inland lifeboat station at Oulton Broad crewed entirely by volunteers, who operate one D class lifeboat, an XP boat, and a 4x4 vehicle. The vehicle will be transferred to Great Yarmouth and Gorleston, where an Arancia rescue boat, which is the RNLI says is more suited to operating from the various slipways in and around The Broads, will also be deployed. " So an improvement in the service provided can reasonably be expected - especially as the assetts will be closer to both the Northern and Southern Broads, as well as Breydon.
  5. Worrying news, but not necessarily 'terminal'. The prognosis with this condition is now good, and the earlier it's detected, the better (as with all cancers). Women should conduct monthly self examination to detect breats changes, but we guys should also check our nuts for the same reason. Good link here http://www.tc-cancer.com/about/self-exam.html
  6. 'Upper Thurne' no doubt! Guess it won't bother too many on here then
  7. Good post Third Mate. Perhaps those who would ban the 3RR on grounds of public safety would care to turn their attention to water skiing on the Broads? After all, there is a history of fatalities here.....
  8. No - there will be somebody out there...... even if it hit a moored saily
  9. Last Friday? Well, at least something that won't be blamed on the 3RR! :
  10. I wonder how many hirers visit the BA website before they come on holiday - most appear not to even read the handbook on board their vessel. It would be helpful if the yards would brief their clients about the race, but perhaps they don't know about it. After all, it's quite a new event having been taking place for only 51 years so far
  11. Indeed they do, as do all competitors in yacht racing on the Broads and elsewhere. At least one club requires £2m third party cover http://www.ea-cc.org/default.asp?id=94&mnu=94 Other clubs will have similar rules.
  12. The first point is a common misapprehension. Running yachts ( that is, with the wind astern) must be very careful in manouvering. If the wind should move across the rear of the sail, it can be extremely difficult to control, and the stonger the wind, the greater the danger. In addition, traditional gaff rigged craft with long booms (some as long as 20' or more) present greater risks. I apologise if the foregoing is 'gobbledegook' for some - but that wouldn't surprise me. However, bad language is not acceptable, whichever way it is directed - and as a yachtsman, I've received my share from MoBos, both hied and private. As for COLREGS, may I respectfully refer to Navigation Bylaws 1995 1 (5) which is specific on this point.
  13. Somehow I don't think so - I'll have to ask French Marine about that !
  14. Thanks for the input so far Guys. The Anodes in question are (were!) zinc, and the boat is moored in Horning, so in fresh water ( should be Magnesium?), and the craft is not connected to a mains supply. He has been saltside for 7 - 10 days once this year.
  15. A pal of mine has just had his Pegasus 800 (yes, a saily thing) lifted at the end of his season to find that all the anodes have disappeared entirely! They were all new in the spring! Apart from PADI Pikeys, can anybody suggest why they have dissolved in such a short time? He has been told that it is because he is moored near a boat with mains electric connection - indeed his neigbour fits this description. Is this a reasonable suggestion? Surely if this is the case, there must be a fault of some kind on that boat? Any suggestions?
  16. There appears to be some benefit in mixing a small amount of 2stroke oil in the diesel fuel of older engines See here http://www.ybw.com/forums/showthread.php?t=247608 Of course, if using red it is likely to be the old 'sulphurated' stuff for some time to come..... isn't it???
  17. From the Mail report "bought a motor cruiser. Says it all, really
  18. Got my brass labels from Aquafax in Wroxham. Smart and discreet.
  19. There is a BSS safety warning current regarding petrol http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/broa ... _FINAL.pdf "In the past six years the BSS has recorded 34 incidents of fire or explosion linked to petrol engines on inland waterways and coastal boats. 31 people needed hospital treatment, including some in intensive care. In the same period, seven incidents of accidental carbon monoxide poisoning have been linked to generators and outboard motor exhaust fumes."
  20. It's not a National Park!!!!!! They've been told......
  21. It seems that this development was considered and approved by the Broads Authority in Ma this year - DESPITE objections from Martham Parish Council - 'We consider the application should be refused. The proximity to the dyke and height of the proposed building impairs the view across the ferry and is out of character with adjacent riverside properties. ....' Environment Agency – “We OBJECT to the application as submitted for the following reasons:....." The Broads Society (contrary to the report) "Re: FERRY BOATYARD, FERRYGATE LANE, MARTHAM PROPOSED WORKSHOP AND HOLIDAY APARTMENTS AND PRIVATE TREATMENT PLANT AT FERRY BOATYARD Thank you for giving the Broads Society the opportunity to make observations on the above Planning Application. I apologise for this late response, which is too late for inclusion in the papers for the Planning Committee on Friday 21 May, but hope that our comments can he included as an oral submission. We object to this application on the grounds that a two storey structure would be an intrusion on the wide, open landscape of the Upper Thurne Valley. We refer to a recent conversation between a member of our Northern Rivers Planning Committee and the Planning officer in which our member provided the following important information. A similar application, submitted by a previous owner, was given approval because special circumstances applied: namely that the proposed development included provisions to enable specific use by the disabled. This latest application is not covered by such special circumstances and the application should not be given any exemption from normal planning considerations. Yours sincerely" I wonder just what is going on with Planning in the Broads Executive area. At least with a Council you can approach your local Councilor etc. and ultimately may chose redress through the Ballot box! The full report of the Planninc Committee can be seen on the link below. [report] BA2009-0058-FUL Ferry Boatyard Martham.doc
  22. I may be wrong on this, but aren't these monstrosities being erected by the owners of some other equally objectionable waterside buildings? If not, then the same architect would seem to be involved. I can't imagine that the air draft is needed here - there's a bridge in the way
  23. Poppy

    Party Trick

    I thought these stinky GP type things couldn't get any uglier, then somebody posts up this monstrosity Even a mast and a suit of sails couldn't help it. Who was the designer? Certainly not a naval architect!
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