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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. I may be wrong on this, but aren't these monstrosities being erected by the owners of some other equally objectionable waterside buildings? If not, then the same architect would seem to be involved. I can't imagine that the air draft is needed here - there's a bridge in the way
  2. Poppy

    Party Trick

    I thought these stinky GP type things couldn't get any uglier, then somebody posts up this monstrosity Even a mast and a suit of sails couldn't help it. Who was the designer? Certainly not a naval architect!
  3. Another great piece from Dylan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJgEM1Cvr9s
  4. I used him too, a thoroughly nice chap and I would endorse all that Luke says.
  5. Hi Lucky, I for one always indicate which way I am requesting the MoBo to pass - that in my experience is what all sailies do. As a rule of thumb, if you come upon a yacht that is tacking, (proceeding along the river on a zig zag course looking like the skipper is pi**ed ), it is always appreciated if you time your approach to pass astern of him just as he comes off the bank on his next 'board'.
  6. ..... but a new cruising ground?? ARCTIC TO BE JUST LOVELY THE Arctic Circle is on course to be really quite lovely by 2019, new research has confirmed. Measurements taken near the North Pole show the ice caps are melting as planned and will soon make way for miles of open jet ski lanes and first class snorkelling. Polar explorer and property developer Tom Logan said: "In just a few short years this breath-taking landscape of pointless snow and ice will disappear to be replaced by millions and millions of those inflatable chairs with the handy cup holders. "And once we've assassinated all the furious polar bears, the north coast of Greenland will be an excellent spot for deluxe timeshare developments and family-focused leisure concepts." Researchers were alerted to the acceleration in Arctic temperatures after spotting a Katz Karaoke Bar 300 miles north of Norway, filled with a cackling horde of pissed-up temps from Bethnal Green. Dr Logan said: "Any rise in temperature is accompanied by an immediate infestation of loud and horrendous British women. "While I admire their frontier spirit, watching the Aurora Borealis pierce the polar night while some skank called Nikki screeched her way through If I Were a Boy is a moment I am utterly desperate to forget." Anti-seaside holiday activists claimed the increase in temperature is a bad thing, but property experts insisted they were only saying that because they had fat, puffy legs and looked hellish in a two-piece swimsuit. Meanwhile trawlerman Charlie Reeves welcomed the impending warmth, adding: "I don't know if any of you beard-juggling dolphin humpers has tried moving your bowels in a force nine gale when it's minus 30 outside? "Spraying my clackers with antifreeze and then prying my bumflaps off the seat with a spatula is not a productive use of my time."
  7. No David, not a large draw at all. Just one ring for that very important first cuppa in the morning! Not once, but a number of times on different trips. SWMBO was NOT amused!!!
  8. We have had butane 'freeze' in the autumn when using it with the caravan - the 7kg size. Hence the change to propane. If ther is a real difference in cost (as opposed to price), we have yet to notice it!
  9. No disadvantage whatsoever. Been running propane in caravans for years. The calorific value is greater with prop., therefoer in theory the kettle boils more quickly
  10. Here is a review from Dylan Winter of the Sanyo 'Xacti'. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIpWJUqtAJE Looks interesting.
  11. I paid about £80 last April - can't remember the exact figure. Ian Jennings - 07828 100418. Very fair , very reasonable in his interpretation. Is there a standard yet for mains 'shore power' installations ? The last I heard, it was still being considered. Rather surprising, as I would consider that the potential for risk is hugely greater with 240 v than 12 v, especially with water around
  12. Water? Don't drink it! Fish **** in it!!!!!
  13. Dave, Whilst weed fouling may not be a great problem on The Broads, there is an invasive species, the Zebra mussel, which is causing increasing concern. They are relatively small, with adults ranging from 1/4 to 1 1/2 inches long, can grow in large colonies underwater and have the capacity to block inlets etc. Their removal can be a right pain! My boat has been affected, but luckily only moderately. They are known to infeast pretty well all of the Broads network. http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/mana ... ecies.html
  14. Needed a keel. me thinks! http://www.edp24.co.uk/content/edp24/ne ... 3A25%3A940
  15. This Summer has been worse than any in the last twenty years for bad behavior on the Broads, IMHO! Not only have we seen speeding as a regular occurrence, but overtaking on both sides of other boats, ignoring requests re passing from sailboats and general 'yobbish ' behavior. No particular yard seems to be more prominent than any other in my experience. Commonly there has bee an exhibition of a' **** you ,I'll do what I want' attitude, more reminiscent of what can be expected in the 'Costas'. I really hope that they go back there next year!
  16. Jonathan beat me to it. I have seen this work on a number of occasions. It cots nothing, and is always wort a try. Edit to add - Obviously, disconnect from gas and 12 v first
  17. They are just outside Acle on the S.Walsham Road. Big place on the right. No plesbit, not the same as Envirosol. This is it http://www.cloverchem.co.uk/uk/products ... sol_uk.htm
  18. There is nothing better than Virosol, available from Hugh Crane in Acle. It's also rapidly biodegradable . It seems to 'eat' oil, grease diesel spills etc.
  19. He used to have a tackle shop in Norwich. I took my son i with me one day - he was a fan as well. John was kindness itself to my lad, gave him an autographed photo, which was treasured for years. A real gent. We all have off days I suppose. Ha we caught him on a different day, we could have a different view.
  20. It staggers me how the BSS pays such scant attention to 240 volt systems on boats!
  21. They've had this offer for some time. I had to strip Poppy's brightwork (Cabin sides, coamings, rubbers & toe rails and the entire well) back to bare wood this year, and used this to very good effect - and at a considerable saving
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