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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. Perfectly adequate if you're not in a roaring hurry and 'work' the tides. The average yacht hull needs far less effort to push it through the water than needed by a mobo. You'll probably still get the best part of 'hull speed' out of a 28 footer with 3.5hp
  2. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2755825/David-Beckham-joins-No-campaign-urging-voters-union-envy-world.html Well that's fixed it then. Now all we need is Joey Essex's views on fracking & Jihadi John & that's everything sorted
  3. There's me thinking this thread was going to be about Suffolk.....
  4. I just managed to avoid taking SWMBO there this afternoon
  5. Now why would I want to know about that ?
  6. Hi everyone. I've found my way back here. Pleased to see the many changes - and the familiar 'faces'.
  7. Sorry Teadamon, but I can't conceive that any quality engine manufacturer will not ensure that its product and ancillaries are entirely fit for purpose. Whilst I accept that you or any examiner must work to the specifications given, there are some incredibly stupid rules coming out of The BSS . For example, I feel happier with 12v electrics than I would with 240v 'shorepower' - but that is STILL only subject to 'advisories' - I think we both know why, don't we? And WHY is diesel and petrol treated the same? They certainly aren't the same risk.... They really should understand that at head office (now Milton Keynes I understand) shouldn't they? If they don't, I despair!
  8. They were the original factory parts If they were good enough for the designers at Volvo Penta, that's plenty good enough for me. The same goes for VP replacements. Clearly a bloke in a suit in an office in Watford knows more about these engines than the manufacturer ....
  9. Four years ago I was advised that my (diesel) fuel hoses on my VP single cylinder engine 'were not compliant' because, although perfectly serviceable and the original equipment thy lacked ISO numbers. Interestingly replacement VP parts ALSO lacked the numbers so essential for the safety of me and others......
  10. The carpet I used for this purpose came from a carpet store, not a chandlery. It is not foam backed and cost (from memory) less than £3/ sq mtr. I used a thixotropic contact adhesive, emerging from the cabin frequently. Beware of naked flames and/or sparks!!!
  11. River Cruiser ' Damsel', believed built by 'Press' around 1890-1900.
  12. Soundings, It will stop itself (or economics will do it for us). As the Euro weakens against the Pound the booze cruisers will once again depart for 'Ibeefa' and 'Magaloof', where the sun always shines, the lager is cheaper and the birds are' looser' (Not that I have personal experience of the latter )
  13. I know Clive's guys put over 400 boats out each week in the Summer (???) and that would be down-right impossible to attempt. I've heard this hackneyed old argument time and time again and it won't wash!! There are retired experienced people out there who would gladly take on this work. Their cost could (and should)be incorporated in the hire cost. There just isn't the will - and it's not just Rico's I'm talking about!
  14. Indeed there is. http://www.draytoncaravans.co.uk/
  15. Most here - in fact almost all - can't get past Potter Bridge.......
  16. But I'm NOT registering a new car or even a new boat - or transferring an 'old' one. They already have all my details, same as the DVLA regarding any currently owned car. I do not deny that it's a good thing, I simply point out that it could have been done more simply, and less costly in office manpower - perhaps therein lies the problem
  17. But no such 'initial registration' is required by the DVLA.............
  18. So why can't the BA do the same with the Tolls reminder? Simple to put the 'PIN' on the form, surely?
  19. I must be missing something here! If somebody else wishes to pay my Toll for me, they are welcome to.
  20. 'Ow much? Somebody's got far too much money
  21. An 'unsuitable' boat is, IMHO any craft which passes me whilst I am moored and creates enough wash to chuck my beer all over the cockpit sole BTW - open toed sandals? NEVER! (Especially with socks ) A trip waiting to happen!
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