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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. Eeerrrrmm,... My firefox page hasn't got a "Tools" option, Not one I can find anyway!
  2. Ok, Firerfox loaded but not as default browser, Copy & Paste tested and works (see "fireworks"). Not yet sure how to make this forum the firefox homepage, but thanks to you gentlemen, massive progress has been made.
  3. Yes, I know this is rather early, but I need to get some sort of skeletal plans sorted. This year I hit the '60' milestone (Nov 3rd), and have decided that what I'd like to do is spend from Saturday 1st Nov to Sunday 9th Nov on the boat. The intention is to go to as many firework displays as I can, that can be watched from the boat. I have no idea how many that will be, nor where they may take place, so I am asking for a bit of local knowledge on this. Now my moorings are back at the Pleasure Boat, if the water's high, the whole thing becomes pretty academic, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it! The tides are interesting, so even with the low amount of daylight hours, the southern broads are not ruled out. Any information would be gratefully received.
  4. Neither Chrome nor Firefox did the things I wanted, that's why I went back to IE, it did everything I needed. Ok, now I've found something it doesn't do, I shall try a work-round. My sister uses Chrome, so I'm aware that it still doesn't do what I want (not something I'm prepared to talk about in open forum) I shall load up firefox and use it just for this forum.
  5. Right, so given that IE11 does everything I want it to, with the exception of this site, what I need to do is have this site open up using a different browser form the others. Is that possible?
  6. No, Ctrl + V didn't do it. Sorry I had to leave so sharply this evening, something cropped up before I could say thanks.
  7. Ok, I'm on IE11, I didn't know that !!! to copy and paste, I go into word, highlight all I want to copy and right click. I select "copy" Then I go into the "reply to this topic", click on the area where we type our text, then right click on the mouse. The option for pasting is in pale grey and isn't selectable. That's as far as I get.
  8. Ahhh, IE8 using Windows7. I tried Firefox and Chrome but didn't like them. Edited to add... I say IE8, but I'm not sure now. I've just found out that IE12 has been released and there seems to be an IE2014. Is there any information on these? and how can I tell what I've got at the moment?
  9. I have a feeling that Seamaster 25 was my old one. It had an excellent restoration job done on it by Jason at LBBY
  10. It is not unusual for me to write what I want to say in Word then Copy & Paste it to a post. I can do this on every forum except this one. What am I doing wrong?
  11. That "wooden band" I know as a "Rubbing strake". Good luck with the project.
  12. Looking at the small amount of stuff in the back of the car, no more than 20 minutes !
  13. Wayford,... Watford... There's a large gap between those two!
  14. Thanks. You know sometimes I surprise myself just how "green" I'm getting. The boat's getting pretty green too.
  15. As long as your fingers don't go through it, two ply toilet paper is fine. I don't know about bio friendly washing up liquid though. where does one get that?
  16. I used to have a sea toilet on the river Great Ouse, but then the S**t hit the fen.
  17. I can almost hear the cheering from here. Great news. Now try to relax a bit in practice for your holiday.
  18. Sorry I disappeared suddenly, I typed BRB and returned about 3 hours later. Oh well, That's family for you!
  19. Yep, This bit of Herts (near Bishops Stortford) is really nice at the moment
  20. OUCH... and that doesn't include hinges or the catch!
  21. I have to admit to being VERY surprised to find any butchers open at all on Good Friday... I stand well and truly corrected! Hells teeth, I've half a mind to come up and have a barbie just to support them all !!!
  22. I know that this can be a slightly contentious subject, given the damage some barbeques do, however, I want a barbeque for my boat cos I like 'em. I am looking for one that doesn't cost a fortune, so Cobs etc are out. It needs to be very compact. It needs to be easy clean, It MUST NOT scorch the whatever that it's standing on. and it needs to be easy enough to assemble that even an imbecile like me can manage it. Suggestions?
  23. What of the butchers in Hoveton? Whoops I hadn't thought of Roys!! Butchers in Stalham is also really good. So many good butchers, so few sunny barbeques. Maybe this will be a good year!
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