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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. Dave, Your quote wasn't from Timbo but Bobdog. Just love being a smarty ****
  2. That's nothing, I can lay a table!
  3. " I recall 2 little old ladies holding up the M25 for several years " They still do!
  4. Seeing as we are all "playing nicely" I will add this post to the pot. I hear that Wind farms are ... 1. Producing less power than they took to build. 2. Making minced meat from the bird life around them and 3. Destroying our beautiful countryside. Then I hear that Domestic Solar Panals are ... 1. Reducing pensioners to abject poverty. 2. Putting negligible power into the grid and 3. Destroying our beautiful urban heritage I also hear that Solar Farms are... 1. Taking up valuable farmland. 2. Are massively inefficient and have a short working life. and 3. Are destroying the only bit of beautiful countryside the wind farms left. Now we are proceeding with fracing (the correct spelling I believe) I hear that we are... 1. Going to pollute our water supply 2. Going to cause earthquakes and... 3. Going to destroy our beautiful countryside with all its wonderful wind and solar farms. What I do not hear is... 1. We must reduce our motoring mileage. (and for "we" read this as "I") 2. We must reduce our household power consumption (and again for "we" read this as "I") or 3. As society has proven it's inability to do either of the above in meaningful amounts, we must accept any and every new method of acquiring energy irrespective of the downsides. Research is essential to find alternative power sources and/or other ways of reaching oil, but at the moment the only organizations funding this research are the oil and electricity industries. Don't knock the oil industry, they are doing what they can to replace mineral oil or to stretch the supply by diluting it. (ever heard of FAME) They have to do this as they know that not to do so will leave them "running out of juice". I don't know if fracing is dangerous or not, but until some viable alternatives are found, I see little alternative other than to bite a very unpleasant bullet. In short, rather than forever shouting "Down with this" or "Ban that" how about shouting "Support this" or better still "Here's a pound, research that." Now, don't get me wrong here, I'm no angel but even I accept that if we are going to use energy in this ever increasing spiral something's got to give
  5. Slaps hand over eyes and groans a bit!
  6. How comes Peter? I tend to encourage them on my boat, to keep the nasties away! Though they do tend to poo rather a lot!
  7. Thank you for that Bobdog, it was very interesting though I don't think it has answered my questions so I'm still on the fence here. I would have liked to watch an unedited version, but I doubt there's any way of proving that such a version exists. The problem is that as soon as something like this gets edited for duration, there's no way of saying how balanced that editing was. Thank you all the same, it has given me food for thought.
  8. Interesting comments, thank you. Yes the fuel tank would need a clean and I'd need to put the gin bottle somewhere safe (not to mention the rum, whisky, southern comfort, pernod and brandy) as well as the plates etc. I would only do this in a CinC situation but given all the prep, maybe 2016. or 17! Any further comment on my part might be misinterpreted so... nuff said!
  9. Firstly I would think that a wet yacht would act as a "Farraday's cage" ( I think that's the chappie) so you would be safe under cover. Also I'd have thought that if being in a sailing boat was dangerous in thunder storms, it might have been mentioned before. But, if you're still worried, find a yacht that has been struck, and take his moorings... after all... Lightening never strikes twice
  10. Ok, I write this very carefully or at least try to, as I don't want to fuel the very thing I'm trying to avoid. I tried to read the link supplied by Bobdog, but to be honest I grew weary of the constant usage of the word "Fracking" as a substitute for swearing. I really believe these sorts of pressure groups do themselves no favours being that childish. I want to read things written by grown-ups for grown-ups. What I did read of the site was in my opinion largely alarmist, with very little in the way of constructive suggestion. However, all that to one side, I'm not going to get into an eco-warrior debate on this forum, it is not the place, though I would genuinely like to read evidence both for and against fracking and what the alternatives are perceived to be. Idealy such articles would be written by experts in their field in a language that is comprehensible to the layperson such as myself.
  11. I very much hope the problem isn't just Nimbyism, though from what I've heard it is starting to sound like that. Wouldn't squirting water into the ground INCREASE the water table? What evidence is there to support this concern. At a time where we are increasingly dependent on foreign powers to supply us our energy needs, and given that not all those powers are particularly friendly towards us, what are our other options? Wind farms and Solar farms do contribute and there are now plans to build nuclear stations, but what about power now or at least soon? We could of course start being more frugal with our consumption of oil... I know! What about "No running of engines at moorings." The way things are, that should save a load!
  12. What are the objections to Fracking?
  13. As much as I value Griffs opinion and respect his experience, I would like to know from a professional whether or not my hull and superstructure were designed with off shore capabilities in mind. The original Elysian spec was for offshore use. Designed to take twin engines and with a top speed of 17 knots she would be more at home in the salt than the fresh.The Bounty however, whilst sharing the same hull design, is I believe constructed differently, possibly with less internal reinforcement. I fully accept that any boat can go to sea, but for some designs it is inadvisable. Where does mine lie in this "food chain"
  14. Nope, I'm on a contract this weekend, maybe next time. keep coming up with the dates
  15. You get NAILED to the perch? You're lucky. We were so poor we had to be stuck to our perch with second hand glue salvaged from old worn out shoes...
  16. If I were to start saying "pretty polly, pretty polly" from whom would I be getting the slap? Great to have you aboad.
  17. Thanks Polly, I'm glad SOMEONE answered my rhetorical question. !!!
  18. Unless I'm very much mistaken, The outboard was an invention of the 30s/40s if that helps. Welcome to the forum, and I would love to see Pauline and Phil join you.
  19. Hi Finny, Welcome to the "Friendly side"
  20. Is it anything like the one about the Nun, the doberman and the pogo stick?
  21. Hmmm, I wonder what the chances are of their taking pics of my boat whilst I'm cleaning it! That question was rhetorical... I SAID "THAT QUESTION WAS RHETORICAL" !
  22. Hi Tim, Welcome to the "friendly side". Keep us informed as to when you're likely to be working on RT, and I'll try to pop round with a bottle and stop you from doing anything dangerously productive.
  23. Isn't it funny how two different people (with similar tastes) can hold such different views on the same place. I liked it... rather a lot really. Yes He needs to open longer, perhaps adjusting his times to the tides. Now, that would be novel!
  24. "We didn't really bother about the weather after we were caught out in a F9 in mid-North Sea." Yeah tell me about it, I know what you mean.... I've had some pretty tricky times on Salhouse myself.
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