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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. The pub IS open, but not all; day. It closes at about 3, opening again at around 6. What time did you get there?
  2. I didn't see Speedtriples question as 'cold hearted' as has been implied, and I too wonder why. Once everything had been removed and the emergency services had left, why did the yacht station remain closed (if indeed it has). It was also stated on Friday that the lock was also to be closed though this appears to have turned out to be wrong. Does anyone know where that information originally came from? Whilst these facilities are used predominately for leisure, not solely so, especially the lock, so I think the questions are being properly raised.
  3. A person shall not navigate a vessel whilst under the influence of drink or drugs to such an extent as to be incapable of taking proper control of the vessel. Now define "under the influence" Now define "Proper control" And now explain those two definitions to the hirer. I despair, I really do. It is no more unwise to helm a boat "under the influence" than to do anything else that holds any level of risk "under the influence"...So, no more booze when you are... Having a barbeque. Being a pedestrian (so no walking home from the pub now!) Carving a joint. Doing anything near water. Alternatively hows about carrying out your own "risk assessment" and getting on with enjoying life.
  4. I remember the Sutton Staithe hotel used to be a club. This was, I think, to get over some license issue or something. To become a member, you had to be a member of another club... any club... it didn't matter what club, any would do. Proof of membership was not required, your word was good enough. Fun little issue that made it memorable.
  5. Thank you for that write-up Howard, very useful. I had been looking forwards to going in there already but from what you say, doubly now. Certainly a stop for me next week or week after next!
  6. The Dandy is a nice boat, loads of room for it's length.
  7. Thought I'd better explain that as this thread was started last week and that last week this week was next week it is necessary to keep in mind that next week would have been the week after next last week. I'm glad I've clarified that.
  8. I too will be up on my boat starting from Thursday 19th June returning home on Tuesday 8th July. It's the annual meet for the "other place" on Saturday as many of you will know, but I'm thinking of heading south on Sunday or Monday. I'll keep an eye open for everyone.
  9. I've wondered quite a bit recently whether Nyx (an Elysian Bounty 27') is sea worthy, I'd love to get out there from time to time!
  10. Jon, I understand that the chap who opened the tackle shop at Womack Water knew somebody who was trying to start up. If that helps! Never mind "How green is my valet"... How green is my boat?!!!
  11. PM received and replied to thanks. Hmmm you like a row eh? One day I'll show you my little dinghy!
  12. Come on Clive, now tell 'em there's a button on San Francisco, just under the mop
  13. Oh boy Springsong, I reckon you've just about nailed it with that one. That REALLY IS ugly!
  14. Ahhh, this takes me to the Walter Mitty Canal company which I would form. building a "pay as you row" canal from just south of Barton broad to join with the Catfield Cut. A lock half way along it to stop any salt water ingress, would be automatic and coin operated.
  15. Keith, be warned,... Hull hath no fury like a woman scorned,
  16. When I won the lottery a few years back I learned that the old adage was true... Money does not buy happiness, but it does buy chocolate which is much the same thing. Pity I only won £10.
  17. Never heard of it, sorry! What does it do? Is it anything like a mobile foam?
  18. It's only the front and the back of these boats that's lego, the rest is fine. I know this 'cos I keep hearing people call out... ... "Lego forwd,... Lego aft"
  19. The Horning Ferry does seem to buck this trend of "Rip-off Britain" it does a fairly weak bitter at under £3 a pint, Cheap sausage rolls to mop up some of the beer and as Clive says, all its beers are either cheap or reasonably priced. Good luck to 'em I say!
  20. Well, I'm already looking forwards to the next one! There seemed to be rumours about parties being held in the aft cockpit of a certain boat on the eve of the do. I cannot understand how such rumours started as I have only a scant memory of the incident.
  21. I'm sure Jeckles could accommodate you there. Foir just two limbs they can do pretty much anything.
  22. Found the "tools" I hadn't got the appropriate toolbar showing. now to test... Just a quick test, and if it works I owe loads of people pints! Yippeeeee yes it works. .net is my homepage on firefox. I shall take a breath now before putting firefox as default.
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