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Everything posted by Broads01

  1. A little surprising they've dropped Cover Girl but it was far too wide for the Broads and perhaps that put hirers off?
  2. Yes I know, I was only being silly. Joking apart, do you think passage under Ludham for boats with your airdraft and similar (many hundreds of them) is getting harder?
  3. So Malcom, with a bit of ballast you'd slip under Potter no problem 😊.
  4. I've always been provided with a hand crank also.
  5. The hireboats I've had with electric mudweights haven't been capable of free fall as far as I know. I've not found this to be an issue though and I think an electric mudweight is a great benefit.
  6. I think the swans could do with a bridge pilot.
  7. Both Barnes and Richardsons insisted I had a trial run in 2023, where previously they hadn't done so. I can only assume this was due to a directive following the 2020 tragedy. Interestingly Bridgecraft didn't insist on it but this may have been to my previous experience hiring from them recently. I have no problem with the trial run being requested because there's no reason why a hire operator should take a hirer's claims of prior experience at face value.
  8. I have to admit the abbreviation "G.R." meant nothing but when I saw the photos that explained it. A lovely addition to the B.A. crew.
  9. I don't like leaving Suzie in the car but it's a necessity sometimes. When I'm on my own with her and I need food shopping, there's not much else I can do. As long as you're mindful of the temperature and leave them some air, I don't think it's an issue. It keeps the car safe too!
  10. If I was ever to have a go at winter cruising that would make me nervous as I don't like to run the water low and tend to top up frequently. Do they switch off supplies to avoid freezing pipes?
  11. I don't think 50 years is necessarily too old. The oldest Bountys are that age and could continue with the right investment I feel.
  12. Continued "pensioning off" of the older fleet boats is inevitable given the number they have being 30+, 40+ and even 50+ years old. However, I do hope they retain at least a small core of the older boats as the market for them is still very much there. Some years ago they went through a phase of gutting out older boats and fitting a brand new interior which I thought worked really well (e.g. Concerto, Calypso, Capri) and I'd love them to do that again.
  13. Good point, and I agree the "storage" moorings may well be used for the hire fleet in the way they do currently.
  14. But "Charter" moorings still feature pretty strongly on the plan, Vaughan. Are they not just continuing their current reduction of the fleet to reflect a reduced market whilst continuing a hire operation? I wouldn't agree that a reduced fleet necessarily signifies eventual removal altogether. Could there be a return to an Acle fleet given recent clearance issues at Ludham Bridge? I loved hiring from Horizon Craft.
  15. Mmm, interesting and good news I think. I'm pleased to see Richardsons are thinking beyond what they currently do and diversifying. Redeveloping at Acle is particularly encouraging because it's looked sorry for itself since Pedro's closed and I was under the impression Richardsons had given up on that site. The only thing which surprises me given they're focusing on day visitors is why they've chosen Stalham and not Wroxham from where they run the day boat operations.
  16. Nice, electric a must I assume? Hope the ice keeps away for you.
  17. Kate, you're very kind but I think your redundant lead would be too big. I think Pets at Home or somewhere where she can try on is the best idea.
  18. The only concern I have with trying one with my dog is she is a Shih Tzu and as such has a short snout. I'm not sure how well the snout loop will work but I guess I shall just have to give it a try and see.
  19. Thanks for all the detail, Kate. The 2nd video is pretty impressive. I'll certainly give one of these a try.
  20. I think keeping the (I assume) original orange will be a nod to the boat's hire history. That would be my choice I think.
  21. Broads01


    When I'm coming in to moor or leaving a mooring I always have my phone on the side by the helm. I couldn't bear the hassle of destroying it by falling in. That said, it's in my pocket when I go out to the pub or for a dog walk. Some risks you just have to live with I guess.
  22. Just noticed Herbert Woods are planning to launch Aurora Light next August. Their description makes bold claims but it looks to me like a re-worked Alpha dual steer with extra berths squashed in. https://www.herbertwoods.co.uk/book/aurora-light/
  23. Once upon time, well, until 2016 Royall's Boatyard was in Wroxham, their website said Wroxham and Hoseasons (they who always get things right of course) also said Wroxham. Just to confused us, some of their boats were labelled "Royaĺls Boatyard Hoveton".
  24. I agree with that as I too am a lover of Broads history, which I find fascinating. All the same, perhaps we can accept that things change with "common usage" over the years? Is it Black Horse Broad or Hoveton Little, Surlingham Broad or Bargate, Roy's in Hoveton or Wroxham?
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