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Everything posted by Broads01

  1. It was a beautiful, warm morning once again. Rollie enjoyed his walk off the lead towards the village and back and then we set off in the return to Wroxham. On arrival on the Hoveton moorings it was busier than yesterday with all the stern-on spaces filled. We'd intended to visit Roy's again whilst top-side of the bridge but instead we took up the pilot's offer to pass straight back through. We pulled in to NBD for a pump out and brief visit to town before heading on. We had a relaxing stop on the mudweight on Wroxham Broad. It's some while since I've done that there because it often feels too windy. I threw the mudweight off the bows but, on departure, wish I hadn't. I couldn't lift it, so I tied it off around the deck cleat and reversed. I subsequently lifted it OK but unfortunately it was covered in a mountain of weed. No matter, thought I, I'll just tie it off again and let the motion of the boat wash it through. Did it heck, I tried forward and back a few times but still ended up clearing the weed by hand. That done, we left the Broad and headed for our overnight destination of Ludham Bridge. Traffic was pretty well as expected, including a few tacking sailies to spice things up a bit. We made it to Ludham Bridge around 4pm and thankfully there was still 3 or 4 spaces available. Dinner tonight was at The Dog and that was a mixed experience, to be honest. The food was good value and I enjoyed the gluten-free beer. Less enjoyable was the absence of table service and the need to queue for a while at times to be served - not particularly relaxing. I know table service is demanding from a staffing perspective but the risk is without it at the moment they'll put people off. Tomorrow we're heading for Stalham via an indirect route.
  2. Looks great, Clive and really good to see you keep on adding to the fleet. It's a minor point but I don't like the look of the green bath, a white one would look much nicer.
  3. Johnny Crowe's is indeed a fantastic mooring spot. It's one of those places where someone else always seems to get there first and I think that aspect added to my enjoyment the one and only time I managed to moor there. I hope this issue is sorted soon.
  4. The river was so quiet on the Hoveton moorings and on our cruise to Coltishall, I half expected there to be space on Coltishall Common even though we were arriving after 5pm. There wasn't, however but in any case the Lock mooring is one of my favourites. We're the only occupied boat here this evening. We're having a break from pubs tonight and just enjoying the peace and quiet.
  5. It's positively steamy now, Helen. First thing this morning as I took Rollie for his walk I said hello and a chat with Maurice Mynah, who'd overnighted opposite us. It was good to meet you, John and so good to talk like minded folk again now things are up and running. We set off Wroxham-bound as we're on our way to Coltishall tonight. We hadn't made up our minds about whether to stop on the way but eventually decided to give Ranworth another try. This time we were in luck as there was space around the side. We relaxed for a couple of hours and said hello and chatted to one Cambridge Cabby and Mrs Cabby who arrived shortly after us. Just as we departed, Maurice (John) timed his arrival perfectly to make use of our space. We continued to Wroxham and by now the sun was baking down. The river was busy but not quite as much as I expected. When we arrived in Wroxham we were able to pull up at the pilot moorings and after a very short wait we were taken through (7 ft 1 clearance was available). I write this on the Hoveton moorings whilst Mel enjoys the town for a bit. Looking forward to a peaceful run up to Coltishall.
  6. I recommend my own method which is to not bother to plug in to shore power in the first place.
  7. We continued all the way to Potter Heigham. Unfortunately we needed to visit Latham's. I always find that place so cramped and claustrophobic - I couldn't wait to get out of the place. This evening we had a table booked at The Lion so after a brief stop at Potter we made the short trip there. Arriving at 1-40 we only just got a space. However, I soon realised this was due to the number of day boats taking up more than their fair share of the moorings. We had a relaxing time for the remainder of the afternoon and boats seemed to leave as much as they arrived so there was (and still is) space available. As usual, the food at the Lion was brilliant and their drinks choice is huge.
  8. We carried on downstream to Stracey this morning. We needed water so I pulled in by the water point where there was a boat nearby already using the hose. Half an hour later they were still filling up. "Is it the slowest hose in the world?", I jokingly asked the helmsman. "It keeps stopping" was the reply. Hmm, one to add to the list of water points not to bother with. We're staying north this week, so we gave up waiting, knowing we'd shortly be passing back through Acle. Sure enough the water in Pedro's basin was free and we filled up in no time. To be continued ...
  9. The sign is unchanged although we didn't have to knock on the door of the house because the lady collected the fee. Half the price of Pedro's (albeit Pedro's discount their food bill but that's no good if you've booked at The Bridge). Brilliant meal and service at The Bridge this evening, as always.
  10. Beautiful cruising today in the sunshine. We were hoping for a stop at Ranworth but it was full even at 10-30 this morning. No matter, we squeezed in at St Benet's which has reduced capacity at the moment due to the work on the moorings going on. Rollie certainly enjoyed some freedom off the lead and plenty of dogs to play with as we walked across the open grassy area. We carried on a short way to South Walsham where we mudweighted for a couple of hours. I noticed on the BA moorings nearest the Broad two boats had moored stern-on. I'm not sure if that's allowed there, strictly speaking but it seemed a sensible idea given the width of navigation available. We have a table at the Bridge Inn this evening so it was on to Acle for the night. It's busy, busy, busy. Arriving around 3-30 all the free moorings and the Pedro's main river moorings were taken. We finished up downstream of the bridge on the paid moorings near Acle Dyke. I've never moored here before but it's actually a good spot, being a short walk to the pub and less river traffic than upstream of the bridge.
  11. Glad to see you still like putting the river miles in, Jay.
  12. Portavon Marina, I recognise it. I was there last September and my pictures are on page 8 of this thread. I don't remember the Horizon 35 though.
  13. This year marks the 40th anniversary of my first Broads holiday with my parents. By coincidence, it's also my 40th Broads holiday (if I've counted right). My wife, Mel and I picked up Fair Duke this afternoon on what looks to be a sunny Bank Holiday weekend (we're here a week). Our Lhasa Apso dog, Rollie, is also aboard. This is the first time I've ever hired from NBD. Our long drive up from Cardiff was slower than usual with the Bank Holiday traffic but nevertheless we made it to Roy's about 1-30pm. A little later, the handover experience from NBD was disappointing, unfortunately. I won't say any more than that at this stage because I'll be contacting them when I get home to give our feedback. It was brilliant to get away down the river in the sunshine. This is Mel's first visit in 3 years and she seems to be enjoying herself so far. I was last here in August. I had a solo trip planned last October, rescheduled to February and then rescheduled again to next October. I was due here at Easter with my son but that's postponed until July, so after 3 consecutive postponements (all due to Covid) it's fabulous to be here again at last. This evening we're at Salhouse, on the short mooring at the far upstream end. If you see us this week, give us a wave.
  14. The Ocean 30s Richardson's still have on hire (San Luis and San Pedro) have classic appeal certainly. I've always been put off those particular boats by the unwieldy-looking canopy. When it's raised I imagine it to be like a dark tent inside.
  15. Oulton Broad Yacht Station adjoins Nicholas Everitt park which has good children's facilities.
  16. Looks good, Clive. I'd be interested to know what the air draft is?
  17. My daughter has recently returned from the Broads and pointed out something that's not struck me before. All of the riverside properties on the approach to Potter Heigham are single story. Is there a planning restriction which specifies this?
  18. Broads01

    Next Please..

    Yes, my daughter's just been with Richardson's and that's their check in procedure at the moment. She and her boyfriend were told to arrive at 2-30pm and not before. Their boat was ready so all good.
  19. I've enjoyed your write up and photos once again, Malcolm. Thanks for sharing.
  20. Yes the DC30 may well have been a Broads hire boat in it's previous life. I was also thinking Thames for the woody based on the fixed hard top wheelhouse but I guess that could be a modification.
  21. Thanks Howard. I've always enjoyed eating there and it's great to see a good choice of gluten free meals.
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