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Everything posted by Broads01

  1. At long last I'm aboard a Bridgecraft boat for the first time. There aren't many boatyards from whom I haven't hired but until today Bridgecraft was one of them. I'm aboard Forth Bridge 2 with my son Cian and dog Rollie for the next week. The journey all worked out to plan. I set off with Rollie from home in Cardiff just as Cian was boarding a train in Lancaster and I picked him up at Birmingham International station en route. Bridgecraft had phoned during the week to ask our preferred arrival time which we made comfortably and we were very soon aboard our boat and unloading. I've been impressed with the service from Bridgecraft so far. I'm very much a fan of low level dual steers and this boat is no exception. The plan is to head south in the morning, so after being talked through the boat (in some detail which made a pleasant change) we made the short chug to Stracey Arms where we are tonight. It's been hot, hot, hot today and set fair for the week it would seem. Rollie is struggling a bit with the design of the boat (with no stern door getting on and off is a challenge for him) and he isn't really a fan of the heat. Nevertheless we've all had a fun start. Cian and I enjoyed food and drink "up top" on such a warm evening.
  2. Yes I agree, you'll be fine at Wroxham unless there's unusual conditions. Potter is a long shot but not an impossibility, it all depends on the conditions at the time. Don't forget Wayford also, the short stretch up to Dilham is lovely.
  3. I'd always rather reverse out than reverse in because of the way the dyke opens out on to the river plus I find it easier to reverse out of a space than reverse in to one.
  4. Jaguar, was that the 42 foot 2 berth? I remember it as a stand out boat at the time because in that era it was about 10 foot longer than any other 2 berth available.
  5. I've never had a problem turning at the end, albeit the biggest boat I've done it with was 37 foot I think. Easiest way I've found is nose in to the small marina to the right then back up slowly as far as space allows. Having said that, if I'm moored somewhere at the mill end then reversing out is quicker and less hassle.
  6. Yes when Alpha were at their peak they hired from St Olaves as well as Brundall.
  7. No, not a risk at all, Stracey has a very long length of moorings and you can always get a space. It's a long old haul from Stalham though, so it's just a case of is it worth making the effort rather than pass through at tea time Saturday.
  8. I agree, Dan, very bob on I would say.
  9. "Floating holiday lodges" are part of the plan. Marketing speak does make me smile - they'll be houseboats!
  10. Thanks very much for the write up, Helen, a very enjoyable read. You certainly had a full week and no doubt all the more enjoyable for that. You've reminded me it's years since I stopped at Polkey's Mill, I must give it another try. I've always wondered what all those thick posts along the quay are for? Those moorings at Richardson's aren't new, in fact but I think they've been improved. It's always my preferred spot at Richardson's.
  11. Thanks Neil. Yes I've hired similar boats before and I was aware of the Hampton connection. I would imagine the rear reversing camera is a great asset. I remember Orient Star, I'll look out for that becoming available.
  12. Broads01


    That's a fair point, Andrew. To my knowledge there's only ever one pilot on duty. When the pilot took us through recently he mentioned he'd been taking boats continuously throughout the day. The issue with having two pilots would be it might not make much difference because only one boat can pass through at a time.
  13. I'd be very interested in your thoughts on the boat, Neil. It's been on my "to hire" list ever since Pacific bought it.
  14. Thanks for all the replies, some really interesting information for a hire boat geeky-type like me.
  15. I spotted this on eBay and although I didn't visit the Broads in 1995 I have no recollection at all of "Norfolk Broads Holidays" at Acle. I visited in 1993 and 1997 and I'm 95% sure these boats weren't around for either. Can anybody shed any light as to who these guys were? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/284354158584
  16. The link takes me to a private group Andy. Please can you post some details?
  17. Interesting stuff, thanks for posting. Am I right in thinking that, whichever direction the tide is flowing on the New Cut, the rate of flow is less than on the Yare and Waveney at either end?
  18. I know this has happened before but I'm hoping it's a rare occurrence now? I would always use the precautions already suggested in any case.
  19. There's plenty of internal photos of Sephora now on the NYA website. The fit out looks very smart indeed. https://www.nya.co.uk/private-charter/sephora/
  20. That was a long cruising day, Helen, but why not? It looks like it's quiet beside you at Beccles.
  21. Why were so few Mark 4s built? I think there were only two, or three, is that right?
  22. I agree it's a classic design. I'm always amazed just how many there are around. On the private moorings at Coltishall, there are 4 of them almost all next to each other.
  23. Broads01


    You raise a good point, Tim. I wasn't aware The Ship had closed, I hope not permanently. At the Ferry, it seems not so long ago the moorings upstream of the pub and ferry were open and the moorings and pub always seemed very busy.
  24. Based on my experience of Swan Roamer, Jean, I agree Swan Craft achieved a very comfortable bed in the position you wanted it. I think Andy is just saying that it's challenging and there have to be compromises in boat designs somewhere. On Fair Duke we hired recently, our heads were at the deck end. However to achieve that they'd squeezed a short head board under the deck which served no purpose.
  25. There's also a good choice on Amazon from where I bought one for my dog.
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