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Everything posted by Broads01

  1. Technically I'm sure you're right Vaughan but I'm not sure whether or not in practice you'd be able to refuse it everywhere. In any case, it tends to be shown exactly the way it is on the Richardson's page above, i.e. as part of the total cost, so it'll be rare a customer would challenge that as you did. I agree, David. My preference for pricing is to be all inclusive except fuel (because, like Andy above, I want to pay for what I use, not an average). That means parking is included, not like Barnes who take £15 off you. Boatyards offering the " everything except fuel" approach include Freedom as was, Pacific, and Maycraft. Caley Cruisers in Scotland go one better in that they don't even ask for a fuel deposit, only a credit card pre- authorisation.
  2. Fantastic photos, Malcolm. I've never moored at Hardley Mill and you've reminded me to give it a try.
  3. I agree, so never assume a boater is in the wrong if they've left a gap. However, there's an exception to that which is when people moor towards the end of a mooring and don't pull up to the end post, leaving a quarter or half a boat's length in so doing.
  4. If you're hiring for 4 nights that's over the top in my view. I'm thinking HW are taking inflated fuel deposits as a means of helping cash flow. To use that much fuel on a short break, you'd have to cruise at full throttle all hours of daylight and have the heating on 24 hours a day.
  5. I'd agree with that. The islands on the Lough make the views interesting. As I recall, navigation was pretty straightforward. On the Lough, I remember posts marking the channel that had arrows on top signalling which side of them you had to be, a better system than the red-green in my view.
  6. Yep, afraid so. It's always a good idea to avoid turnaround days when you need a pump out. If it is a turnaround day, go to a small operator like Maycraft or somewhere that doesn't hire like Norwich Yacht Station or Russell Marine at South Walsham.
  7. Is that the Alpha forward steer? I knew I wouldn't be the only one with a few plans in place. Thanks to all who've contributed. If you're planning on hiring and you haven't yet booked, get on with it before everything is booked up once again!
  8. I'm fortunate enough to have enjoyed 3 fabulous weeks boating this year (2 on the Broads and one in Scotland) and somehow have had the bonus of brilliant weather for all three. For next year I have 3 more trips booked (I'm a lucky, lucky man): April: Silver Mirage from Silverline. I'll either be solo (which I've cleared with the boatyard) or I may have a small crew. This will be my second hire with Silverline, the first being back in 2004, also on Silver Mirage. June: Lady Kristina from Kris Cruisers on the Thames with my Mum and daughter. I absolutely love the Thames but I've let hire prices put me off too often. It'll be my first hire from Kris Cruisers. September: Silver Emblem from Ferry Marina. I was due to have Rose Emblem this year but postponed that for family reasons and Ferry Marina were brilliant in letting me switch dates and boat. I'll be solo. Alas, I haven't been able to persuade Mrs Broads01 (Mel) to accompany me on any of these but she gives me continuing support in enjoying my passion. What plans do you have?
  9. It was Aghinver we went with, I'd forgotten the name and I didn't realise they were still around. They looked after us pretty well and the boat was great.
  10. Yes I've seen this before and it was discussed on here as I recall. It captures the period brilliantly.
  11. Yes but I haven't been since 2005. We went for 2 weeks, started from a base on the Upper Erne (I don't think it's there now). We cruised as far as somewhere below Carrick on Shannon. It was beautiful and, even though we were there in August, very very very quiet. Mooring places are a bit sporadic but as long as you plan ahead for them it's not a problem.
  12. Thankfully obnoxious sailors are a rarity in my experience. They may well take the "wrong" side of the channel to get the best wind and that's fine. My only complaint as a motor boater is I wish more of them would help themselves and others by giving clear signals as to where to pass, especially when tacking.
  13. I remember being told that when filling up, turn the tap on with the hose still outside the boat. I believe this enables any water sitting around in the hose to drain away. I've stuck to that since being told - is it a good idea?
  14. I wish more hire boats had water gauges. I tend to fill up every day regardless of how many people aboard because it gives me peace of mind.
  15. Thanks for sharing your take, Liz, very enjoyable. I live about an hour away from Brecon and I know a little of the area but I've not so far been boating there. I could be tempted now though. When you were talking about going aground and using the pole, were you using it to lever yourself free? How easy was it to free yourselves?
  16. I agree. The navy blue stripe around the top of the hull is a Woods thing. I can't recall any other Bounty 37s that had the large sliding roof with the roof lights.
  17. You're a braver man than me, knowing how narrow it is.
  18. People tend to reverse in to the moorings at Neatishead rather than reverse out. Personally I prefer to do it the opposite way, whichever takes your preference I guess. If you're turning round at the turning space I've turned a 44 footer with no problems.
  19. Hasn't it just. First of all I thought Richardson's were offering a tiny, day boat-sized thing until I saw the dimensions. At least Hoseasons have published a picture of the right boat this time.
  20. Is "staithe" defined in a particular way in this context? Do the moorings at Salhouse count as a staithe?
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