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Everything posted by Broads01

  1. I think it very much depends on where you're starting from and where your route takes you. When we hired from Bridgecraft last year it worked out well because we went south to begin with and came back north on the Wednesday. When we hired from NBD, we stayed north all week and revisited Wroxham on our way to Coltishall, so that was a handy free pumpout as well. Do you need one midweek? Often yes, in my experience. It very much depends on how many crew you have versus how many toilets.
  2. I can't see them on the website yet, Andy. Do you have any more details? http://www.norfolkboathire.co.uk/
  3. You may be right, I should have looked more closely when I was there. Does anyone have any recent photos?
  4. I never knew there used to be a terrace of four houses.
  5. If you're hiring, it comes in handy if your route takes you past your own boatyard midweek because they'll do you a pump out for free. I managed that myself twice this year.
  6. Yeah, that's the best way. If it's wet you can always steer inside in the most part and then do a quick swap over for mooring.
  7. I believe, strictly speaking, the boat going against the tide gives way to the one opposite on the basis that against the tide you have better control. In practice however, the story might be different and depend on who's nearest to the bridge and who's the more considerate.
  8. Yes, a nice interior but the option of full on Broads views and fresh air whenever you want it, the perfect combination.
  9. I must admit I also found the communication confusing. I love Rockland though
  10. I wouldn't recommend leaping off any boat. I think, though, if you want to try a side on mooring, you could potentially ease yourself on to the bank from a sitting or crouching position. I must admit I've never tried from a deck of that height though so don't quote me.
  11. I seem to recall Alan (who runs the syndicate) saying it needs 9 foot 6 so you're OK at Great Yarmouth at low water.
  12. Looks great inside from the Hoseasons photos and quite reasonably priced. Hoseasons say " will pass under Ludham at low states of the tide". I would imagine that should say something like " you might get under Ludham now and again but probably not". It would be a great boat for heading south though.
  13. That's perfectly understandable, Alan. We all enjoy different aspects of the Broads and that makes things all the more interesting.
  14. I like the idea of fixed weeks and I like the two week shares on Ranworth Breeze. The snag is neither passes under Ludham which for me will always be a showstopper.
  15. 4% shares are like gold dust in my experience. Malcolm (Mouldy) has one but I think it's the only 4% share on MS and the other syndicates are similar. Ranworth Breeze has 2 week shares and Southern Crusader single fixed weeks if those boats suit you.
  16. Interesting stuff, thanks. I'll give it a try next time I'm stern mooring.
  17. Are you saying, for stern mooring, bow thrusters are more effective when the boat is moving astern as opposed to being stationary? I've seen this done on YouTube but it contradicts what I believed was best practice.
  18. Bow thrusters seem to have become an essential piece of kit over the last ten or twenty years. More recently, stern thrusters have become more popular also and I was certainly very glad of them when I hired in Scotland this year (first time I'd experienced using stern ones). Here are some of the things I've learned: 1 - Thrusters are a useful tool but they don't replace the old fashioned rudder and you shouldn't use them to steer the boat. 2 - They're more effective when the boat is stationary or hardly moving than they are when the boat is moving. 3 - They're especially useful for stern mooring, leaving a side on mooring and turning around in a tight spot. Have I missed anything?
  19. It's one Broads pub I've never visited being the view from the mooring that puts me off. Maybe I should give it a try.
  20. Merry Christmas and thanks to the forum team for all your hard work this year.
  21. Mayfair has been on my mental " to hire" list for quite a while. I keep being tempted elsewhere but I want to experience that classic design again. The last time I hired one was over 30 years ago. I think I'm right in saying the only Hamptons still on hire are Mayfair and Richardsons' Capri.
  22. Probably because I was discussing it on here recently but no, I haven't yet quite been tempted enough to go for it. Yes, of course it's a huge decision for you. The trouble is until you own a boat you'll just have to keep hiring. What a trauma that will be.
  23. Good luck for your retirement, Andy. Happy boat hunting. You mentioned syndicates and I see there's a Moonlight Shadow share being advertised. I might have been tempted myself if I didn't already have three hires booked for next year.
  24. I have a feeling the grey Hampton is a day cruiser. Each time I've seen it there's been a group aboard.
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