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Everything posted by Broads01

  1. Hi Kevin, I'm glad you appreciated my write up. I'm sure you'll have an amazing time. Send me a pm and I'll be happy to help with more info.
  2. The Bridgecraft Facebook page is interesting through the winter as they show each boat as they take it into the shed (and sort out the numerous damage that's been inflicted during the season). https://www.facebook.com/464031777030041/posts/4058187377614445/
  3. That's good to know. The Lion at Thurne under the same ownership is just as good.
  4. I think NBD stopped hiring over winter a few years back. Ferry hire all year, Bridgecraft do as well but only by special request, I think. HW make a few boats available in November and February. I'm surprised there's Richardson’s boats still out - I thought they advertised November last year but pulled the offer in the end.
  5. I associate this time of year with memories of childhood and younger adulthood because this is around the time the following year's Hoseasons and Blakes brochures were released. I can remember, in the days when there were many travel agents on the high street, walking into the agents and asking if the brochures were available. Invariably they weren't and I ended up receiving them in the post. Either way I would pour through them, work out what was new (or invariably, which boatyards had stopped hiring). As much as that though, in cold November days the brochures were a reminder of sunny boating time.
  6. No, neither of the Forth Bridges have a stern door. I've hired Soprano in the past which does have a stern door. It was a mixed blessing though because whilst it was useful for stern moorings, it was a big old climb up to the stern deck from the door well. The stern cabin was nowhere near as nice as Forth Bridge 2.
  7. Nicely written, Vaughan.
  8. Alas, it's been happening for a while. This thread talks about Johnny Crowes staithe which is one of the Ant's popular wild mooring spots
  9. Ah, happy memories. I hired Distant Horizon 1 in 2009 with my two children. It was my first dual steer on the Broads and I've loved them ever since. The boat went to Broads Boating Company briefly and then I saw it this year in private hands. I think the version at Caversham Boat Services on the Thames may be one of the oldest? It has a different layout with the galley down the side of the saloon. http://www.cavershamboatservices.co.uk/html/count.html
  10. Good to hear from you, Howard. Are you on Humber Bridge this December?
  11. That made me laugh but there's a serious side too. You can't compare apples with pears. Whilst it's true both are forms of self-catering holiday accommodation, they're not comparable in terms of what they offer overall.
  12. I agree, David, it's difficult to make out. Some of the boats being let go aren't that old in hireboat terms, e.g. Jamaica and Blue Gem. Perhaps they've picked out boats that would otherwise need a lot of money spending to keep them up to standard.
  13. Good shout to start the new thread. Silver Sapphire looks very inviting. Hoseasons have got the correct photos for a new boat, what's going on? 😊
  14. I think both have the same layout with the exception of the stern bed orientation so I'm not sure why they're different capacities. Re bed comfort, personally I found the bed to be on the comfier side from what I've experienced.
  15. Humber Bridge is Howard's (Norfolk Nog) regular boat. I loved the stern cabin on Forth Bridge 2 with its diagonal bed. Forth Bridge 1 is slightly different I think but no doubt just as nice.
  16. It's doable but limited choice of boats available. Herbert Woods offer a few plus Ferry Marina. NBD may do but I'm not sure.
  17. Am I right in thinking the New Inn has changed hands more than once recently?
  18. Half-term peak well and truly over then. It looks lovely, have a great time.
  19. He what? Isn't that what you're paying Brooms for? I have to admit, Helen, in your position I'd have been starting the boat up and off.
  20. I agree Andy. I hope the "staycation" boom doesn't drag on beyond next year and competition from holidays abroad pushes prices back.
  21. That's ex-Alpha Craft hire, I recognise those arched windows.
  22. I was thinking along the same lines. Mmm, OBYS is going to be super busy then because former WRC overnighters will head there instead.
  23. Thanks, Vaughan for such a fascinating insight. Re Herringfleet swing bridge, you've helped me learn what those concrete posts and signal box once were.
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