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Everything posted by Broads01

  1. Fair play to Jonathan for not letting the bridge put him off. I'm sure it was worth the effort. The Bure would be almost empty up there I imagine.
  2. I think they'll have to switch to a day boat first.
  3. I've hired from Richardson's many times of the years and never been disappointed. Even with their older boats, everything "just works" and call outs have been needed very rarely, even late in the season. Richardsons have only ever fallen short once for me and that was in 2018 when I was one of a number of hirers who had their booking cancelled at short notice due to their policy u-turn on solo hiring. That decision still grates on me now, especially when I see the boat I hired solo on two occasions (Broadland Wave 2), a boat which I loved.
  4. Why not Jean? I could think of worse places ( like Benidorm maybe!). If it's peace and quiet you want though, I don't think you're limited to March on the south Broads. April and May would be pretty quiet outside school holidays and Bank Holidays.
  5. I'd be interested to hear what the clearance is at Ludham and whether any Richardson's boats are having issues.
  6. Thanks for your write up and boat review, Jean. For me, mooring the last night in the boatyard is always an option and I do that some of the time to get the advantages. When at Richardson's, I like the side-on moorings just inside the entrance because you don't feel like you're in a boatyard. The boat looks really nice from the photos with one exception. As others have said, it's that helm view.
  7. With countries starting to close their borders due to our high Covid rate, bookings are going to fill up in my view.
  8. Echo that, I think that's one of the best Salhouse spots. There's only enough room for 3 boats I think an end spot is great. You hook up types do miss out on a lot (says he, knowing he'll be after hook ups himself next April)!
  9. If it was low enough to be dipping in the river then that might explain the movement.
  10. Curious that a fender on the river side of the boat could be noisy like that. I must admit I wouldn't have had the patience to try and lift it from the inside, I'd have been straight outside with my life jacket on, rightly or wrongly. David, I would never have thought altering the rudder position would have any effect whilst the boat was stationary. I might give that a try one day, just out of curiosity.
  11. I don't remember that boat being available. The prices and the photo make it look earlier than 1990. Where did you take the scan from?
  12. You might just squeeze under Beccles at low water but I wouldn't recommend it with an aircraft of 8 foot 4 as you'd have to wait until absolute low water to get back. St Olaves will need care but you may have a small window either side of low water. I think at Norwich you'll have a bit more flexibility.
  13. Yes indeed. They're a popular hire boat, being also at Barnes, Richardsons and Silverline.
  14. Boulters don't sell petrol for cars, do they 😊?
  15. Pacific have updated their website to show their new acquisition, Pacific Oasis, together with prices and availability for all their boats. Oasis shows zero availability at the moment which I'm guessing isn't correct. Pacific Princess is no longer offered. https://www.pacificcruisers.co.uk/our-cruisers
  16. I'm just thinking, you had no worries about forgetting to pack everything - if there was anything you had forgotten you could just walk home for it 🙂.
  17. Thanks for sharing this Jean. I do like a boat with generous windows at the stern and I like the wide stern entrance as well. Did you find the reversing camera helpful?
  18. An enjoyable tale, thanks for sharing.
  19. I thought to myself this morning, they'll be at The Bridge tonight in fancy dress. It seems, somehow, I had a premonition...
  20. Andy, I think your experience this week and the fact you were waiting with two others at Ranworth is very telling.
  21. I agree. They're not old boats in the context of the hire boat population (1990s) and I've hired much older many times with very few issues.
  22. You must be sick of the sight of each other by now. It makes me wonder how proactive HW are in looking after their boats or is it a case of leave everything until it breaks and only then fix it.
  23. Stunning drone shots, Malcolm. I especially like the 3rd one.
  24. Wroxham Bridge currently showing 6 foot 8 on the Barnes webcam.
  25. Yep, empty gas bottles is just sloppy, no excuse for that.
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