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Everything posted by Broads01

  1. In April I'll be hiring Silver Mirage having last hired it in 2004, a gap of almost 18 years. It's been too long - I loved it the first time around and it's had a refit since then. What's the longest gap you've had between your first and second experiences of a boat (owning or hiring)? I don't mean just seeing a boat you've experienced before, I mean being on it for real. How did you find the return experience in comparison to the original one?
  2. Thanks for the update, Andy. I agree it's a shame but they must have their reasons. I hired it for half a day in 2016 and it was brilliant. Even if it could rarely fit through the bridge now I'd gladly have hired it for one or two nights.
  3. Broads01


    I really like the swimming pool moorings if you can get under the bridge - quieter than the Yacht Station and an even shorter walk to town. If you're going to Norwich then Commissioners Cut and a bus is OK but personally I enjoy the cruise into Norwich and the Yacht Station is so well placed.
  4. This looks rather nice. It's not cheap but it's not mega bucks either and it's good to see a brand new compact boat because they're few and far between. https://www.ferry-marina.co.uk/holiday-cruisers/sleeps-2-to-4/onyx-emblem/?arrivaldate=2023-04-01&duration=7&flexibility=3&sleeps=2
  5. Thanks for your write-up and photos, Helen. I always enjoy reading your tales. I'm surprised at your comments about going easy on the new engine - was this something you were advised to do? My knowledge of marine engineering is next to nothing but I do know with car engines the need for " running in" no longer exists.
  6. I guess it helps when speedsters race past you on a busy stretch?
  7. I took this in Bristol today. If anybody can identify what it was on its former life I'll be impressed (I've no idea myself). The colour scheme is... individual.
  8. They're annoying, aren't they? I guess you can turn notifications like that off in your account settings somewhere. I used to get an annoying email from Hoseasons every time I browsed their website saying "Is there anything we can help you with?" I felt like replying saying "No, of I want your help I'll ask for it." I think I managed to turn them off or unsubscribe.
  9. I spotted this on eBay, not a million miles from the Broads. It was formerly Rio 4 at Horning Pleasurecraft and in the Thames fleet before that. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Norfolk-broads-cruiser-boat-and-possible-liveaboard-mooring-/175157142486?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  10. Thank you all for your kind comments. Thankfully we're not dogless because we have Betsy (also a Lhasa). We also have Ollie, my step daughter's cockerpoo living with us at the moment. Both of them are completely different to Rollie bit lovely in their own individual way. Thank goodness they're here - to have a home without a dog now would be unbearable.
  11. You took the words right out of my mouth. I would be heading straight up north to make the most of it. It's strange, actually, I was looking at the Wroxham bridge clearance on the Barnes webcam yesterday and it said just over 6 foot.
  12. This week our beloved Lhasa Apso dog, Rollie, passed away. It's been a hell of a shock because he had an aggressive form of cancer and it all happened in a matter of days. Our first dog, he was only 6 years old and we'd had him just 3 years after he came to us as a rescue. In the 3 years in which Rollie enriched our lives he came to the Broads with me on 6 occasions. He absolutely loved it because he would relish exploring so many riverside locations. He was happy walking anywhere but he loved sniffing his way through the woods at Salhouse and sprinting off the lead at St Benets. He had a lovely nature and loved meeting dogs and people. When I return to the Broads this year it will be very much coloured with sadness. However, my happiest memories of Rollie are when we were boating together so I hope I'll gain some comfort. Rest peacefully our beautiful boy.
  13. Yes and I remember lots of Hearts boats that took years to sell. I don't remember seeing any sinking, I was thinking more about the recovery jobs they have to do when boats are holed when on hire. I recall one of the Magic Gems sunk a few years back.
  14. All the Alpha CCs seem to be the website now.
  15. Broads01


    Evening Light again, Howard?
  16. I think a sinking is meat and drink to Richardson's, I should imagine it's a well practiced routine.
  17. Hoseasons have added availability for 2023 which is handy for those of us who like to enjoy musing at possible future hires. I notice Richardson's don't appear in the search which is odd considering they've added 2023 availability to their own website. I'm wondering if Richardson's and Hoseasons are going their separate ways or if there's another explanation.
  18. I would say the digit on the right looks more like a 1 than anything between 2 and 6 but I can't say for certain.
  19. I really enjoyed it. I agree I would have liked to see some coverage of the Broads adjoining the river and I thought seeing the wherry at Womack and then Thurne Mll was a bit of a cheat. What they did cover was good though and pretty informative I thought.
  20. Prices are on there now. Looks like it's available from May onwards.
  21. I notice, searching on Barnes Brinkcraft, Ladymore is no longer offered and nor is Cygnet (the ex-Scotland) boat they've not had for long. Curlew shows on the BB website at a price of £0.00 per week (grab a bargain!) and isn't on Hoseasons so I'm not sure what's happening with that one.
  22. More than five years on now and I still miss them.
  23. Some people take pleasure in breaking rules and shouting to the world they've done it. I find it impossible to understand.
  24. I'll have free booking confirmations if there are any going. Surely they can't refuse you if the booking's been confirmed...
  25. Something Bridgecraft are very good at is having each of their boats in to the shed over winter. They not only clean the hulls but patch up all the bumps, scrapes and holes the boats pick up during the season. They have a comparatively small fleet of course but they also have a small number of staff so I get the impression winter is a busy time.
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