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Everything posted by Broads01

  1. Go for it. You'd need at least a fortnight to go all the way to Lechlade. Twenty years ago when Natalia was just two years old, my ex and I hired from Cotswold Boat Hire at Lechlade (still around but a little downstream now) for 16 nights and went all the way to Teddington and back. It was a fabulous trip I'm unlikely to repeat.
  2. Excellent historical insight as always, Vaughan, thank you.
  3. Me too. Time was when there were many more hire boats of course but it seems the industry has shrunk in the same way the Broads one has.
  4. It is lovely and yes, with enough time you can cruise all the way to Lechlade in Gloucestershire.
  5. Tuesday 14th June Somehow I've been very jammy with the weather on last year's boat trips and this and this week is continuing the trend. After some breakfast and a short walk with Suzie it was roof back and away in the warm sunshine. Cliveden Reach is possibly my favourite stretch of the whole Thames with its steep bank, trees and islands. We were soon in to Cookham lock and onwards past Bourne End. So far the Thames has proven to be quieter than I expected. There's plenty of boats around but largely it feels more like South Broads traffic than North, if that makes sense. We're yet to experience the weekend though so we'll see what happens then. At Marlow lock we had a short wait for the first time but probably only because its dimensions to allow many boats to fit in. We moored at Marlow then which has a lovely setting and enjoyed some relax time and a bit of shopping. Later we continued and through Temple lock and Hurley just after. Just after Hurley lock we made a stop for a water point that rivalled Womack Staithe for the slowest water pressure in the world. What with waiting for the hose to be free and the time it took us to fill we were there a full hour. It didn't matter much though and it gave Natalia the chance for a dip in the river to escape the heat. We decided to head for Henley-on-Thames overnight and passed the regatta course with preparations and rowing training in full swing. I've never been but judging by all the tents and paraphernalia it looks to be a huge event. We found a mooring spot some distance up from the bridge and enjoyed a meal out at The Angel by the bridge, sat on the terrace.
  6. Sorry I should have been clearer, yes Carol is my Mum.
  7. Yes they're a family business which has been around for over 50 years. Their prices compare well to the competition nowadays and I wish I'd hired from them years ago. It was a short cruise alongside Windsor Great Park to our first lock, Romney. I did miss having thrusters coming in to the lock but we managed without issue and were soon on our way and passing through Windsor. Boveney lock soon arrived and then some beautiful properties around Bray and approaching Maidenhead. At Bray lock I received a minor ticking off from the lock keeper for switching the engine off before we'd secured the stern line. That was fair comment but I'd been thinking about past experiences of being ticked off for having the engine running. By the time we reached Maidenhead we'd have been ready to stop for the night but decided instead to carry on through Boulter's Lock so we could overnight at the scenically lovely Cliveden Reach. We found a lovely spot on the pay moorings on the right and enjoyed a very peaceful evening.
  8. On Monday 13th June I started a long overdue Thames trip. We have a week aboard Lady Kristina from Kris Cruisers, 3 of us aboard being my Mum, Carol and my daughter Natalia. We also have our recently acquired rescue Shih Tzu, Suzie on her maiden boating voyage. I've been on the Thames quite a few times over the years but this is my first trip since 2016 (much longer for Mum and Natalia) and the first time with Kris Cruisers. Living in South Wales the journey to the Thames seems like a pootle down the road compared to the distance to the Broads. Nevertheless it was a 6am alarm call as I was picking up Natalia from Bristol and Mum from Reading station. All went to plan and we were soon altogether and doing some food shopping. We had a brief refreshment break in Windsor sat by the river in the sunshine and then headed just down the road to Kris Cruisers at Datchet. Driving in to the boatyard there was a lovely customer service touch I've never experienced - a parking space reserved for us, labelled with our boat name. It was around 2pm and the boat was all ready for us. Lady Kristina is an Aquafibre 38, operated by Kris Cruisers since new in 1990. It's been very well maintained and updated over the years and overall condition and cleanliness was as spot on as you would expect. The only slight disappointment was there was no bow thruster (I had thought there was but to be fair there's none specified) so it's been back to good old fashioned throttle and rudder. We received a prompt and thorough show over and trial run and then we were off upstream.
  9. I agree. Maybe get away with closing 15 minutes early if you have zero customers but don't take the mick.
  10. I ate at the Ship in April and enjoyed it. That night it was much busier than the Nelson, read into that what you will.
  11. Excellent Clive. I've long been a fan of the design, I really like the wide front doorway, lots of fresh air into the boat.
  12. To clarify, this is a new Horning Pleasurecraft boat rather than a new Richardsons boat.
  13. Looks like the owner of the ex-Grande Girl has been inconsiderate enough to moor in your spot. The cheek of it
  14. According to this article, at one time (until at least the 1970's) you could board the Queen of the Broads in Great Yarmouth and it would take you all the way to Wroxham. I've learned something new today. https://www.greatyarmouthmercury.co.uk/lifestyle/heritage/queen-of-the-broads-in-norfolk-gallery-8994002
  15. When I say full cruising days, I really mean full in terms of activity, including walking off the boat, mudweighting, short stop offs and whatever else takes my fancy. The north has so much packed in to a small area. Also, it can be surprising how long it takes to cruise "fiddly bits" like the top of the Ant, Coltishall locks, Upton Dyke and take in out of the way spots like South Walsham inner broad. I've done some doubling back sometimes, usually for convenience like revisiting Wroxham to pass under the bridge, but in a week I don't repeat much.
  16. I agree, Helen. I always look upon the Great Yarmouth- Breydon crossing as a fun challenge to be enjoyed. That said, I don't look upon it as a must because I can also enjoy a full week north, especially if I'm able to pass under Wroxham and Wayford. I'm still to do a full week south on the basis for me there isn't quite enough cruising time to fill a week because I do like a full cruising day.
  17. Thanks for sharing your tale and photos, it was an entertaining read. I'm glad you had good service from NBD. I hired from them for the first time last year and was appalled by how sloppy they were on takeover day and we had a late takeover so hopefully they've made improvements. I love both the North and South for different reasons. If you hire south, Silverline are brilliant and don't charge over the top prices, unlike Brooms. It's lovely around Brundall, Surlingham Broad and beyond all the way to Norwich.
  18. I love the last photo, Malcom. It makes me want to be there. I've made daytime stops at Langley Dyke but not overnighted for many years. I shall have to put that right.
  19. Thanks for sharing, Jean and lovely photos. I was born and brought up in Poole and my Mum still lives in Wimborne so it's my part of the world. As a coastal area it's hard to beat. It does get crowded in the peak spots in Summer but even then there are places off the beaten track if you know where to look. Your journey there was my journey to the Broads as a child and a young adult only in reverse.
  20. I'm with you on that, Andy. It's nice to have a newer boat with more toys but you really have to pay for it. I do like having a bow thruster though (especially having paid far too much for an NBD boat last year which didn't have it). This is where Bridgecraft and Silverline or so good because you can have an older boat for reasonable money but we'll looked after and updated. Silver Mirage is 33 years old but has now thruster, electric roof and electric mudweight.
  21. Boat shower for me, generally, I don't find public showers very inviting.
  22. Indeed you will. I quite liked your brief "Sailed at 0900 hours" style logs.
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