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Everything posted by Broads01

  1. Yeah Barnes have always used the space just for boat storage. I'm not sure what they use the building and boat shed for, if anything. I guess there's not a huge amount of space there to do much different.
  2. Of all the places to get it, it's not as if you were spending lots of time indoors in crowds of people. Get well soon.
  3. Unusual to see Purdey inside the boat instead of out on the side decks.
  4. You certainly did and the combination of both would have wrecked my day, to be honest. The ignorance and unpleasantness of some elements of the population never ceases to dumbfound me. Good on the ranger for taking action.
  5. I love your first photo, taken from Everitt Park somewhere?
  6. St Benedict's church is a lovely spot, much overlooked I think.
  7. It's hard to say if they'll stick around or not. Although all the hire operators have their own website, some of the smaller ones such as Horning Pleasurecraft, Bridge Boats and Silverline rely on Hoseasons to handle their bookings. It saves them the cost and hassle of doing it themselves.
  8. You may be right, Neil although I'd have thought Martham's Elysian centre cockpit runs it close? I had no idea Rhapsody 1 was as old as 50, even though the interior is more like 11 or 12 years old I think. I'll look at it in a new light now.
  9. A bit like Malcolm and his cruise to Watford. Next time I'm on the Broads I want to go to Stokes you on my way to Burghley Castles.
  10. Thanks for sharing that, Simon. I suspect people make the mistake of thinking that a boat on a hot day isn't a car so the dog will be OK.
  11. Thank you Neil, definitely of interest to a fellow nerd like myself. I didn't realise Ferry Marina had so many. Interesting that numbers of forward steer and centre cockpit are so close and dual steer not far behind. Do Maycraft definitely have 2? I thought one of the Hamptons was a day cruiser.
  12. I like the Aweigh app. Do you know if it has real time updates about tides or is it just that it has a different opinion in the first place?
  13. I do like your drone pictures, Malcolm. What a shame you didn't get as far as Watford Bridge, I didn't know you could cruise under the M25 on a Broads Boat...
  14. Thanks for sharing that, it brought back nice memories of Pennant Holidays. I was a teenager at that time and we had our first ever Thames holiday at the end of May which was very wet also. We also went to a wet Lake District that August, I think it was a wet summer all round.
  15. Enjoy, Helen, I know how much it means to have your grown up children with you. Mine are both in there twenties now and both have been coming since they were toddlers. Somehow it seems extra special they choose to come of there own free will, so to speak.
  16. Forgive me if I've asked you this before, David but if I have I can't remember the answer. Is there an option to pay a cleaner at the end of your trips?
  17. Thanks for sharing your well-written and entertaining tale. I find I staggering that someone can claim they "nearly rammed you" and make it your fault.
  18. For those with access to Facebook there are some interior photos https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0ZQNm3amQJHuuuXsGTHCL8DsZ4DgGPiKrmiiEc5LRoXtfNmRbZ2W2CQp7yPqEUt4Jl&id=110557400763374&sfnsn=scwspmo
  19. Sounds like a fabulous day, Malcom. You often hear people (not everyone) talking about travelling from South to North or vice versa as "wasting a day" which is nonsense.
  20. I must admit the weed growth over the path has put me off fighting through. I have nice memories of walking as far as the Ferry Inn in the past and it's a shame if it's no longer a permissable option.
  21. Interesting photo of the unsold Richardson's boats, David, I'm surprised that. Apart from the Ideal 45s I see there's a Jamaica there, possibly Jamaica 1 which I hired 10 years ago. It was a very nice boat and one I'm surprised Richardson's sold. They still have all 8 Gold Gems though. I think, which are older than Jamaica so it seems strange to me
  22. Thanks for all the replies. I didn't realise you could drive on to the Staithe itself, I always thought it wasn't allowed. I had visions of trudging luggage a long distance but I was wrong it seems. They're on my list of possibles for next year. I haven't hired a Hampton since 1989 and I do fancy it. Andy, I think there other Hampton is just a day cruiser but I could be wrong.
  23. Is anybody able to clarify how close you can get your car to the boat for unloading? I'm not the best at packing light, especially with dogs in tow so that is a consideration.
  24. I'm enjoying your write up and photos, as always, David. You're selling the benefits of solo boating well in terms of the freedom and pleasure it gives. I'm not one to stop at Great Yarmouth but you make that sound fun as well, I might be tempted. You're also showing the south Broads aren't scary when solo for an experienced boater like yourself.
  25. The carpet looks nice, David. My concern would be how practical it will be compared to a hard flooring, what do you think?
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