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Everything posted by Broads01

  1. The Horning Pleasurecraft website now includes Maggie Jane. It looks beautiful. More interior photos please! https://broadshols.co.uk/boats/maggie-jane
  2. It must have been a tight squeeze getting in to the Salhouse moorings.
  3. The description says "Sleeps 3" so it looks to be more of a holiday boat than a day boat. It'd be good to see some interior photos. I didn't know Eastwood Whelpton offered boats without big flappy things on the top.
  4. That would be Ferry Marina. They're the only boatyard I'm aware of to openly offer all year round hire.
  5. Where did you finish up Howard?
  6. Good to hear from you, Howard. I'd been hoping, as it's December, you'd be telling us about your winter holiday once again. I did appreciate the welcome we received from Bridgecraft when we hired from them in July, it makes a big difference.
  7. I love the 3rd photo, David. Where was that taken?
  8. I've never tried that but I'd like to do so. Once you've dropped the mudweight, is there any tendency for the stern to drift around before you engage reverse (especially if you're solo and you have to make your way back to the helm)?
  9. Great photos David. Having moored at Bridgecraft twice this Summer, it's harder than it looks. Even allowing for the tide it caught us more than I expected and pushed sideways a long way.
  10. That's what I thought, the moorings are closed but navigation remains open.
  11. I thought it was just the Yacht Station moorings which closed?
  12. The caption underneath the photo of the mill amused me. "Berney Arms Windmill is currently closed for maintenance work". It's been closed to the public for over 20 years.
  13. That's a good shout and I like the idea of booking a cruiser/day boat combination. However, I don't know if HW would ever do it given the money they make on the day boat fleet being well booked as they are.
  14. See link I posted 20/11/2021 at 21-48.
  15. I think this is the picture fb://photo/10159796759008151?set=a.388067628150
  16. Thanks for the write up and photos, Helen, very enjoyable.
  17. I completely agree about the side-on issue, no excuse for it. If I'd been the Broom arriving I'd have asked them to move.
  18. I have a strong preference for electric flush, the type where you control the water by the length of time you press the button (not the fully automatic type where it's one quick press and you use far too much water). I'm not a fan of hand pumps - too much faff.
  19. I'm enjoying your tale and photos Helen, thank you. I've long since given up on ever trying to get water at Womack, life's too short.
  20. I remember reading on here, Challenger 4 hit one of the Great Yarmouth bridges so badly, the entire central saloon structure was destroyed. Richardson's rebuilt it which is why Challenger 4 has a more modern looking windscreen and saloon windows.
  21. Interesting point, Andrew. I don't think all day boats have to be back by 5pm but even so, a 3-30 or 4pm cut off might be a fairer time. Personally though, whilst I enjoy a pub mooring as much as anyone, I always prefer being moored within walking distance rather than right outside so even if the moorings outside were available all the time I wouldn't bother.
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