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Everything posted by BroadAmbition

  1. Just caught up on this thread, thank you for sharing such lovely photos I've been following this thread from the beginning. Thanks to for the photo's but more importantly to me thanks for you historians sharing this knowledge with us, enlightening us - Fascinating stuff all of it, we as forumites are so lucky to have living breathing witnesses to a bygone age brought right up to date Griff
  2. That’ll be interesting, a few photo’s would not be amiss. We’ll volunteered Griff
  3. You have my support and here's hoping you can make a success of it. Anything has gotta be better than the present eye sore Griff
  4. I visited the opticians this morning. That’s me sorted. I can officially see for another year without the need for glasses other than +1’s reading glasses at nights. Eight years since my last eye test so I got a telling off (quite right too). Not bad for my vintage so am informed. I have also been informed that I'm ok if:- A) I can see a pint in front of me B) A cruiser / Rag-n-Stick bearing down on me C) Score more than 20 out of 25 on any give clay shoot discipline D) Go out misbehaving on the mighty Tiger and get home safely and lastly but most importantly still smile when I see my MrsG Griff
  5. All the best for a speedy and successful recovery Griff
  6. 'Jolly Useful' indeed. I have spent many a night on wild moorings confident that they will hold us there despite some strong winds sometimes. Before now I have tied two on the end of a mooring rope and used them as a secondary mudweight, or thrown them into reeds if no terra firma available, they have never let me down (Carry a second mudweight nowadays). I would not set sail without them Griff
  7. If you can't blog it, then photo's / description will do it for the likes of us in here. We lurv them kind of write ups Griff
  8. You could always have the gel coat redone - LBBy are very good at this process. Save on all that prep / paint and repaints. No idea what it costs to have a re-gel done but suspect on a boat the size you are after you could buy another boat! Griff
  9. 44ft of Tupperware - That's a lot of painting unless it is still sporting it's original gel coat finish, even then a fair amount of polishing to bring it up to bling standard. Mind you having said that if it was a biodegradable one would only save on the polishing Griff
  10. ‘B.A’ tucked up. Now enroute home. Back down Sunday night or Monday morning for four twelve Hr days grafting Griff
  11. Rain has gone, mild n breezy now meandering up tha Ant again Griff
  12. Everyone is turned in. Me as of five minutes ago. Tis chucking it down on and off but we are all warm and dry. It’s kinda nice hearing the rain outside knowing ‘B.A’ is looking after us Griff
  13. It started raining early afternoon and has not stopped since. Alongside Coltishall common. No fishing in this wx. I’ve given in and put the tv on and even the heating too. Mind you we do have 3 girlies onboard plus Grandson Charlie. Dinner tonight will be in t Rising Sun apparently. Back to base and home tomorrow Griff
  14. As are private craft if no nav lights fitted Griff
  15. Here we are at Ranworth Staithe. It’s chokka but we got here early enough. Charlie Girl with her Dad on Blue Dolphin alongside and SteveDuk a few berths along. MrsG, Nadine, Grandson Charlie and Macie dog enjoying the sunshine on t grass. I’m enjoying yet another ‘Robin’ cocktail he introduced me to at at Beccles. There is a breeze thank goodness as it’s proper warm. We are thinking of Potter for overnight. May have two more crew members joining tomorrow Griff
  16. Stop people! No knocking, no hammers if you are, your doing it all wrong. Sheesh, I need to get the vid done sooner than I thought Griff
  17. 1200rpm. Alternators for five minutes there were kicking out 115 amps - wow. All normal of course Nadine using hair dryer. It’ll be the GHD’s next. More importantly why is the electric toaster not producing crumpets? coz Grandson onboard so my galley slave is on strike cooing over him Griff
  18. Up at 0600, fishing and doing well but now gone off. Sailing preps, underway shortly. Cold wind but not a cloud in sight Griff
  19. Most definitely but to be precise the curve Griff
  20. Actually there is a ‘secret’ way of getting Rhond anchors into hard ground with no stamping or hammer. I’ll do a short video sometime for Robin to post up welcome Bubba Griff
  21. Well that was a challenge, night nav from Richo’s alongside at Paddy’s Lane for 2315. No moonlight but plenty of wind n rain. All safe n secured. Special cargo as from 2215 is Grandson with his mum. Nightcap then lights out. Malthouse Broad tomorrow maybe Griff
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