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Everything posted by batrabill

  1. It is confusing isn't it? But all you have to do is assume everything the BA says is a lie, and then everything becomes clear.
  2. On a quick look it doesn't seem to say what you say it says. Will look closer later
  3. I’m not allowed to be a member of Protect the Broads.... they dont like people arguing. So it’s public and I think reasonable especially as they are taking a role in the Engage process as a pressure group. Possibly could have said Green Ink Brigade but Lunatic Fringe seems appropriate.
  4. I thought one of the heartening things was that Sue Hines was absolutely ready to give the benefit of the doubt and await the feedback. Even one P Waller was open minded. Hence some dismay at the response on FB.....
  5. I know it well, it’s where Sue Hines’ original post came from. I recommend reading the response to Mr T’s reply. It will be a matter of perspective but to me it is tipping over into Lunatic Fringe territory.
  6. Where on Facebook did those appear Jayfire?
  7. Where? I don’t see them, and if you can why not copy and post?
  8. So man says he will use wood, in process of making loads of money for himself - doesn’t - runs to papers to complain. I can see why people think the BA is at fault. * *This is sarcasm, the lowest form of wit, but I’d rather be sarcastic than someone who believes everything the BA does is wrong. That’s called lunacy.
  9. BA bends over backward to allow man to make lots of money from building a holiday home in a very valuable spot. Man ignores planning restrictions. BA enforce one restriction while letting another go. Man runs to press. Usual ‘damned if they do ‘ response. Good side - story gets in Angry People In Local Newspapers on Facebook
  10. I think maybe you’ve missed something ? Like the last two years?
  11. Timbo Forgive my laziness not reading the 64 pages, but is there a “review” or “fair dealing” clause. This is the get out that TV programmes often use to use clips for free under the claim that they a “reviewing” a film, tv show or other media. This might allow reposting stuff as long as you “reviewed” it, ie expressed an opinion about it. That seems to be something NBN members are able to do. “Another terrible article in the EDP” might become a legal requirement ..... There will have to be a practical solution to this as has been pointed out a strict application would not be workable
  12. http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/about-us/how-we-work/broads-engage/broads-engage-workshop
  13. A report copied from the Facebook group Protect The Broads We Are Not a National Park, written by Sue Hines. Members of the Protect the Broads group attended the new Broads Engage workshop at 1.30 pm yesterday afternoon. The format consisted of tables of 8 people including a facilitator who was a BA Member. There was a good turnout with around 8 tables set up; each table ran independently. Adrian Clarke, Senior Waterways and Recreation Officer for the BA gave a good presentation on some of the aims, issues and constraints that are faced by the BA in working closely with Councils, landowners and other organisations to improve the access network and facilities in and around the Broads, with a list of core objectives. He gave a very factual introduction and did not use it as a propaganda opportunity to promote the BNP. A representative from Norfolk County Council then gave a rather poor presentation which basically showed on maps the structure of footpaths etc round the county. The workshop was then split into two sessions, the first one being on 'access on land and from land to water’s edge'. A map was provided, initially of the southern rivers area (or vice versa) and then swapped between tables for the northern rivers area. Four headings were discussed, i.e. Uses (what activities do access users want to do), Assets (what facilities, services, infrastructure or other changes were needed and where), Priority Projects and Impacts (how impact of projects affects people etc). Although asked to keep to specific areas, we asked for the general provision of waste disposal and toilet facilities to be included as objectives. Our table, which consisted of one BA Member, myself and 6 very knowledgeable and experienced Broads users identified areas where footpaths had been broken or overgrown and where they needed to be reinstated or made usable; other paths were identified where permissive path use had been withdrawn and attempts should be made to negotiate with landowners. The second session (after a cup of tea and biscuit) was Mooring provision. We were given maps (again one of the southern rivers and then swapped between tables for one of the northern rivers or vice versa) with the locations of BA moorings and moorings provided by others. The maps were marked up to show stretches of water which did not have moorings at approximately 30 minutes distance from each other. Areas on the map where we thought new moorings should be installed were marked and reasons given on a separate sheet. Mooring types suggested were existing piled edges, pontoons, dolphins or posts. We also suggested that clearing trees and shrubs from banks would provide bank mooring with rhond anchors/mudweights. Additional moorings were suggested in areas which were not shown as gaps but known as high demand areas where volume exceeds provision. The meeting finished around 4.30 pm but continued with our allocated Member and most of our ‘team’ for about another hour – partly in the car park! We felt that our Member left with a better knowledge of how we, as stakeholders, felt about issues and the BA generally! This will be followed up with an email shortly. All in all it was considered by us to be a useful workshop but so much depends on how the information is collated and acted upon and, of course, we had no feedback from the other 7/8 tables input! If the results are realistic, I personally would definitely attend another of these workshops. Feedback from one of the attendees on our table was that he was torn between the workshop being useful and a “tick box” exercise where all of the points raised should already be known by the BA. We will, of course, let you know the results of the workshop when they become available but it won’t be for a while.
  14. It would be easy to write a list as long of things that have improved over the last few years. Ah...MM beat me to it
  15. Jocave I’m fairly certain there is a waiting list for a parish mooring. Anglia boatyard had one free a couple of days ago. 01692630779 I think £38 a foot
  16. Why poor showing? The comparison is meaningless. On that basis the whole of the UK is crap because so many people go to London. This is illogical, or actually it’s just nonsense. Show me change in tourism numbers, up or down and you’ll have my attention.
  17. http://www.edp24.co.uk/business/visit-norfolk-tourism-industry-2017-record-breaking-1-5700487 Since we have had a record breakingly hot summer and Thomas Cook said it had seen a drop in numbers going abroad I would be quite surprised if NORFOLK and Suffolk hasn’t seen good numbers and I’d also be amazed if, come Christmas local holiday businesses weren’t seeing high bookings. Unless I got my information from the NBN where I will find out its all doom and gloom.
  18. TOURISM IN NORFOLK Tourism is the largest sector industry in the county, supporting 65,398 jobs (18.4% of all employment) and contributing £3.245 billion to the local economy. Research estimates that in 2017 there were 3,266,000 staying trips to Norfolk, staying a total of 13,492,000 nights. The total number of day visitors was estimated at 43,443,000. From Visit Norfolk.
  19. I’m confused. I assumed from the outset that it wasn’t a poll, that is, a survey of opinions, but a measure of visitor numbers? So how can these numbers reveal anything at all? The only meaningful comparison is change in visitor numbers. A single figure has no meaning at all. Btw would you link to the “poll”?
  20. So about 100 million words discussing the meaning of the word ‘status’? Or is it the meaning of the word ‘is’?
  21. I’m enjoying the “It doesn’t exist” argument. Tying yourself in knots. I suspect the ASA go to the National Parks website and see the Broads listed as a National Park. If you’re ever going to convince the world st large that it’s not a National Park you really have start with the NP authority. Only then will your argument get traction.
  22. Surely there is a very clear boundary? The line would be drawn around areas where planning issues are the responsibility of the BA. In my street the North side is North Norfolk and the South side is BA. The outline will inevitably be extremely complex and not lend itself to a map for general use.
  23. The Broads is very popular, all the figures I can find indicate a general growth in visitor numbers. But carry on trying to prove there’s a big problem if that fits your agenda.
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