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Everything posted by batrabill

  1. batrabill


    I would hugely support voted representation on the Nav Committee by toll payers. Doubt if that would be popular with the CEO But any vote by “those that live here” immediately disenfranchises toll payers who don’t live here. Good for you and me Mrs Morgan but bad for boat owners who don’t live in the parish. As is said above, ALL mass taxation is ‘unfair’ to lots of people. If you obsess about the minutiae of it you go bonkers. 😜 I pay under £400 for three boats and I think that’s bloody good value. If you have a 40 footer with a Diesel engine you have to expect under the present ‘unfair’ system it’s gonna cost you. Enjoy the sunshine
  2. batrabill


    Because that is the basis for nearly every type of taxation? You and I both pay for roads we will never drive on, services we won't ever use, schools we will never know exist and right now we are saving the life off a 1000 people we will never know even existed. There are always winners and losers in any taxation system.
  3. batrabill


    You must remember that if they move to a new system with yearly registration from the first date of registration, I guess, possibly 95%?? maybe 99%, will be on the current date, and will only very slowly change over time.
  4. I think you have confused 3 issues here. 1. There is a really good reason that you can’t pay for a part of a year - everyone would stop paying when they lifted their boat out. The result of a change to that would be the tolls would have to go up hugely to replace the money lost by everyone gaming the system. 2. When you buy a boat should you pay only for the part you will use ? Seems fair. Would cause a loss in income. But can’t be huge. 3. The “yearly renewal from any date” system. This seems a really good idea. Coupled with an online renewal system which does most of the work automatically, why not. Requires low level resources throughout the year.
  5. What makes you think you won’t hit an iceberg on Breydon? Or a Unicorn? It could happen!
  6. Yes. You’re thinking of Titanic hitting the cinemas obviously?
  7. Avowed intent?? Like you do when you deliberately post things you know will get pushback? I’m unclear what you are saying with the flatulent piece? You know quite well I live in Ludham because you have a history of false rumours you’ve spread about me. I never realised your skin was so thin.
  8. Paladin, you love a wind-up don't you? You know very well what I am saying - that JM isn't trying to be helpful to us the little people whop don't understand it as well as he does, he is lobbying for his view. That is presenting information (which to me seems pretty irrelevant now) which supports his view, with no obvious justification other than it supports his view. He also knows that very well.
  9. Jeez. You are that ‘friend’ who insults you, and then says “I was “just saying””, aren’t you? If JP discredits himself, why did you have to post this 10 year old stuff? Is JP slacking in his self-discrediting so you’d thought you’d lend a hand? #justsaying
  10. I read most things Mr Waller, but you see, you don’t know what things say till after you’ve read them. That’s how reading works. Dredging up things from the past has some function beyond your relentless efforts to discredit John Packman?
  11. Isn't this sort of thing more appropriate to Protect The Broads We are Not a National Park, on Facebook? A group that share your views?
  12. Let he that is without sin cast the first stone.
  13. It’s a miracle. First time I’ve found the Pike funny.
  14. I know! Some people would struggle to fill their time.
  15. But, but, er.... then surely if we look back through the milllions of words written on this site and others ‘someone’ much cleverer than us will surely have come up with a workable solution. Since it it is you that are proposing this I think the onus is you to find it. Me, I’m saying it’s Unicorns. Again.
  16. How then? That's all I'm asking. Explain how you as a syndicate owner can be given a vote, to take just one example.
  17. I agree MM I have never seen a coherent plan which can deliver accountability fairly, yet the cry is (nearly) always "We want democracy!" If anyone does want democracy it is simply not enough to say "We want a democratictly elected Broads Authority" that is EXACTLY the same as saying "We want to leave the EU" when you haven't the foggiest idea how to do it. I notice another thread is promoting that idea right now. So those who have endorsed the idea of a democratic BA, please state here clearly the way that it will be voted for, who exactly will vote, (note you cannot say "Boaters", that is not an identifiable constituency, or "boat owners" or, "mooring renters" none of these can work) and how will you reflect interested parties like hire boats, fishermen, walkers, bird watchers? I live on the water so I'll be OK, it may be just us few voting. Should be good for me. If you cant do that, then politely, or not so politely I'm afraid, stop asking for something that can't be delivered.
  18. Also FREE taster sailing sessions from Hunters Yard
  19. Ludham Open Gardens only happens every 2 years. In 2019 we have more gardens than ever, free ferries running all day across Womack,many food stalls, exotic animals, Wherries, and Classic Boats, a very large Classic Car show and much much more. Moor in Womack dyke.
  20. Agreed, and I said I thought that was workable. But, that would mean that there was no single body responsible for planning all over the Broads. I struggle to see why that is a necessarily better? I also note that you have addresses the point I mostly agree with and ignored the 2 main points which I think are completely wrong???
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