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Everything posted by mbird

  1. Irrespective of the cooking potential, it is illegal to hunt anything in this country with an arrow or cross bow bolt. Different story in America but then you would be using broad head tips not plain points. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  2. There are certainly some evil low life around. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  3. Hi Alan, very good thanks. The cold weather meant we all spent far too much time in small groups or in the pub unfortunately. One of the best things about meets is having a beer and a chin-wag on the pontoon IMHO, which the weather put paid to, but still good to get out! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  4. Well the Ebersplutter certainly got a good workout this weekend! Don't let the sunshine fool you into thinking it was anything but flipping freezing! It is a pity it was so cold, but good to start the season off with a well attended meet, even if the collection of boats was a bit monotonous with 90% of the attending boats bring from one manufacturer! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  5. It was indeed Ranworth Breeze, Alan. Unfortunately we never actually got to say hello as they must have been keeping warm downstairs! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  6. I'm wondering if it's something to do with a safety switch of some sort? I'm no expert on outboards, but I think the larger ones tend to have some sort of mechanism to stop them being started in gear (my 8hp 2-stroke has a mechanical device for this so you cant pull the start cord when in gear)? If that was the case and it was faulty, could the mechanism be in the "in gear" position even when in neutral and therefore prevent starting by cutting the ignition, which then caused the flooding by repeated attempts to start..... just a thought. Other thought is the kill cord switch dodgy?
  7. Good to hear that, and I agree with Hylander's comments. Now they need to start on the roads too! Only yesterday it stuck me just how littered the A47 has become near Acle and I struggle to remember the last time I saw a litter picking patrol along the road; something which was commonplace a couple of years ago. I only hope the new McDonalds at Brundall doesn't increase this.....
  8. Walks are probably too numerous to mention. The majority of moorings have a footpath to or from them, and along the rivers. If willing to risk taking the boat up Upton Dyke (very narrow and only a few moorings at the end) there is a nice walk through woods & fields that then brings you back to the village for a pint at the White Horse. Moor at Gay's Staithe off Barton Broad and then walk to the boardwalk that takes you to Barton Broad itself. Try mooring at Womack water then take the footpath past Hunters Yard for another circular walk back to Ludham village. If down south, the walk along the river from Bramerton to Surlingham Ferry is pleasant if it's not too muddy! Walk from Reedham Village to the Ferry etc, etc! As I say, plenty of opportunity to stretch your legs! Hope you have a great time!
  9. I meant the process, not the cost!
  10. We use Seajet Emporer 034 which has proved very good, but is expensive. However, last month's MBM reviewed Seajet Shogun 031 which is about half the price and performed very well. Might be worth a look?
  11. I've done it online this year for the first time too, and it was very quick and painless. As for someone getting your password, they are welcome to mine as the only thing they could do with it is pay my toll for me
  12. That is good news Baz. Wishing you and the missus all the best.
  13. I'm more worried about fellow forumites being able to see my pathetic attempts at mooring stern on at Oulton!
  14. Just did a little search on the costs of directory enquiries: 118118 - 79p per call plus £1.79 per minute 118500 - 62p per call plus £1.99 per minute 118212 - 38p per call plus £1.59 per minute So you are right Clive, Maureen is the cheapest. I've found another service though, that purports to be free http://www.0800buster.co.uk/
  15. It'll be like Big Brother is watching you at the Spring Meet!!!
  16. It is very rare I have to use a directory enquiry service but had need to a couple of weeks ago. As it turned out they couldn't help with the number I needed. What has shocked me is the cost now I've got my itemised phone bill. The call was probably no more than 3 minutes but has come in at £6.16!!! That's the last time I use that service!
  17. Most welcome anyone that wants to pop along. Take a look at this thread, and you'll see there will be a lot of us there! http://norfolkbroadsforum.co.uk/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=12341&start=15&sid=2fcbffb6f33f97533345d2dfae6070f7
  18. Another vote for BT. I know they have their detractors, but we've not had a problem with them and since upgrading to BT Infinity have seen our connection speed increase from 1.5Mbs to 70Mbs! Our upload speed has also gone from 0.5Mbs to 18Mbs...
  19. If you ever see Secret Lady moored, please feel free to come and say hello. I can't promise Moet and smoked salmon, but there would certainly a can of something cold and a bag of pork scratchings you would be most welcome to partake of If you pop down to Oulton Broad over the easter weekend where the meet is being held there will be plenty of us there to say hello
  20. I wasn't intending to make light of it at all Hylander, just making the point that to tar everyone with the same brush isn't fair and has been done so often in the past. I mean, I've even met a couple of sailors who were quite decent chaps and several hirers who could actually handle a boat very well . As for being common, why do you think we keep our gin palaces on the Broads? Because we are too poor to have them somewhere where they are not vilified like the South Coast (plus I don't think they'd let us in)!
  21. No mistake John, that is Secret Lady's cruising speed. Now when we still had Serenity.....
  22. Lets not go down that route . And yes I do cross Breydon at 20 kts, and yes we do slow down for other craft. Not too sure I know many Hoorah Henry's either. Most of us are quite common infact...!
  23. Got our toll renewal at the weekend which has gone up by almost £30. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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