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Everything posted by mbird

  1. The Imray software does provide monthly updates to their IDC charts. The problem is that the software is very clunky to use, and I'm afraid I just couldn't get on with trying to use a laptop as a plotter onboard. The thing is, if Imray can do it, why can't C-Map et al?
  2. Hi Strowager Yes, I have the PC planner too. I found it a lot easier to plot my waypoints on the big screen on my PC than scroll around aimlessly on the little chartplotter. I bought a blank C-Map card for transfering routes and waypoints to and from the plotter. Unfortunately I only just used it a couple of times last year, but will aim to do a lot more this year!
  3. All a bit of a moot point when you have outdrives. No Sea-cocks!
  4. Hi Brian 4 hours Brundall to WRC is plenty of time, so no issues there.
  5. mbird


    Why turn off the 3G anyway Lori?
  6. Difficult to pinpoint anything definate Adam, but try the simple stuff first. Check all the wires that were disconnected when I removed the dud battery have been put back on (I remember there were 4 negative leads on the one terminal on the knackered battery), just incase one had dropped behind the battery box. Next, I would turn on the battery charger and check the voltage across all the batteries (which should be around 13-14V I would guess). After that I would start the port engine and check the voltage again on the port battery, to make sure it is getting charge. Repeat this with the starboard engine, and that should give some indication of whether a charge is being sent to the batteries. When we first bought Serenity, we had a problem with the starboard batteries not maintaining charge. It turned out to be a combination of a knackered battery (a cranking battery being used as a deep cycle domestic) and a knackered battery charger. The charger had failed inside such that it was permanently connecting the port and starboard banks together. This meant the good batteries were trying to charge the kaput one in an endless cycle and bringing them all down. If you want me to pop over with my voltmeter any time Adam, just let me know and at least we could try to find anything simple.
  7. HI Wanty I did HiCraft in Norwich (near the A47 viaduct) to Womack water a couple of years ago in 8 hours, but that included getting the tide wrong at Breydon and towing another boat the whole way.
  8. I have to say, whilst mildly satisfying for the first 30 seconds, an hour of Whoomping with an 18kg mudweight is probably an experience I shall not repeat in a hurry. Mainly due to not being able to stand straight this morning! Many thanks to the seasoned whoompers aboard neraida, and their valiant skipper for trailblazing a way through the pack ice
  9. Hi Adam I hope to get down to the marina reasonably early (about 9:30) tomorrow to try to thaw out Serenity a bit. I'll come and give you a look to see if you need any help if you like.
  10. Some interesting points there Bruce. I didn't realise the cost of the top end pro cameras was that high. As you say, though, it does seem odd that a high street magaine is reviewing a camera clearly aimed at the pro market only.
  11. Thanks for the kind comments folks. I had intended to take my SLR to Scotland with me, but worrying about weather and travel conditions meant I forgot it. Those pics were all taken with a little point and shoot, so I was quite pleased with how they came out.
  12. I'll be going down on Thursday to try to thaw out the boat (frozen bog could be a bit of an issue! ) and put the heating on to try to make it habitable! Is anyone around for a communal whomping? Having not been well versed in the art of said whomping I do need some lessons!
  13. DIfficult to see how any camera can be worth £10k Neil, but I stand to be corrected! Within the Canon range od DSLR's (the only ones I have any experience with) there are three separate ranges. The entry level cameras are all the 450D, 500D, 550D etc, the mid level range aimed at slightly more advanced amateurs are all denoted 40D, 50D, 60D etc, and the professional ones are 4D, 5D, 5D Mk II etc. They also now have a low-entry level model in the 1000D. The price difference between these ranges are quite marked, with the entry levels being about £350 for the 1000D, £600 for the 550D, £750 for the 60D and £1600 for the 5D. It's worth noting the 60D and 5D Mk II are prices for the body only; lenses are extra! The main difference in the ranges is build quality (magnesium bodies on the higher end models, and plastic on the lower ranges) and sensor quality. There are also big differences in the internal image processing hardware, meaning, for example, that the lower end models may only be able to capture a couple of frames a second in burst mode, whereas the upper ranges can take many more. None of this means that the lower price models take poor pictures, they don't, but there are big differences when compared to the more expensive models. £10k though? I doubt it!
  14. And no doubt photograph the inevitable swim!
  15. I already spoke to them yesterday to find out when they shut (midday today apparently). Anyway, I've stuck 100 units on it, so I hope that will be enough. The engine bay thermometer had read a max of +10.1 and min of +0.7 so they should be alright, but I am now a bit worried about the loo, as it's full of ice (forgot to empty it properly ). With regard NYE, is anyone likely to be trying to ice break at St Olaves to get out? Serenity was frozen in solid this morning, except for the aft section around the engines, and the ice was over an inch thick. I ain't driving her through that, so I wondered if anyone wanted a hand with a tender and a boat hook on 31st to clear a path for us all .... Adam ?????
  16. A trip to Glasgow over the weekend saw -12.5 on the car thermometer, and some of the prettiest frost scenes I have ever seen. There was freezing fog and no wind for 2 days and the daytime temp didn't get above -8. Trees, fences and even car aerials were covered in frost crystals that looked like white pine needles.
  17. I agree Adam. When we moved to St Olaves a week and a half ago, we put 40 units in the meter. I was gobsmacked to find 4 days later 30 units had been used!! I put on another 40 units last Friday and turned the thermostat down o nthe little oil rad, and also the frost stat for the engine bay tube heaters. 3 o'clock this morning I got a text fro mthe boat saying the power had gone off as I assume it's run out again. I've got no real choice but to put on about £50 of leccy to see us through until the office re-opens on the 5/1/2011. I would have winterised properly, except for the NYE trip......
  18. I think the weeks were commencing Saturday 30/7/11 when I spoke to Ian, at least I hope so cos that's what we've booked!!!
  19. We have already booked the time off work for the London trip in the summer (it was the first two weeks in August wasn't it???). Not sure what we can do about Easter or Whitsun yet as it depends upon shifts, but if we can, we will!
  20. Lovely shots Trev.I love the volcanic landscape of Lanzarote, but didn't realise Tenerife was even more spectacular. We might have to try there next!
  21. I agree Strowager, as since the article in the EDP (which IMHO was downright irresponsible) I have noticed speeds starting to creep up.
  22. Just to resurect this thread, I have travelled along this stretch of road 3 times in the last fortnight, and each time seen a Highway Maintenance vehicle attending one of the cameras with a technician working on the innards of the electrical cabinets. Could it be these cameras are actually being made operational now?
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