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Posts posted by Matt

  1. It's great to see the Broads like this.
    If anyone has any ideas about part of the Broads they'd like to see then I'd be happy to do a bit of droning - Provided it's in a place that's legal of course. Some bits of the Broads are in a no-fly zone.

    How about the old Le Boat yard in Horning...? Preferably in the next week or so?!

    I jest- you can make it out on this one!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. My day started at the Brentwood 5km Parkrun with the dog. First time at Brentwood and I will sum it as muddy and hilly!! 29mins not too bad given the conditions.

    Then Home to bath the now muddy dog and then out with the clippers. Saved £30 :-)

    Mowed the lawn, washed the car and tided up the garage ready for the extension build.

    Hoping tomorrow is more relaxful!

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  3. I really cannot see the issue. People complain about lack of moorings, they also complain about how funds are used by the Broads Authority, and I;d agree they could be used better - but they are not and that is where we are. As a result when leases come to ends, the Broad Authority no longer try and negotiate renewal of the Lease if the landowner is seeking an increase in premium.
    So in the case of the moorings at Horning, they have been previously free for use under Lease to the Broads Authority then closed off, then opened back up all under the ownership of the Ferry Inn, and now under ownership of Mr Knight at Ferry Marina.  This all does cost money, not just to Lease them, but the obligations to look after them so if such is not being paid for out of Tolls income as would be the case if Broads Authority leased, what should one realistically do - Spend a fortune to Lease moorings and maintain them but out of the goodness of your heart let anyone use them for nothing?

    I think the issue is that there was such a large toll increase his year for some boats yet the BA moorings start to disappear....

    Thunders toll went up around £100 this year and the benefit is two lost BA moorings!

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    • Like 2
  4. I think electric Broads cruisers are a long way off. I can see someone like Barnes Brinkcraft pioneering it, but battery technology is a little way off yet.

    On our syndicate boat, some owners can't even work out that they have to put in the amount of power that they take out of the batteries and that yes the fridge, bilge pump, water pump and lights do count whether they like it or not. They blame everything (the engine, the batteries, the charging circuitry) but not their own lack of experience...

    It's that same challenge that electric hire boats will have to contend with.

    Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app

    It's not me....... :-)

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  5. In our syndicate we have a major problem trying to fit in six weeks of allocations during the summer holidays for our School Share owners.
    Every year I have to check the various regions education department to get an idea of when their terms are, they vary from area to area. We have owners from Cheshire, Yorkshire, North Yorkshire, Norfolk, Suffolk, London etc. To compound this before our AGM in November I have to check this out for the 2019 terms.
    I fully agree with comments regarding taking children out of school is a no no but any excuse such as teacher training days or playing games to fill in days before an holiday is acceptable.

    How does the 2nd week of their allocation work out? Easter, May half term and October half term but aren't you winterised over the others?

    The boys school has inset days mon, tue and wed this week so flying back from Ibiza tomorrow in time for start of term!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. I used to take Evening Shadow through the bridge if there was 7 foot showing. In reality that meant there was 3 or inches to spare. I never saw the point of trying to squeeze through at 6 foot 10 inches as there is always next time with a syndicate boat :-)

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  7. I wondered what the bunk cabins were like on those.
    I was considering a share on Moonlight Shadow a few months back - I really like centre-cockpit boats and I think they're the best all-rounders for the Broads. And the AF Pearl is one of the nicest-looking designs as well.

    Best suited for kids!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. To add my 2pence worth!


    We have a 2.6m Seago air deck inflatable that we often take to Thunder with us.

    We have a 2006 Mariner 2.5hp outboard which pushes us with 4 people aboard at over 5mph.


    Like you we used it to pass places we can't normally get to. We went Potter to Horsey windmill and back on the internal tank.



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