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On ‎02‎/‎04‎/‎2016 at 11:10 PM, quo vadis said:



OK I know what I said wrong


The Arial is not in my underpants , but now I have lined up the crown jewels with the moon I am connected  :norty:

Hopefully Wildfuzz was not passing your boat at the time.:norty:

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Gracie mentioning fibre optic just reminded me of Judi and a conversation with my daughter! Mum! did you get your broadband sorted out?     "Judi" yes! it's faster now and and dosn't keep breaking down, Mum it dosn't break down it crashes! what was wrong with it? "Judi" no idea but it's much better since Dad switched to the FIBRE GLASS one! ,,, and Jude wonders why I worry about her at times,,


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On 01/04/2016 at 4:58 PM, grendel said:

it must have a solar panel, to collect the suns rays........................

But surely that wouldn't work with any one in middle management

as they only think the sun shines out of their Ar$e


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