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Belmore | The Big Tour


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Day Eight

Watch day eight of the Captain's Blog:


Just when you thought there was no more Norfolk Broads videos to watch, I spring a surprise - yes, cast your mind back to April when I was having a ten night adventure on Belmore - here is the eighth day.

It began at St. Benet's where during an impromptu lesson in how to depart from a bank when your alone and the wind is pushing the boat away, the rope I had at the stern just on the post slipped off just as I was talking, great advice I thought and stopped filming while I rescued the boat and got on it.

Time to drop my rubbish off - Ludham Bridge would be the nearest location, so when on approach I had just a whisker under 8ft in a boat that had a plaque telling me it was 9ft, had 8ft 10" in the skippers manual and I reckoned on being 8ft 6" actual air draft so I continued figuring that if anything would hit the bridge it would be my camera on the roof and it would make great video whatever the outcome - as it turned out the camera survived and we passed under with 8ft showing and about half an inch between the top of the wheelhouse mounted grab rail and the underside of the bridge.

Rubbish dropped off, back for the return - fortunatly no difference in height so back under and then Wroxham bound.  Upon arrival in Wroxham no easy moorings to be had, so I cruised to Royals and then Summercraft before I went back the way I had come to the New Inn in Horning. 

Upon arriving something strange happened - Broad Ambition was coming towards me and then moored alongside - how odd to be on a hire boat and then have Broad Ambition alongside me at the same time. I met with Charlie and his guests along with Jason formally of Ludham Bridge Boatyard for a couple of pints in the pub - we would have stayed for more, but we turfed out sadly because we were not eating only drinking and the moorings were needed - despite no reserved signs, and it being April they missed out on quite a bit of money being passed over the bar for all of us but we departed for Ranworth Staithe.

I spent the evening on board Broad Ambition and very nice it was too.




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Hi Robin. I found this day 8 episode absolutely fine. It's nice to have a variety of different videos by you. Loved your ranting, made me smile.

I never new that you can moor in other hire yards, I found that quite interesting.  

I've just returned this week from  a week on the rivers and am happy to say I am on the rivers again Sept 13th for a week. Will you be around then too?

Am looking forward to day 9. 

Hope you and Shiela are well.

Take care and I'll be in touch soon.


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Day Nine

Watch day nine of the Captain's Blog:


Sometimes I will produce a video full of variety, outdoor scenes between locations and a little talking between.  Let me say this video is a conversation - the sort of thing you can put on and get on with things  for your not be missing on any scenic scenes but these 'big talkies' I find as interesting as the more scenic videos and maybe you will too.

I departed Ranworth after spending most of the evening on board Broad Ambition - I think there must have been a drink of three, some good food and a DVD but having retired to Belmore things were not very quiet and still - the wind was coming right on the bow and the water slapping against it made for a disturbed nights sleep, planning hulls and 'wavelets' are not good companions.

The morning came, typically April - rain but blue sky and white puffy clouds however there was a distinct chilly wind too and I was pleased Belmore is a boat with good sealing windows and heating system for inside was cosy and dry.  I departed for the moorings at Sat. Benet's, moored and took some time to explore the ruins, have a walk and take in the peace of the place.

Having left there, I went for a cruise 'off camera' - which is nice to just do as you wish and not need to worry about cameras recording and so on and it took me down to Wroxham, where I turned about and headed back the way I had come making myself a simple lunch on the way.

I decided that although I had some fish fingers, I was on holiday so I'd treat myself and headed in the direction of Acle - but not before taking a detour down Fleet Dyke just to have a nosy and see what was what. Back on course the wind really got up and the rain came down just as I was at the mouth of the RIver Thurne, when I arrived at The Bridge Inn there was one space that I could fit into, behind Morning Swan and so I popped into the pub to see Paul with his usual pint of Guinness on the go and a helping hand to help me move the boat along and make good the ropes for the evening before we returned to the pub for a few more drinks and some good conversation.

Some time later I noticed Broad Ambition again - a small sailing boat was departing so was on the radio to Charlie and when they had gone gave a hand with Broad Ambition's ropes and so our impromptu party of people grew a little more and we ended up having a lovely (as ever it is) meal and evening in the Bridge Inn.

After this I spent some time on Broad Ambition having some rum and talking about ghost's and experienced we had all shared which I can tell you getting back on board a cold Belmore and all the creeks and moans as the heating began to warm the boat through had me stopping and thinking 'what was that' and that was before I sat looking out the window at the road bridge lit by the moon thinking to stories of this bridge being haunted. Well there were no bumps in the night and the rum made for a deep sleep too :)




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At the moment I am none too sure - I should be up for an overnight at the Beccles Wooden Boat Show in a couple of weeks, but to be honest I am being stretched in several directions with rather large changes where I am working and having to deal with more care for my Dad so boating will have to wait.  There is still to come in the coming days:

  • Day 10 Blog
  • Boat Review
  • Broad Ambition River Blog from May
  • MTB 102, Broad Ambition and Royal Navy Special

I just need to upload in order so that the channel and subscribers on You Tube know where they are and more recent things are not put before older videos.

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Day Ten:

Watch day ten of the Captain's Blog:


And so the journey must come to an end...Day ten saw me wake up at Acle to the odd scene of rain, then sleet and a few flakes of snow.  It was very chilly and not the sort of weather you want to be outside in, fortunately the boat was dry and warm (I really grew to like the water fed/matrix heating on Belmore - quite, efficient and heated the domestic water too).

Having bid Charlie and his guests goodbye I headed off up the Bure, and into gusting winds and pouring rain - yet from within the boat I rather enjoyed the change of weather, the swell it caused and what a difference to earlier in the trip where it was wall to wall blue skies and all the windows open.

It would not be a long day so far as video, a trip to Womack Water - take in the recent bank works and removal of quay heading on the dyke that leads to Womack Water - they may 'be gone' I thought, but not forever for as with Fleet Dyke the plucky amongst us will know there is firm ground in the Reeds that shall grow along this stretch and we can (and feel we must) 'reclaim' some of these lost wild moorings we have for many years always enjoyed spending time moored at with out Rhonde Anchors.

From here it was the creatively short trip to the moorings at St. Benet's where I packed away, cleaned and polished and filmed the Boat Review - and along the way contacted Broads Control to draw their attention to a boat - the Jolie Ritchie - which was drifting at the mouth of the River Ant. 

With the Boat Review completed, it was time to depart to my overnight mooring which turned out to be those on the riverside by Wroxham Broad. It had been a really lovely trip, taking in so much from Norwich, Loddon, Oulton Broad to Stalham, Potter Heigham, Wroxham and Acle.  I'm sorry I forget the amount of fuel used, but seem to recall it being about £110.00.

Barnes Brinkcraft were helpful, efficient and friendly on arrival - yet I know from others reviews and opinions they have not been consistent in this department.  All too soon it was time to board my train for London and after 10 nights on the water took some getting used to once back int he smoke.



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5 hours ago, LondonRascal said:

At the moment I am none too sure - I should be up for an overnight at the Beccles Wooden Boat Show in a couple of weeks, but to be honest I am being stretched in several directions with rather large changes where I am working and having to deal with more care for my Dad so boating will have to wait.  There is still to come in the coming days:

  • Day 10 Blog
  • Boat Review
  • Broad Ambition River Blog from May
  • MTB 102, Broad Ambition and Royal Navy Special

I just need to upload in order so that the channel and subscribers on You Tube know where they are and more recent things are not put before older videos.

 It's gonna be some good enjoyable viewing when we see all your new up coming blogs Robin .. Will you be doing many voice overs edited from the London Studios again :naughty::naughty:....



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Hi Robin.  Just about to watch day 10.

Before I do i will  be very much looking forward to the next blogs you are doing. 

I wish your dad well, and I hope what's happening at your work all works out OK. 

I'll comment too on day 10.

Take care.

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Thank you for an absolutely great 10 day series of your adventures on the rivers. I have enjoyed every one immensely. Great ending hah what happened? Did you run out of battery or were you to quick on the end editing? I know you have some other downloads to do, so I'll look forward to them.

As I said before, best wishes for your dad. 

Hope you and sheila are well, and whenever your in the rivers again I shall look forward to your next boat hire and the start of another adventure.

Take care as ever. 

And in your words, ( More as it happens ) or in this case, When it happens.

Speak soon. Bye for now.

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7 hours ago, Boatyman said:

As I said before, best wishes for your dad. 

Hope you and sheila are well, and whenever your in the rivers again I shall look forward to your next boat hire and the start of another adventure.

Take care as ever. 

And in your words, ( More as it happens ) or in this case, When it happens.

Speak soon. Bye for now.

I hope I dont see Robin and Sheila in the rivers, but yes hope to see them on the rivers.. lol


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Hi robin I have a bit of a beginners question regarding your videos. How do you keep the quality so good when you upload to YouTube. I've just uploaded a couple of videos for friends to see and the video quality has dropped dramatically. I've used the GoPro suite to format the video to the best quality for YouTube and it's made the video look washed out.

 Your videos are always so crisp and that's what makes them great for watching on the TV.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Branden

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37 minutes ago, brandenjg said:

Hi robin I have a bit of a beginners question regarding your videos. How do you keep the quality so good when you upload to YouTube. I've just uploaded a couple of videos for friends to see and the video quality has dropped dramatically. I've used the GoPro suite to format the video to the best quality for YouTube and it's made the video look washed out.

 Your videos are always so crisp and that's what makes them great for watching on the TV.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Branden

Hi Branden,

I am not sure what options you may have so far as editing the videos the Go Pro makes, but what I do with mine is pretty involved.

Each video file that I record on the cameras is imported into my video editor (Sony Vegas Pro 13). When importing into the editor I make sure each file is re-sampled so all the frames rates of the different cameras are consistent.  This removes motion blur that may happen.  

Next up, all the video files are colour corrected – this means that colours are more natural and even from scene to scene, contrast adjustments can improve clarity too. 

You may be able to tweak the saturation levels and contrast to stop a ‘washed out’ feel to your videos – remember to also render the videos in a ‘You Tube’ friendly format and more help on that can be found here: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/1722171?hl=en




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I have just watched your video where you met up with Griff and Co.    Why is it when Griff's name is mentioned I can immediately hear the track 'In the Navy'.       I mean that light heartedly.     When you look at BA and the way she goes down the river, fenders all neatly stowed ropes just so , she does look good.

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Hi Robin. I've watched the complete Belmore series now including the boat review. Thank you again, especially as I know you've had to fit in the editing work for this around other commitments. I know you enjoy doing the blogs but I do appreciate you doing so much work for other people's entertainment!

I have a question about Belmore. One of the things I enjoyed about hiring Broadland Wave from Richardsons was being able to get my head out of the sunroof when stood at the helm (I'm 6 foot). Am I right in thinking I couldn't do this on Belmore? It looks as if the roof is too high and the sunroof tapered towards the front.

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