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Berney Arms For Sale !!!


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How can the Berney Arms be in any way described as a community hub? Surely that is the reason it is totally non viable. There is no community to support it within about two miles. You can not drive to it. For seven to nine months of the year there is minimal  if any business. And who is going to go out there on a mid winter night on foot or by boat.

They peddled the idea "over there" and got zero response. At that time the debenture price was £500.00. 

IMHO you would stand a better chance of getting your money back on a dicky (donkey or mule) running in the Derby.

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Debenture is probably the incorrect word as it implies long term investment against asset. Whereas this is long term investment against liability.

They touted this on the other site with little or no response.  I go with Kfurbank on this one. Who are they? What are their qualifications? And most importantly, how much have they put to the project to show faith and commitment,. Not a lot I suspect.

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4 hours ago, kfurbank said:

A crowd funder page has been started here,


Would be interested to know if anyone knows of any of the personalities involved? I'm sincerely hoping this is a genuine setup.

Got to say that however well intended these people are I really do think that they are wasting their time because, if I believe what I'm told, there is already a willing investor with adequate money and suitable friends in high places. 

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A genuine question because I have no knowledge of Crowdfunding.

Suppose they raise £7500. Or 25% of the target. The project is dead. What happens to the £7.5K? Does it get returned? Or is it only a pledge until the target is reached and then you have to cough up?

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