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Richardsons RC45 and RC35

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Hi Jonny,

if I made it out of straw bales and cow dung you would say it looked sexy. :lol::lol:

the thing is it would cost too much to produce, not last as long as fiberglass and be harder to repair etc. etc. (and the same for the wooden version)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Clive, A lot can change in a week, and it`s been OVER a week since your last update, so has there been much progress, or have you all been too busy with the hire fleet?. Regards..........................Neil.

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Sorry Neil, I took these last week and have not posted yet :oops:

We are still cracking on with the cockpit and cabin roof, as you can see the roof has its second layer of diagonal planking on and there are very few low spots to deal with so that is good.

you can also see that the cockpit has been gaining shape, unfortunately I keep going on there and changing things which means ripping apart and changing what has been done but the only way to get the boat as we want it is to see it in the flesh and get a feel for what it is to be like and wether the seats are going to be comfortable!

I will try and get a photo today or tomorrow as the cockpit area looks different now with rounds on the corners and various other bits been done.




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Thanks for the update clive. You can see that a great deal of work has gone in to the detail finishing. Things like the rounded steps and helm seat, all very neet but very time consuming to construct, and the general cockpit/saloon shape looks very labour intensive. One question though Clive, the curved panel on the uprights, is that a representative guide to the height and shape of the sliding roof?. Regard ..........Neil.

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Hi Neil,

The helm seat is to be pulled apart again as I have had a better idea, I only seem to notice improvements when I sit on seats or pretend to be driving etc!

The arch is to show where the canopy is, I needed this to see if I could stand up an drive as I had a step put in in front of the helm seat so that I could see the front of the boat easier without hitting my head!

at the moment, although the cockpit area is not going to convert to a bed for the first few boats we are trying to design in a way of making this happen and storing the extra bits of mattress, bed board and bedding as well as the storage space for clothes etc. and table and stools.

While all this is going on we have also removed all the bits out of the mould, unfortunately we did put some minor scratches in the bottom and some patches of gel about an inch square broke out but I did not get any photos of that before they were repaired, there is more work to be done before we lay up a hull but we are making progress and this should not hold anything up.

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Thanks again Clive. There`s one thing i would like to ask as a hirer, and that is to make the seat parts of the settee wide enough to sit and lounge on. On several occaisions we`ve hired boats with narrow settees which when you lay back, or lounge on them, you are sitting with the base of your spine right on the edge which is very uncomfortable. We hired an Elysian 34 from Bridge boatyard in Ely on the Fens last year, and that boat had the same problem, to which we pulled out the base cushion to give us more to sit on, but that meant the backrest dropped and was just as uncomfortable. Sorry if this sounds a bit picky, but being comfortable on the boat is very important. Thanks for the update though. Regard ..................Neil

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HI Neil,

As you say, it is very important to be comfortable while on board. we have added 2 inches on to the seat in the cockpit to make things a bit better, the plan is also to use a swivel chair on a slider for the helm, this is because even when moored someone always likes to sit there and it is better to face the right way!

As we are at the moment, the backrests are on the cockpit seats and a start has been made on the decks but I have no photos as I dropped my laptop and There is a problem with the internet at home, I am also a little busy at work and have not had much chance to get on the internet which is a problem as I need to do a little research as to how to style the dashboard/console but I am sure we will sort something out!

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things a bit better, the plan is also to use a swivel chair on a slider for the helm, this is because even when moored someone always likes to sit there

that will be me then :grin::grin:

Jonny ice sliceice slice

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Clive: When doing your ergonomics testing are you allowing for people of sizes other than yours?

Hi Martin

thats a very good point i have noticed on some new build that the helm seat in the saloon whether is a dual steer or sliding cockpit they use these tiny little seats now personal not being funny here but i couldn't get one cheek in there even if i tried :roll:

hence i prefer the more fitting wider more with one size fits all rears well should do :lol::lol:

Jonny ice sliceice slice

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Hi Martin

thats a very good point i have noticed on some new build that the helm seat in the saloon whether is a dual steer or sliding cockpit they use these tiny little seats now personal not being funny here but i couldn't get one cheek in there even if i tried :roll:


It is very difficult to cater for everyone but the seat could be slid off and replaced with a foam seat..

hence i prefer the more fitting wider more with one size fits all rears well should do :lol: :lol:

Jonny ice sliceice slice


It is very difficult to cater for everyone but the seat could be slid off and replaced with a foam seat..

At present we are planning the helm position, We are aware that most boats lack space to put a plate with a bacon sarnie or a cup of tea but is there anything else (within reason!) that people would like to see designed into this space?

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At present we are planning the helm position, We are aware that most boats lack space to put a plate with a bacon sarnie or a cup of tea but is there anything else (within reason!) that people would like to see designed into this space?

A space on the dash with a stopper block at the bottom so you can sit a hand-held GPS on it might be useful...

But as you have already noticed somewhere for the crew to put your bacon buttie and mug of tea would probably be more useful to most hirers. :P


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but is there anything else (within reason!) that people would like to see designed into this space?

a water tank gauge

maybe some sort of ignition fail safe so child doesn't try to turn over the engine as you know some kids do like to flip switched & play when your backs turned i know its a small detail but helps in the long run.

Jonny ice sliceice slice

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I`m definately in favour of the handy table/platform idea. All to often we`ve had boats where there`s nowhere to put a cup, let alone a plate aswell. Spot on idea that one Clive :clap:clap:clap:clap I`ve always thought a sloping surface just big enough to take a folded map would be very convenient too. Regards ..................Neil

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Hi Ian,

I should imagine the new boat should not need to tack down river so the heel should not be too bad :naughty:

However, I suspect there may be a fiddle or something to stop things sliding off. worth bearing in mind though.


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