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I'm told that this eye-catching hundred footer is destined for the Broads. Apparently she's to have paddles on her sides. I'm told that she's eighteen feet wide but that excludes the paddles, another four or five feet wider with those in place? Built in sections on Ellough Airfield near Beccles the sections were then transported to Lake Lothing between Oulton Broad and Lowestoft where she's being assembled & fitted out. I'm told that she's built of thin, sheet steel on steel box sections by a house builder from Clacton and that she's to be launched on rollers before being towed from Lowestoft, by sea, to her proposed berth near Cantley, I wonder if the owner had originally intended to go through Mutford Lock. Seems that she's to have accommodation for her owner and to be a conference and wedding venue. Apparently a few years from completion she's already looking impressive, certainly an interesting project. I do hope that the owner has discussed his plans with the bods at Yare House though.  Perhaps someone out there knows more about her? 

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Looks like you could land a Jet Ranger on the superstructure. But a floating hotel eating venue with meeting rooms would make a load more business sense than the Berney. As a get out of the Norwich office for a brain storm, I can see it working.

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39 minutes ago, BroadScot said:

Will it require to come out the water every two years or so to be anti fouled ! :naughty:

I actually think it is more than that, The Albatross at Wells Next The Sea is always going off for some inspection or other and does not take to sea other than that.



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I don't think that she is intended to be a passenger ship, rather that she would be static. If she were to be a passenger carrying boat then I believe that she's have to have stability tests as well as being slipped every few years. She's being worked on on an industrial site where there are a number of engineering companies serving offshore companies as well as there being several  time served boat & ship building companies in the close vicinity, in other words there is a great deal of expertise available. Does seem that I am not alone in following this saga with a degree of trepidation! I suspect that launching her will be easier than slipping her as and when for her DTI or whatever tests. As she sits on her wide, flat bottom I'm not too sure how they'll anti-foul her in the first place.

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57 minutes ago, Baitrunner said:

I am looking on the positive side and the BA will get a nice lot of cash from the tolls for this beast so maybe we get some bins back, new free moorings or maybe a toll reduction?  Ooh sorry I think I was dreaming:dance 

Will the BA approve of her being on the Broads let alone extracting a nice, fat toll? Personally I reckon it's a great idea but I'm not so sure that that thought will be shared by those on high. 

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14 hours ago, JennyMorgan said:

Apparently she's to have paddles on her sides. I'm told that she's eighteen feet wide but that excludes the paddles, another four or five feet wider with those in place? 

Just how wide is the gap at Reedham Swing Bridge? 


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I might be being a bit of a thicko here, was this a joke or for real?  

I cruised by Cantley earlier and im just a little concerned it will spoil our view of the Sugar Factory, if my youngest cant see the fire engine parked in its shed then hes going to be very dissapointed! :-p

I was going to show him this picture of the barge but didnt want to say anything till i was sure it wasnt a wind up! 

Lots of space for it at Cantley and its Toll should surely make everyone else's cheaper......no? Ok wishful thinking! 


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It's no joke, the owner is deadly serious! However I do get the impression that he has not done his homework as thoroughly as he might. If I understand things correctly the plan was originally to take her through Mutford Lock until it was pointed out that she was too big so he now says that she'll have to go out to sea at Lowestoft, along the coast and in at Yarmouth, missing out Somerleyton and the narrow bit under the bridge over the New Cut.  

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