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So You Can Go Swimming!


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I am glad the swim passed without incident and the participants enjoyed themselves, the organiser obviously did a good job. It now remains to be seen how this Broads Swimming company intend to develop their activities in the future as it was stated that the Waveney swim was to be a launch pad for further events.

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40 minutes ago, smellyloo said:

I suspect, but dont know, contributions will have been made to any organisation that helped police the event. If BA provided resources during the event then I would assume a contribution would have been made to them.

Note, I do not know if this happened, although I seem to recall that Mel (the organiser) indicated that this would be so, but I assume this to be true rather than assume the opposite.

If anybody really wants to see what the swimmers thought of the event, who won what, or what contributions were made, the info is on the broads swimming fb page if you would like to take a look. Best do that then no assumptions need be made.

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5 minutes ago, vanessan said:

If anybody really wants to see what the swimmers thought of the event, who won what, or what contributions were made, the info is on the broads swimming fb page if you would like to take a look. Best do that then no assumptions need be made.

If I used Facebook I would but sadly I don't.

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Most years, boaters die on the Norfolk Broads, whether through drowning or perhaps C.O. poisoning. Anglers drown, swimmers probably do too. Perhaps, even the occasional bird watcher shuffles of their perch, while enjoying their hobby.

But, you can only take the 'safety issue' so far, before it begins to impinge on the pleasure we all get from our pastimes or lifestyles. Most people know if they're taking risks, but balance it against the fun or enjoyment they get from what they love doing...

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11 minutes ago, vanessan said:

Then sadly you won’t be able to access the info. 

That was a bit harsh, sorry! I used to be the same, wouldn’t go anywhere near fb. I realised there could be a lot of info I was missing out on so I joined to be able to access things at a whim. I never post and never will and the info google has on me is very limited and not necessarily totally true! But I am prepared to take the risk so I can keep up to date (and look like a thoroughly modern crumblie!!).

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I had a little bimble down the Yare in the little Broom.  I got to Coldham Hall and the river had lots of youngsters out in sailing dinghies,  all over the place.

Now I could have weaved passed them but I thought, they are having fun on the water,  so I turned around and went back up river.  My evening wasn't ruined,  I was pleased to see others enjoying the Broads.

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7 minutes ago, vanessan said:

That was a bit harsh, sorry! I used to be the same, wouldn’t go anywhere near fb. I realised there could be a lot of info I was missing out on so I joined to be able to access things at a whim. I never post and never will and the info google has on me is very limited and not necessarily totally true! But I am prepared to take the risk so I can keep up to date (and look like a thoroughly modern crumblie!!).

No offense taken.

It is an age thing but I can't stand the mobiles around be (not mine) beeping everytime somebody posts a statement like ....." i'm walking down the road " and Facebook just seems to the tip of a very jagged iceberg. :)

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3 minutes ago, smellyloo said:

No offense taken.

It is an age thing but I can't stand the mobiles around be (not mine) beeping everytime somebody posts a statement like ....." i'm walking down the road " and Facebook just seems to the tip of a very jagged iceberg. :)

I guess that’s probably where people stay logged in to fb because they can’t bear to be parted from it. It’s something I have a look at from time to time but when a Broads group spends a lot of time saying good morning to each other it gets a bit pointless to me! Not the NBN fb users of course, much more useful stuff on there. :default_rolleyes:

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3 hours ago, batrabill said:

Why is that a problem??? Safety?

Likely to get better and better organised as they have proved the concept.

the real safety issue here is that these people now see the broads as a swimming river, organised events is one thing, but suppose some of these people decide to go for a casual swim with no support craft or backup.

A precedence has now been set.

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1 hour ago, marshman said:

An events fee?? Lets not encourage that - lets just encourage more and more people to come and enjoy the Norfolk Broads!

An events fee would be the thin end of the wedge - where does it stop? The NBN Forum Meet? Horning Sailing Club evening sailing for the kids? Every day of events at all local sailing clubs?

Nope - thats a non starter so lets bury the thought now!!

The activities you mention all having to pay a Toll to carry out their water based activity...........are already paying in. 

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9 minutes ago, grendel said:

the real safety issue here is that these people now see the broads as a swimming river, organised events is one thing, but suppose some of these people decide to go for a casual swim with no support craft or backup.

A precedence has now been set.

I guess anybody who takes wild swimming seriously will know how to stay safe, just as scuba divers do, so in the unlikely event they take a dip should we really get involved.

Wild swimming has been around for some time now ....... how many times have you encountered a problem?

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How many times have 200 people been in the water (broads) at once for problems to occur? 

I think them only managing 90 participants this time might have made a difference to the amount of disruption that was actually noticeable to others. 

Where do you draw the line 

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4 minutes ago, dnks34 said:

How many times have 200 people been in the water (broads) at once for problems to occur? 

I think them only managing 90 participants this time might have made a difference to the amount of disruption that was actually noticeable to others. 

Where do you draw the line 

The Waveney is not a particularly busy river (boating wise) so any disruption would have been to a relatively few users. That disruption, as I recall, was a loss of one or two mooring spots on route and an instruction to follow advice from the course marshalls. The river remained open for all.

It feels that some on here are still striving to stop future similar events and trying to concoct any reason to support that action.

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It’s ironic that this is running in parallel with a thread where many people have insisted this is NOT a boating forum, but a forum for all those who love the Broads. 

Apparently, that’s everyone except swimmers. 


The word that comes to mind is banned by the forum software, but involves male ? and ? 

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22 minutes ago, smellyloo said:

The Waveney is not a particularly busy river (boating wise) so any disruption would have been to a relatively few users. That disruption, as I recall, was a loss of one or two mooring spots on route and an instruction to follow advice from the course marshalls. The river remained open for all.

It feels that some on here are still striving to stop future similar events and trying to concoct any reason to support that action.

I dont strive to ban anything, 200 swimmers in the water in one go on a waterway predominately used by other interests caused me concerns. 90 people not so much. But what about next year, 300, 400 where is the line?

I am glad it went well and there were no casualties but I do not seek to ban anything, I just thought it a bit rich that a commercial venture can pitch up to use a waterway others groups pay to maintain for seemingly no fee (other than use of assetts).

I only strive for things to be equal, or at the very least fair.

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The swimmers came to the Broads to participate in the swim, not to enjoy the Norfolk Broads. I wonder how many of them actually saw anything of their surroundings, other than when they entered the water and then got out again at Beccles. The venue was primarily chosen because it is a river and considered suitable for a swim, not because of the lovely area. I think that’s the difference between this event and the majority of others held on the Broads. 

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Please excuse me, perhaps I shouldn't have started this. I merely made the (factual) observation that this event has received no local publicity.


21 minutes ago, smellyloo said:

It feels that some on here are still striving to stop future similar events and trying to concoct any reason to support that action.

Not fair, and you may recall that I proposed two alternative venues which would have been more practical and could have accommodated crowds of spectators.

41 minutes ago, smellyloo said:

Wild swimming has been around for some time now ....... how many times have you encountered a problem?

Well now, I have encountered drunken swimmers, half drowned swimmers, hypothermic swimmers, non - swimmers and on two occasions, mentally deranged swimmers. On each occasion I have managed to get them out on the bank somehow. Never lost one yet. Once I had to break the ice as I jumped into the river in Thorpe in the dark, and swam through it to get to a young girl, who was underwater by then. This was before the days of mobile phones or inshore lifeboats so you just do what you have to do. So I happen to take this subject very much more seriously than it may appear.

But you're quite right though - I have never encountered a "wild" swimmer.


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Most of the risks identified earlier on this subject will still exist on any future events; complacency is a dangerous thing. Today I rode through Norwich on a bike without head protection, no incident....... so does that mean it is now safe to always ride without head protection based on the experience of my one journey????  

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I really can smell the ? ?.

Its “safety” or is it “cos they’re not paying” or is it “because they didn’t have enough spectators” or perhaps they “didn’t look at the scenery enough” or perhaps “no one died this time but next year when they are a million strong, what then?”


We all know the most dangerous thing in the Broads is a slightly drunk holiday maker driving a boat bigger than his house after 10 minutes of “instruction”

Ban them. 

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I could fall off a moter boat and be mangled in the prop.

I could be clonked on the head by the boom of a sailing boat and killed.

I could be moored up in my boat and killed by carbon monoxide poisoning

I could fall in the river whilst fishing and drown

So WHY the concern for swimmers partaking in an organised swim? I think BetraBill might have identified the underlying coarse ...... the blessed toll issue.

If I was lucky enough to own a boat I would and have been happy to pay the toll. Walkers don't pay road tax so why should swimmers pay a toll!!

Incidently you can admire the scenery whilst swimming, if I was up to it I would have very much enjoyed swimming that route ...... it really is a scenic part of the Broads.

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1 minute ago, smellyloo said:

Incidently you can admire the scenery whilst swimming, if I was up to it I would have very much enjoyed swimming that route ...... it really is a scenic part of the Broads.

It is indeed but, when you are competition swimming, I wouldn’t think you would be admiring your surroundings too much!

batrabill - it’s probably a combination of all those things you mention.

It really doesn’t matter to me at all if there is another swim next year, it will still be the safety aspect that concerns me. I am quite happy for absolutely anyone to enjoy the Broads as much as I do, I just try and see all other points of view - for or against.

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No offence smellyloo but maybe if you did own and had experience of the way boat owners have been nailed to the wall with Toll increases theres the possibility you might feel differently about it. 

The Toll for my boat has risen 35% in 7 years, why would I not get anoid about people turning up and using the waterway for free!!

I am not suggesting as a non Toll payer your view is invalid but there are valid reasons some of us feel this way. 

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16 minutes ago, smellyloo said:

I could fall off a moter boat and be mangled in the prop.

I could be clonked on the head by the boom of a sailing boat and killed.

I could be moored up in my boat and killed by carbon monoxide poisoning

I could fall in the river whilst fishing and drown

So WHY the concern for swimmers partaking in an organised swim? I think BetraBill might have identified the underlying coarse ...... the blessed toll issue.

If I was lucky enough to own a boat I would and have been happy to pay the toll. Walkers don't pay road tax so why should swimmers pay a toll!!

Incidently you can admire the scenery whilst swimming, if I was up to it I would have very much enjoyed swimming that route ...... it really is a scenic part of the Broads.

I lived in Indonesia for a number of years, a small group of us rode high power motor cycles..... we often asked ourselves what is the most dangerous; riding a Ducati through Jakarta or bungee jumping without an elastic cord??  

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